No Policy In Love-Part 34-True Lie in English Love Stories by Nithyashree V books and stories PDF | No Policy In Love-Part 34-True Lie

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No Policy In Love-Part 34-True Lie



Chapter Highlights…

Akshat nodded and removed his coat. He gestured for me to sit down and wrapped it around my back. 

“Take care, Kiku. Lie down if you want”, said he, clearing my desk. 

“Thank you, sir”, I thanked him as he massaged my head and returned to the stage platform. I folded my hands and rested my head on the desk.


As he continued with the remaining topics, I sobbed remembering how my busy parents left a maid behind to look after me when I suffered from viral fever in second grade. I feel the most gifted creature to have you in my life, Kiku. I don’t know if I can ever love you but I know that I shouldn’t miss your love.


Naomi’s POV

“Fine”, I whispered.

Shashank chuckled. He shrugged, looking around and digging his ears. “Darling!”, he exclaimed, with an energetic tone as if he were on the first day of his swimming class.  “Did you say something? I didn’t hear it though. Can you be a bit louder?”

“Fine!”, I yelled, bulging my eyes and gnashing my teeth at the demon.

He threw another round of wicked laughter. “I didn’t understand. What are you fine with? Come on, Naomi darling, complete the sentence otherwise how do you expect me to figure out the context…”

“Shut up. Don’t pretend to be cool as if nothing happened. That was my reply to your question…”

“No, darling. What question?”, he interrupted, nearing to hug me. I held both his hands up firmly to protect myself. I frowned. He laughed once again. I had never met such an annoying character ever before in my life.

“Don’t be boring. Oh come on, I know that you are left with no other choice. How can you call a romantic proposal a mere question? Am I here to take a viva or something?”, said he, running his fingers through my hair. “So, do you want to be my girlfriend?”

I pushed him by his chest, causing him to move a step or two back. “No doubts, I don’t want to be. But, you have enough to screw me…”

“No way, darling. Why do you think I will get you screwed? I want you to stay with me…I won’t let even a tiny sneak peek of the video get leaked if you become my gf. Hahaha! What else do I want?”

“Can you please stop? Yes, I…I don’t care about being your girlfriend…”

“Darling!”, called he, wrapping his arms around my neck and pulling me closer. “How romantic and unique was my proposal! It was so remarkable that if it was shot as a love documentary, it would have won the next Oscar. What more does a girl need in her boyfriend than his protective nature? I had the video yet I didn’t defame you. Look at how much I love you, darling…”

Tears accumulated in my eyes. I was getting creeped out like hell. Above all, I didn’t wanna shed a tear in front of him-a dangerous creep. 

Akshat sir, I badly need you. How I wish I could cry in Kiku’s arms. I didn’t know what to do. My eyes rolled hither and thither to wish Akshat to fight the bad guy and save me. But, Shashank shouldn’t doubt me at any cost. 

Urgh! Naomi, what’s wrong with you? Can’t you fight your problem by yourself? You just spoke for Akshat sir. When you can speak for others, why can’t you raise your voice for self-defense? Why do you specifically need Akshat sir when you’re lost in clueless trouble? Urgh! Akshat sir, please help me…I swallowed my tears.

“Shashank”, said I, with a soft tone. “I have to attend my classes now. Bye! See you later!” I faked a smile and released myself. I was about to leave when he caught my hand. I tried more than my best to free my palm but couldn’t; felt like a wrestler holding me.

“Please, I need to leave. I want to study”, I was annoyed to have been pleading with him.

“Don’t say please, darling. Come on, we are in a relationship now!”, he declared, bursting out another round of laughter. I banged my right foot hard on the grassland. I seriously don’t know how to handle the molester.

“Bye! Catch you at the cafe this evening. Four, darling?”, he suggested. I nodded. “Smile, darling. Oh come on, how many times should I remind you that I’m your boyfriend? Hahaha!”

I sighed with a wicked smile. “Yes, that's exactly the point. One doesn’t have to constantly remind them that they are the other’s lover. One can feel one’s love. True love doesn’t need to be reminded of, like the morning alarm buzzing to wake us up.”

“What do you mean, darling? One…other…love…alarm…Haha! What are you up to?”, he cackled.

“Forget it. Remarkable guys like you won’t understand. It's my Ki…” I threw my mouth open to see Akshat’s face on each guy of the gang of around ten guys passing opposite us. Kiku? Wait, but Kiku is just a single soul who exists. Why did his face flash in front of my eyes at that point? Urgh! I closed my eyes and shook my head. I faked another smile at Shashank and hurried away.


“Good morning sir!”, roared Karan, as I set my foot into the class. I raised my eyebrows as I stood beside the first bench of the middle row. I turned back.

“Akshat sir!”, I called him, in a trembling tone. I blushed with tears crowding the corners of my eyes. It was then, on the next morning after the blackmailer had exposed himself to me, that I met Akshat sir. He wore a black coat upon a light blue formal shirt tucked into white formal pants.

He smiled with his meek and hesitant eyes dilating at me. I felt secure when he was around me. Kiku, I don’t know how I can convey the matter to you…I feel so scared as if I witnessed a murder in front of my eyes, at midnight. How I wish I could hug him and weep my heart out. It's my fault, sir. I pulled you along while jumping into the pit. Our interactions began with guilt and I feel guilty once again today. Sorry, Kiku. I’m very sorry.

“Aloo! Naomi!”, he called, waving his right palm in front of me. I shook my head.

“Goo...Goo...Good morning, Akshat sir!”, I wished. 

“Take your seats, guys”, said Akshat, blushing and gesturing for me to sit down as well. He opened his textbook through the bookmark as Karan hurried to connect the laptop to the projector and I took my seat.

I rested my head upon my right hand. I couldn’t stop my cheeks from turning pinker as I stared at Kiku chuckling and instructing Karan to navigate through the folders and open the right lecture notes. His eyes happened to arrest mine as Karan hurried to the bench behind mine.

“Oho! Carry on, kanna!”, Vyomi teased, dashing my shoulder. I breathed hard as Akshat offered a pleasant smile at me. Karan let out whooping cough. Akshat chuckled at his book and concealed blushing by turning to face the whiteboard behind. 

How could I put you in trouble, sir? Will I lose your love if I share Shashank’s video matter with you?...No, Naomi, never. Akshat shouldn’t know this under any circumstance. None else should know it. I will deal with it myself. 

Shashank is bothering Akshat as I am his target and Kiku loves me. No, sir, no way. I don’t know if I can ever love you but I know the value of your limitless love and affection. I can’t dump my troubles on you as if they were sewage and you were the drainage. I opened a blank page of my notes. Hardly did I note a word, for, I couldn’t take my eyes off Akshat-his sweet eyes, sweet and genuine nature of attitude during the lecture, and tiny print-like handwriting hither and thither to include keywords on the board.  

Once in a while, he established an eye-contact with me and nodded. I pretended to listen but I knew that I didn’t! I had lost our cute little interactions due to the misunderstanding whose seeds were sown by Shashank in Akshat’s heart. It was after quite a long time that Akshat and I were happy. I can’t lose him again due to a very similar reason.

“Guys, quiz time”, Akshat announced. My dreamy eyes fluctuated as if someone drenched my face with water. Vyomi threw her mouth open at my blank notes.

“Dude, have you lost yourself in the woods of the Amazon forest? How come you didn’t make notes today?”, she whispered, at which I pouted at my notes. 

“Leave. I’ll copy yours in the PG”, said I. My startled friend shrugged and continued skimming through her notes.

“Sure, dude. What’s the big issue for you? You’ll manage although you didn’t concentrate. You might have studied everything upfront…”

“Hey, no...I doubt if I can manage today”, said I, chuckling along. She shrank her eyes. I insisted that she believes me.

“Sir!...No…Sir, please!”, emerged the voices from all corners of the class. I chuckled. Akshat closed his book and placed it on the desk behind him. He turned off the presentation with the wireless mouse. 

“Sexy! Guys, it's not counted for internals. Just a small knowledge check before proceeding with the next topic. What's the use of going on and on if you happen to be struck somewhere?”, Akshat convinced us.

Aww, you are damn sweet, Kiku. Lecturers come, teach and leave. Of course, we are in the university. But, you…I seriously don’t have words to describe my feelings for Kiku that day. He blushed, raising his eyebrows amiably at me. I nodded at which he pointed at me, announcing, “Sexy! See, I found support. Guys, it's just an open-ended two-minute quiz.”

Although most of my classmates shrank their eyes and shook their heads, to oppose the quiz, Akshat chuckled and motivated them along. “Let's not be lazy. Today’s law students are tomorrow’s lawyers. If we don’t tend to be serious, who will fight for the innocent?”

Aww, Kiku, I feel proud to be loved by you. Karan and a few other guys whistled at Akshat’s lines. 

“What is an act by which a State signifies an agreement to be legally bound by the terms of a particular treaty called?”, began Akshat.

“Ratification!”, answered everyone around me, in chorus. I looked around and swallowed my anxiety. 

“Sexy! Now, the next question. Under which convention are reservations defined?”

“Vienna”, roared the entire class except me. Oh my goodness! It was the first time I was completely blank in a class. I frowned, looking down at the bench and cursing Shashank to myself.


Love is so blind that it just happens unexpectedly.
You may fall for anyone!
Would you let go of your policy if you fell for someone you shouldn't? What would you choose-your policy or your beloved?

Akshat grabbed the book in his hands. He smiled and nodded at the class. He moved his tiny eyes gesturing for me at the seriousness with which our class concentrated. I faked a smile. Oops! I didn’t know anything. He will grow shocked as if one witnessed our own planet in the dark new moon night sky. Sorry, Kiku. I’m very disturbed due to the video. The scenes Shashank had captured, flashed over and over, to overtake my lack of concentration.

“Guys now lemme pick up two of you and ask a few questions. Ready?”, offered Akshat, his eyes shining brighter with a great deal of enthusiasm.

“No sir… No, please!.... Sir, this is cheating…You just declared that it will be an open-ended quiz. Sir, no…no…”, I chuckled at Karan joining his hands and denying the lecturer’s announcement. Akshat made students feel very comfortable; we felt as if we were back in school during his lectures. His classes were a perfect mixture of studies and fun. Who would mind taking such initiatives at the university? He was one in a trillion, not only as a faculty member but also as a human.


“Aye! Calm down, students”, said Akshat, displaying his palms open and gesturing for us to relax. “One of you must volunteer to answer me. Done? Shall we start the next round of…?”

Karan whistled at the announcement. “Sure! Yes sir!...”, happy voices emerged aloud from different corners of the class. I blushed at Akshat nodding and showing a thumbs-up sign at Karan and another gang of guys sitting in the other corner.

“What are the categories of international human rights instruments?”, he threw a question. I hid a strand of hair behind the ears and shook my legs restlessly. Vyomi raised her eyebrows at my absurd conduct.

“Sir, there are two categories-declarations and conventions. Declarations were adopted from legally binding bodies whereas conventions…”, Ruhi got up and answered.

“Sexy! You answered the next question that I had planned to ask”, said Akshat. Ruhi nodded with a stern smile and sat back. She turned back and gave me a wicked smile. My friends frowned at Sana and Tina who had just brayed. 

I moved my eyeballs a little hither and thither to notice most of our classmates setting their eyes on me. Stop it, guys. I don’t have an answer for myself. What will I answer in class? Urgh! God, bless me with the power to face Shashank with my usual brave face.

“List the three basic approaches to interpreting treaties. Guys, remember that they are different from…”

“Principles!”, said Ruhi, completing Akshat’s sentence.

“Yes yes”

Ruhi once again raised her hand and answered the question. 

“Sexy! Right one. But, why isn’t anyone else answering today?”, Akshat pointed out, with his meek and hesitant eyes, starting with me and going throughout the class. He shrugged at me. 

As the others hid their faces either by looking down or with notes above their heads, Akshat commented, “See, this is the issue if I ask you guys to volunteer. Only one student will keep volunteering. It's not domination, though. As an ideal lecturer, I want to ensure that each one of you has understood our discussions. Please cooperate, guys.”

At once, he established an eye-contact with me. I nodded. “What happened to you, Naomi? How come you didn’t answer a single question? Sexy! Do you think I didn’t observe your silence throughout the session?” I stood up and shook my head. His face shrank as he neared me. I swallowed my tears as he began to examine my eyes. 

“All okay, Naomi?”, he enquired. All eyes were on both of us. The three musketeers couldn’t stop frowning at Akshat’s concerns while my gang couldn’t stop blushing at Akshat and I looking into each others’ eyes.

“Sorry sir, I feel a bit feverish…so couldn’t pay attention”, I lied to him, as he grabbed my notes. Urgh! I feel guilty once again for the lie. I’m sorry, Kiku but I can’t pull my well-wisher who has showered true love into my awful world. 

Perhaps, I’m the queen of misfortune. That's why, I guess, my parents didn’t love me and I lived as a loner until you entered to color my life. However, I put those who color my life into trouble…that's why none ever wanted me…I sighed to swallow my own tears. 

Without any further delay, he rested his palm on my forehead followed by my cheeks and neck. “Ooo…looks like you have a slight temperature’, he informed me as if he were an MBBS student. 

“Vyomi, don’t you check on your friend? Did she have her breakfast? Does she stay up late every night? Being her roommate, you must know ....”

Aww, how much you care for me, Kiku. And look at what I have gifted you. Just troubles?

“Sir, no, she has been anxious since last night. I advised her not to be worried about her studies. She ate a few slices of bread today”, replied Vyomi, in her hurried tone. No, I was medically fine but mentally ill due to Shashank’s torture. To whom do I share my problem? I’m scared that I'll put them in big trouble. Shashank...I have been experiencing how dangerous he is.

Akshat nodded and removed his coat. He gestured for me to sit down and wrapped it around my back. 

“Take care, Kiku. Lie down if you want”, said he, clearing my desk. 

“Thank you, sir”, I thanked him as he massaged my head and returned to the stage platform. I folded my hands and rested my head on the desk. As he continued with the remaining topics, I sobbed remembering how my busy parents left a maid behind to look after me when I suffered from viral fever in second grade. I feel the most gifted creature to have you in my life, Kiku. I don’t know if I can ever love you but I know that I shouldn’t miss your love.

Sana moved her hands like a toy fan and pouted to warm herself up. “Sir, can we please turn on the fans? It's a little humid today.”

“Yes, sir”, added Tina, “Summers are on the way.” She dusted her neck, lifting it a little up. Ruhi and five other classmates supported them. Others inverted their lips and stood numb at me, the patient.

“Guys, we are in a class. Naomi, one of your friends, is ill. Let's adjust for a while…”, I smiled at Akshat taking a stand for me. I spoke for him yesterday; it might have sounded a little too much but nothing, in contrast, to how much he has always been speaking for me.

“Sir, it's alright. I can adjust”, said I, smiling and gesturing for Loyola sitting at the corner to turn on the fans. Akshat gestured for her to stop.

“But, Naomi, your temperature will increase. Don’t you have plans to get well soon?”, asked Akshat, raising his voice a little. I rubbed my palms and gestured for him to go easy. He shrugged. Aww, what a cute sign language moment it was! As Loyola turned on the fans, I shivered a bit but just rested. Hardly did I know that I had actually fallen ill before Akshat confirmed the same. What a true lie I uttered that day!

How will Naomi manage the video threat?

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