The Angel Inside - 35 in English Love Stories by Khyati Makwana books and stories PDF | The Angel Inside - 35 Bored and Dead, Fooled and Cared..

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The Angel Inside - 35 Bored and Dead, Fooled and Cared..

Author's POV
It was 10 at night when Jay's eyes stuck to the clock after being bored all day and realizing that Amy wasn't home yet. He still contemplated whether to make a call for her or not. Sulking like a baby, he threw his phone on the couch that he had been sitting on; the TV in front of him didn't do the job of killing his time as the screen played scenes from a web series that didn't interest him. He glanced at the door, wondering if Amy would open it, but he had no idea of her whereabouts. He felt so hopeless that Amy left to work the very next day of her business trip. He heard his mother asking Amy to rest, as she had stayed awake all night for him. He wondered if she was worried for him. Getting up from the couch, he lazily headed toward the kitchen to fetch a glass of water for himself.

The whole day went into boredom as Miss Jenny made him take his meals and medicines on time, unlike other days when he would be dwelling on his hectic duties as a doctor. He clicked his tongue in annoyance as he got nothing to do. He got bored on the very first day of his official day off. He wondered what he would do in two weeks to kill time. He might become crazy. Noah and Emma had warned him—no, not warned, but threatened him—not to enter the hospital and take bed rest, even if he assured them he was fine, but to no avail.

He had spent most of his life in studies and medicine, and now he was clueless about his daily routine. He went to the backyard walking around, taking a deep breath of frustration he went back inside. Entering his room he tried to sleep, laying on the bed and shutting his eyes to at least take a nap but nothing worked.

There was a sudden noise of the roar of the engine, and he now knew it was Amy. He rushed downstairs from his room but his hands stopped near the knob of the door contemplating to open it. Was he being too desperate or was it out of his boredom? He took a step back, now walking to the kitchen, he poured a glass of water, and he heard the door being unlocked by Amy. Her figure walked towards the couch, and leaned back on it, closing her eyes a deep sigh escaped her lips. He looked at her exhausted figure and kept the glass of water on the nearby table making amy aware of his existence.

Amy: You didn't sleep.

Jay: was about to.

Amy: good night.

She said as she took a sip from the glass, leaving upstairs. Jay sighed returning to his room. What was he even thinking? That Mrs. Amy Conor the great wife would spare some time to sweet talk with her dear husband? Huh...ha..ha? Nice Imagination! He thought. He was surely getting crazier with each passing moment.

He once again plopped himself on the bed as his eyes roamed around the room finally stopping at a nearby distant photo frame. It was the same photo that his mom had given him in the morning. He sighed as every time he looked at it, he was immersed in his past.
The frame made him nothing but guilty. If he hadn't been stubborn to take his grandma into that garden, maybe his grandma's demise could be avoided.

He felt uneasy and tried to distract himself. He dwelled deep into his thoughts. It was so boring when one has nothing to do rather than stay idle in the house and have no one to talk to. He couldn't call his friends, cause he knew that they might be busy.

Do housewives feel the same way? Well, he was a househusband for now. He exhaled looking at the ceiling above him. What if the ceiling collapsed at him? He wondered, having the stupidest thoughts in his head. He rose from his bed, straightly walking to Amy's room, wondering if she slept or not.

He stopped at the front of the door hesitating if knocking on it was a good idea or not. He pushed his index finger surprisingly finding it open as he slowly peeked in but she was still awake and working, disappointment clouded his mind. But he was adamant. Cause it was already late in the night.

He knocked on the door, finally gaining her attention. She raised a brow at him as she spoke something on her phone while looking at Jay.

Amy: I'll call you later.

Keeping her phone aside she looked at him again.

Amy: do you want something?

He was dazed as words were stuck in his throat. He was now clueless about what to say while Amy sipped from a glass of water.

Jay: I... Uh... Can I sleep with you!?

Amy choked on her water almost on the verge of spitting out as Jay's eyes widened.

Jay: Uh I mean... I couldn't sleep so can I sleep here? Please...

Amy: uh ok.

She scoffed remembering he had now broken the second rule officially. She prayed that he wouldn't ever test her temper after all.

She turned back to do her business as Jay walked in and plopped himself on one side of the bed. He closed his eyes trying to gain some sleep.

Half an hour had passed but yet he couldn't sleep cause Amy was still busy. He wanted her near. It was already late in the night.

Jay: Please sleep beside me.

He whined like a 5-year-old kid clawing his hands in the air towards Amy wanting her to sleep while Amy stood dumbfounded, blinking for a moment.

Jay: Pretty, please...

The man in front of her was throwing tantrums like a baby, yet she decided to follow his words, shutting off her laptop and walking toward the bed, she lay down beside him.

*************************************** Candice: I'm sure she's gonna share that data with our rivals/friends and upcoming not coming business partners.

Alex sighed ruffling his hair back in frustration as his other hand swiftly rolled on the steering wheel of the car. He abruptly killed the car's engine, his attention all on Candice who had a sly smile.

Alex: what do you even wanna do, you didn't want to expose her, even stopped me from firing her. What's going in that little head of yours?

He snarled.

Candice: Men...

She snickered.

Candice: Well that was a suggestion. Ain't my deed 'cause you're the boss.

At this point, Alex was already pissed enough to bare her lame joke.

Candice: are no fun. Well, I want revenge from her. I had enough of her bitchy attitude, so let's make a fool out of her.

Alex: what do you want?

Candice: Let her believe, she's winning. She has always tried to seduce you, so now I want you to get seduced.

Alex: Ugh..then what?

Candice: Call a meeting right now at your house, change the plans, designs and the theme. Invite the team except for your lovely secretary.

Alex cringed at the word lovely.

Candice: The execution of the next ramp walk will be after a month, till then we play dumb.

Alex: Sometimes you talk like my sister.

Candice playfully rolled her eyes at the remark as the silence embrace the atmosphere.

Candice: Sometimes I feel, you aren't meant for business.

She spoke with sincerity looking at Alex in the eyes as if she could see through him right into his soul. Alex blinked away breaking the eye contact, scoffing a "nice joke" at Candice to lighten up. Deep down he knew she was somewhere speaking the truth. He was never into business. He just wanted to be perfect for the one he always wished for, to be an ultimate definition of perfection. He knew what he wanted.

The night passed with the sudden changes in the plan as the team drew in the efforts until the next morning. They were made aware of the mishappenings by the imposter and asked to stay alert about it.

The sun had risen falling right onto Jay's face, making him awake. He found himself cuddling Amy as he slowly removed his arms trying not to wake her up. His eyes found the clock which beamed 9 in the morning. He wondered if she had a day off too.

He decided to make breakfast, but the doorbell ranged. It was Miss.Jenny outside with her soft motherly smile. She greeted him and entered straight to the kitchen as Jay help her too with the chores. After breakfast was ready, he decided to wake Amy.

He entered her room finding her still asleep while he sat near her on the edge of the bed. He caressed her cheek with his thumb while his palm rested on her jaw, smiling to himself. She affected him every time their skin collided, he felt unusual but flowery. Taking his hand back in realization, he called her name, but she didn't respond.

Jay: Amy?

This time he held her shoulders, shaking her trying to wake her up. But still, she didn't wake up. His insides trembled. Something was off. He continued to shake her and pat her cheeks. He was really scared.

His hand reached for the glass of water nearby on the table, to sprinkle the drops on her face. Something gained his attention. There was a bottle of medicine. He held the bottle closer to his vision and his heart dropped.

They were Sleeping Pills...