The Interview in English Short Stories by Akshay Nab books and stories PDF | The Interview

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The Interview

Sir lift sir sir......( Sigh)
( Phone ring)
Hello mom
Ramu where are you?? I have been calling you for an hour. Why didn't you pick up the phone???
I am on my way. My phone was in silent mode ma.
So how was the interview??
Ehhh.... It was not as I expected
Ohh... it's ok, come fast I have made your favourite chicken biryani and some gulab jamun i would eat it all if you are late😆.
Ma why do you have to mention that. Now I'm hungry😅.
Then come fast.
Ok ma
(Hang's up)
[Couple of hours back]
So Ramjith we are satisfied with your marks and all the achievement you have gained. But because of your inexperience and break of 5 years after your degree we are sorry to tell that you won't be getting this job.
Those words ring again and again in my ears i wanted to scream at the top of by lungs. Interview after interview I have been rejected. Even I'm fed up of wearing this fake smile and answering to these people.
(Sigh....) No point in complaining.
My next goal is to go home take a long hot bath have some food and sleep.

HAY hay.... Ramjith
You are Ramjith right
Yeah who are you???
I am Akash. I was your junior in school.
Ohh sorry I don't remember.
You might know my brother Anandhu. He was in your class
You are Anandhu's brother!!!. Sorry I didn't recognise you. How are you???
I'm fine bro
(Talked for some time)
Hay bro would you like to have a beer with me???
Mhh ok
(We both drank and talked about our problems. Me about having no job and he about breaking up with his girlfriend)
He dozed off after some time. He was a noob at this. After a while I left him and went to the bus stand. After a couple of minutes I got the bus and started my journey back. To make my day worse i slept and missed my stop.I realised it after travelling 13 km.
Now I am here a place where there is literally no one except for a small tea shop. I'm asking for a lift to the few people that come by at 7 in the evening.How can this day be any worse. After a long hour of waiting neither bus nor any one accepted my plea for lift.
Then I asked the tea seller if there were any bus or any type of transport here.
There should be a 3 more buses but because of a parade it will be super late. And there would be hardly anyone in this hour here in this area. How did you get here sir???
I explained the whole story.
Ohh sir most likely there won't be any bus today. I can show you a short cut to the next village from there you can get a cab or something.
Ohh that would be great. At 8 pm anything is great.
( He closed his shop)
Just follow me sir.
Through a very narrow road he walked with a small lamp light. Going further the place was getting too quite and too suspicious.
(After few minutes of walking)
Hay is the next village near????
..................(after a long silence)
Hay I'm asking you
(The tea seller turned with an evil smile)
( A knife in his hand and an evil laugh, the next thing was obvious RUN)
You are not going to run away from me sir
( Pitch dark road no one to help only me my phone's flash light and a mad man who wants to kill me for no reason)
I ran as fast as I can not knowing if I am taking the right way. Soon i saw some lights I ran toward it. I knew I was getting close to a road. That guy was very far away from me now.I sprinted toward it. Just before getting to the road something hit my head. My consciousness faiding..... Some unfamiliar faces
Sir sir ...... Call an ambulance, he is bleeding. sir stay with us sir sir wake up sir
Wake up hay wake up Ramu hay you are late for interview
I jumped out of my bed it was all a dream tears falling from my eyes. I quickly hugged my mother
What happened Ramu???
Nothing I love you ma

Thank you guys for reading my story hope you liked it.
{Guys always have a positive mindset that doesn't mean you have to forcefully avoid negative thoughts it means we have to accept the negative thoughts and consider positive things and hang out with people who always lighten you up then you will feel more relaxed}