INTO THE WORLD OF MAGIC in English Adventure Stories by Saanvi Poddaturi books and stories PDF | INTO THE WORLD OF MAGIC

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It was evening,adams was trying to protect his wife as a few strangers followed her home.They wanted to murder her as she used magic.Adams tryed his best, unfortunately he could not save her.By now, they had a 2 years old daughter and he has hence kept her isolated from the rest of the world .The baby now was a grown up and became a clever teenager names as Scarlet.Though she had books to keep her away from getting bored.Scarlet was growing particularly lonly and had a very few friends.Adams still keeps this clandestinely skedadling into this bizzare place wher he does magic.He did not tell scarlet about the magic as he wanted to protect her.Scarlet was never made aware of her fathers job.One thing that knew is that it was a secret and hence she has always assumed that it was some sort of secret spy agency.One day, when adams went out for groceries, Scarlet found an old and rather strange book entiled as ''Magic-how it involved''.She read it and aghast when she read that ''Blacks'' were the most powerful magical family in the 12th CE and still are.Her family were the Blacks!!! She was ''SCARLET BLACKS''.Thats when she opened her father's diary.She never does,but this time her father went too far by not telling her a thing like that.She found out everything from where her moter was died.That's when her father called her and sayed ''Scar,I have to go for a week on urgent work.''I'll be back soon''.She replied, ''Sure dad I'll be waiting Dad''.She didn't tell anything to her father.She grabbedhis dairy,the book,the security card of her dad,a couple of documents and a glowing stick she found in her dad's work place.She stared at a huge door and entered the strange place with a entry card.She reffered her father's dairy ang got to know that she was in a place called 'Zugava'.Where the plants where all edibl and aliens lived.She saw a rather querr and anomalous building which was actually a hotel.So,she booked a room and went around to explore the place.She heard the sound of a person crying and ransacked the place out of  worry.She later found out that it was a old man who turned to be the king of the place.He was 800 years old and was suffering from a disease called 'zafi', which was caused due to eating a lot of magic powers.''Now,how in the world can a person eat magical powers?''Scar wonders.She got friendly with the the janitor of the hotel and soon got to know a lot of gossips around her.Turns out, that the janitor's name was Greta.When she reached the hotel room,she couldn't help but pity the poor king and desperately wanted to help him.She went around the place looking for answers.She then stumbled upon a upon a querr and ridiculous looking door and so, she entered it.She saw a alien with a huge eyes and elf-like ears dusting some books which were green.She asked the alien what place was and found out that it was a library.She was so happay,she immediately started looking and in a few hours,she found a book titled as ''Magic Powers'' and hence requested the alien and took the book with her.She studied it to find out that the king has unknowingly eaten magic powers .When he ate the cyber berry.'Zafi' cured by a potion which needed the tears of Jacque Charlie ,who turned out to be a monster.He is popularly called as the Madlad demon.Scarlet went straight to gretta and told her everything in a hope of help.Greeta replied,''I know an enchantrees who lives in the philon woods.She may be able to help you,''Scarlet said''but,the Philon woods are huge i heard the local talk''.Greta replied,''I did not know exactly where she lives but it is west of the rock shaped like a human skull !!Scarlet and greta wanted to find the enchantress together,and hence they left together.They roomed in the woods for hours andfinnaly found the skull shaped rock.They turned left left to see the a lady in a rather untidy cloak.She glaved at greta and said,''long time no see,right greta?''Yes certainly,said Greta.Scarlet greeted the old lady and told them why they came to her and then sighed.The lady says,''take my advise and don't continue this quest''!Scarlet says,''NO I cant do that to poor king,I promised him,''If i must'' says the lady and goes on telling about the dangers of the monster.''You can find the monster in Angallayus forest!!she said.He eats human meat,so be carefull warns the lady.''But how do we make him cry!!'',asked greta.The lady explained that only that wand of rebellion could make him cry...goes on describing it.Scarlet took out the glowing stick she found in her father's cuboard ''Oh my bubbling cauldrons'' explained the lady.That is the wand.Scarlet and Greta thanked and left.They go to the library,gather a few spell book and the cauldron and they head straight to the monsters house.On the way,Greta teaches Scarlet all sorts of defensive and protective spells on the way.They were walking while they saw 2 people carrying a huge chunk of meat.They went up and and asked them what they were doing and the taller one replied''My name is Alex and this is my brother Max.We are taking meat for the Maddlad demon so that he wouldn't eat humans.We have also built a castle for staying in''.''Can we join you?We are heading the same way'',said Greta.Then, scarlet went on on telling them about her plan.Max replied,''I have an idea''.How about we mix Zygerrian potion into this meat and give it to him?''What in the world is it''asked?,It is a sleep potion'' says Greta .Alright,just take out the wand of rebellion and says''Request for a Zygerrian potion'' and it appears infront of you ''said Max.Scarlet did as sayed and the Zygerrian potion appers in her hand.She pored it on the meatand saves a little for just in case.They heard the sound of a man screaming.They ran in that direction to see the horrifying monster who was about to goble up a man who looked like a prince.But as soon as monster smelled the blood and the meat being bought up by them,he dropped the guy and ran to goble up the meat.He was mad at Max for bringing the meat late and the time he ate it,he fell asleep.That's when Scarlet performed the crying spell which she learned from Great on the way here and monsters tears which were somehow green and slided down his cheeks.Greta collected his tears in a small container.Imediately the monster turned into a man.He said,''Thank you so much for saving me...You see,I am a prince and while hunting.The mega tardigrates,I accidentally killed a alien disguised as a frog.His wife cursed me to be in this horrendous state''.Now, by now making me cry,you have broken my curse,''said the man.Scarlet was confuse.''What are mega tardigrates?''she aske d''they are a magical species.It look like a tardigrate but bigger'',said the man.The guy who has dropped the monster came back to his senses and screamed ''Brother!!! You'r back! Oh! I missed you! I came here to remind you who you were but you have nearly ate me''he said''Well,that was all a sentimental but we are really need to get back and save that king who suffered from 'Zafi' said Greta''That's our Father!''said the man.''Oh, I'm Charlie and this is my brother Lucas''he said.They all hurried to the king and by following the steps in the spell book,Greta and Scarlet made the potion in the cauldron ang give it to the king.He was immediately healed.The king asked her ,''What's her name dear?'' I'm Scarlet Black.''Legend has it that a brave women from the Blacks family will break our family's curseand get married to the eldest prince,me said''Lucas''.The legend has come true.That women is scarlet,''said the king, Scarlet,''said the king,Scarlet felt a sudden jerk and found herself on the bed,''It was all dream''.Now,Scarlet explains the wierd dream she had and she writes a small story on it.Later she shows it to the world and becomes famous.