You're my favorite rhythm... - 22 in English Love Stories by Pramila books and stories PDF | You're my favorite rhythm... - 22

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You're my favorite rhythm... - 22

I want to express my love to her/him in every language in the world...


Walking in the city streets of Singapore, full of modern civilization and ancient culture, somehow gave Ananya a sense of peace.

Only a few people in this world can make a few hours of acquaintance feel like years of togetherness.

Janani became very close to Ananya within a few days of their acquaintance. Janani became close enough to tell her love story to Ananya.

Ananya : Did he really do all this for you? Why do you always fight with him when he loves you so much?

J : I have no desire to fight with him. Did you know? Life without Charan is hell. Even hell feels like heaven with him.

Charan : Hey girls... What are you talking about? Rohan is looking for you...

J : I was telling Ananya about our love story.

Charan : Love story...? Which love story...?

Janani pats Charan gently on the back and left.

Charan : Why are you looking at me like this?

Ananya : Your unconditional love is so amazing. You really don't expect anything from her?

Charan : In Charan's point of view... Relationship or Love is a bond between persons who may not be equal in qualification, talent, money or age but equal in their commitment to understand each other.

Ananya : Your idea of ​​love is different...

Charan : This is also true... if you love someone who doesn't love you back, that means you are waiting for aeroplane in a bus "But someday someone will bring the moon down for you in the shape of their love." That one person Change the path of your life. Love is easy when you are connected to someone's soul.

J : Charan... Can you please come down?

Charan : Yeah baby, Coming...

Charan said good night to Ananya and left.

For so long, Ananya thought that a room with air-conditioning and a fluffy mattress would be enough to sleep peacefully. Now she realizes that good sleep also requires peace of mind. Charan's words keep echoing in her ears, Tears flowed from her eyes and soaked the pillow. Her thoughts began to race back six months.

Anand and Ananya's relationship grew stronger after Anand's first concert. Although they had not met even once in the last six months, they kept in touch with each other though the mobile only.

How amazing it is to find someone, who wants to hear about all the things that go on in your mind.

AJ makes her laugh hard even when she don't want to. He handles all her mood swings. Sometimes he annoyed her a bit but he takes care of her like a little baby.

While all this is happening on one hand, on the other hand Sharma is having some success in trying to pacify his daughter.

Ananya is now ready to face whatever life throws at her. This new confidence that made her successful in her project.

Ananya is very advanced nowadays. Now she doesn't write apology poems at all and instead only writes thank you letters.

"Thanks for being there when my whole contact list felt like of strangers...
Thanks for picking up my calls no matter what you were doing...
Thanks for listening to me when I was not even making any sense...
Thanks for understanding my fears and struggles...
Thanks for telling me that i will be fine...
Thanks for encouraging me all the time...
Thanks for being with me always...
I don't want to tell you this...
But hey... THANK YOU..."
This one letter was enough for Anand to start his days with a smile.


Like every other day, the earth was moving frantically.

But Anand was the only one moving his life without any fuss with soft music. If life goes smoothly as we envision it there will be no room for fear and excitement. But such a life would certainly not be interesting.

"I only pray you never leave me behind...
Because good music can be so hard to find...
I take your hand and hold it closer to mine...
Thought love was dead but now you're changing my mind..." [Stereo hearts]

The call broke Anand's musical meditation.

Earlier, the sounds of the call used to annoy Anand, but now, on the contrary, he gets a smile on his face.

[Anand uses specific ringtones for specific people so that he can easily decide whether to attend the call or not by listening to the ringtone.]

"Hey sleepy dog... What a miracle happened to call me so early in the morning."

"It's 10'o clock dude... Aren't you awake yet?"

"I told it was early morning for you. I have already reached the studio."

"That's great... i have a surprise for you. I think the surprise was waiting for you near your door."

"If there is nothing, definitely I will kill you."

Anand went and opened the door while talking to Ananya. To his surprise, someone was standing there, but the person was hiding face with a bouquet.


"Haha... how is my Surprise...?"

"What game is this? Why didn't you tell me you were coming?"

"How would it be surprising if I told you already?" As she tries to enter while talking, Anand quickly stops her.

"What's wrong...?" She raised her eyebrows and questioned him.

"Actually... I haven't cleaned yet and it's so dirty inside."

"I challenge you, it's definitely cleaner than my room... haha... Let's clean together"

Who said that traveling around the world with your loved ones is the only thing that brings pleasure, Cleaning the room with your partner makes you crazier than dating.

After finishing the cleaning work, Ananya went to the bed and fell down.

"This bed is so comfy, i don't want to get up" She closed her eyes and started pretending to sleep.

"Ohh sleepy head... get up" Anand grabbed Ananya's hands and pulled her to sit.

"Have a drink... And tell me first, What are you doing here?"

"I came here for my project" She said this while inserting the straw.

"Have you got the project, succeeded in it?" He exclaimed in excitement.

"I will know the result tomorrow morning, anyway I am praying that I don't get this project" She was sucking the juice without any concern.

"Are you mad? If you don't want this project, why are you working so hard? Why are you coming so far?" Anand was little disappointed.

"If I get this project, I will have to go abroad for more than a year, I can't leave my dad." There was some tension in her words.

"Yes, you are always worried about your father only." Someone's stomach is burning.

"If i don't care about him, who else should i care about...? Hey... is this your childhood photo?"

Anand quickly took the photo and hid it behind his back.

"Show me why you hide it... you look so cute in it..."

"No...Never..." As soon as Anand starts running from there, Ananya starts chasing him. As she grabs him, they both fall on the floor, laughing.

They eventually stop laughing as they realize their position. They're on the floor, Ananya had fallen on top of Anand.

Even after all these days of familiarity, their eyes never met this much close.

His heart: Have you seen how her eyes shine...? The sun melts for people like her.

Her heart : His eyes are so intense i want to look away... or never look away, i can't decide...

Both their hearts skip a beat for a second... Realizing her condition, Ananya quickly sat up.

"I'm... I'm sorry..." she blushed secretly.

Anand's eyes go wide in surprise, then his lips broaden into a smile. He shoves the photo in Ananya's hand and moves away.

"If you follow me I will show you some other photos" He spoke these words without even looking back. Because he knew she would follow him.

It was a huge room and everywhere you looked it was full of musical instruments. All kinds of new and old musical instruments in the world were there. Different types of paintings adorn the one side of the wall, New furniture, vases with real flowers, A small library-sized bookshelf lined another side of the wall and many decorative items are used. The other wall was full of photographs. All of them must be photographs that Anand has been collecting since his childhood. There were many photos taken with many famous people in many countries.

Ananya was looking at each picture one by one and trying to identify the people in it. To her surprise, Anand had also stuck the first photo with Ananya there.

She looked back at him in surprise, a mystical smile creeping across his face. She doesn't understand the meaning of that smile, but she likes it.

"Do you have experience with all musical instruments?" Ananya asked Anand while curiously touching all the instruments.

"We don't need to have an experience, we just need to feel it... do you want to feel?"

"YEP... But how?"

"Come here, and Hold this guitar like this... and you have to place your hand here and there... Not like that girl... Listen to me carefully"

Saying all this, Anand held Ananya's hands and tucked her with him and warps his hands around her from the back side. He continues his teaching... but None of his words fell on Ananya's ears. She froze at his sudden action.

Ananya feels his embrace, his face is so close to her that she can feel his warm breath on her neck. He holds her hands, his hand is very warm. She can even hear his heartbeat now.

He kept saying something. But all that was heard in her ears only in a soft voice.... She was already closed her eyes and half drowned in the music of his heartbeat.

Although nothing he had said so far had fallen clearly into her ears, only his last words were clearly heard...

"Anu... I love you for infinity..."


To be continued...