A Walk To Our Forever - 17 in English Love Stories by Aara Modi books and stories PDF | A Walk To Our Forever - 17. Villain Is Here!

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A Walk To Our Forever - 17. Villain Is Here!

In-patient Hospital,


Half-an-hour later, when Advaith came back into the room where Aarohi was admitted, she wasn't there, but what irritated him more was the tray of food which was kept on the side table, and the food inside it was still untouched.

He was about to go and check her whereabouts when the door of the washroom opened and Aarohi walked out slowly with the support of the walls.

He immediately jogged to her side and was about to support her delicate weak frame, when Aarohi said, "I will manage."

Her word was sharp and it would be a lie to say that her words didn't pierce his heart. It was the second time in this evening when her words caused his heartache with unknown pain.

Advaith once again tried helping her by holding her hand when he saw her tripping near the bed, but Aarohi immediately freed her hand from his grip, and she slowly sat on the bed, but did not look up at him even for a moment.

"Why didn't you had your dinner?", Advaith asked with an audible sigh as his gaze once again fall on the untouched food in the tray.

"I am not hungry.", Aarohi's reply was curt as she slowly lied down on the bed, much to Advaith's irritation.

"Aarohi, if you don't know then let me remind you that you are here in this hospital is only because you skipped your food and then you fainted. I have come here to Delhi for a meeting, but here I am stuck in taking care of you. So please stop showing these tantrums and take care of your health, so that I can concentrate on my work instead of unnecessarily worrying about your health.", Advaith's voice came out laced with irritation as he roamed his hand in his hair in frustration.

He didn't know that why he was getting so much irritated!! Was it really because of disturbance in his work, or was it because he really can not see Aarohi lying there on the hospital bed!?

Aarohi stared at the person in front of her with no emotions in her eyes. She really could not understand that how a person can be so selfish and cold-hearted.

But more than that, what she couldn't understand was that what wrong she has done to deserve his rudeness!!

"Have I asked you to take care of me? Have I asked you to worry about me? Have I asked you to sit here beside me instead of attending your meetings? Then, why are you blaming me for each and everything happening in your life? Why can't you show a little respect towards me? Do you know, how much your words hurt me every time in my heart when you blame me for anything happening around you?! Do you know how much I cry because of all the rude words you are throwing at me since the very first day of our marriage?!", Aarohi asked dabbing her index finger at the place where her heart was, as her tears spilled out freely from her doe eyes.

Aarohi didn't knew that whether it was her mood swings or the frustration of days that came out as a sudden burst, while all Advaith could do was to stare at her blankly.

"You really want to know that why I am behaving like this with you? The listen, you are nothing but a mere girl who had entered my life uninvited and taken the place which belongs to Aamira, the only girl whom I ever loved and will always love her only. You are nothing but a forced wife, who is tagged along forcefully. You never deserved and will never deserve to be here as my wife, got it? So stop playing this card of innocence when you are not, because may be my family can accept you but I will never accept you in my life, never ever!", Advaith said inching so much close to her that she could feel his hot breath fanning on her own face, before he stormed out of the room angrily, leaving a shattered Aarohi behind.

Aarohi kept staring at the closed door from which Advaith had just stormed out, until her cellphone rang flashing 'Bhai' (brother) as caller ID, thus breaking her trance.

"Hello, bhai (brother)!"Aarohi wiped her tears and took deep breaths to calm herself, before accepting the call.

"Aaru, you ok, right? I just remembered that it is that dates of your months. Are you ok? Do you have any cramps or pain, dear?", As soon as Aarohi accept the call, Abhoy's worried voice came from another side, making Aarohi's eyes again filled with tears.

How much she wishes to run and hide herself in her brother's arms, so that Advaith or his rude words can never hurt her to this extent!

"Bhai (brother), I miss you.", Aarohi couldn't help but whisper in quavering voice, as once again her tears flowed boundlessly.

"I miss you too, but why are you crying, Aaru? And did you informed Advaith that you crave for ice-cream during your periods? Tell him and he will get you ice-cream, but don't suppress your cravings, ok??", Abhoy once again asked her, all worried for his baby sister's health.

"Bhai(brother), I am fine. And Advaith already bought me so many tubs of ice-cream. Infact, right now I am having ice-cream only.", Aarohi lied, looking all around the bland hospital room where she was left alone to cry at her fate.

Only if she could tell her brother that what kind of husband her fate has chosen for her!

"Ok bhai (brother), I am very tired. I will talk to you tomorrow. Bye.", Before Abhoy could say or ask anything else, Aarohi hurriedly bid him bye and disconnect the call.

Disconnecting the call, Aarohi got up and walked into the huge balcony which had glass railing. She leaned at the railing and looked at the beautiful view in front of her. Whole city was illuminating with night lights and the view was just breathtaking.

A sad chuckle left her lips as she relate her life with the view in front of her. She really wished that if there was someone in her life also, who come and brighten her life, just like this night lights are brightening this dark city.


Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj international Airport,


A man in his late 20s', decked up in black three-piece Armani suit, his eyes covered with stylish sunglasses, and surrounded by four bodyguards, came out of his private jet.

"Welcome to India, Mr. Sarsilmaaz. I am Shekhar Malhotra, the person you had contacted last month.", A person in his 30s' introduced himself, while the later one in front of him just passed a curt nod.

Taking out his sunglasses, thus revealing his beautiful hazel brown orbs, the man stared ahead of him at nothing particular, as he asked, "Have you got all the information which I had asked you to find for me?"

"All the information you had asked for is all ready with me. But--What about my payment?", another person replied and then questioned, as he lead the man towards the exit of the airport.

"Later on, hand over the file of all the information to my secretary Mike. As soon as you will hand over the information, you will get your payment.", the man said before he again wear his sunglasses, and then got into his black BMW, guarded by two more cars at front and back of his car.

Sitting at the backseat of his posh car, he rolled down the glass of the window, his emotionless eyes staring at the empty road of Mumbai, before he took out his cell phone and connect the call to the last person he had called.

"Mike, Finish this person as soon as you get the information. Ask your man to shoot him on the spot, and remember, don't leave even a single trace behind. I don't want any mistake. Understood?", His cold voice echoed in the car and he himself disconnect the call, even before the person on other side can reply.


In-patient Hospital,


"Though Aarohi's reports are normal, but still you have to keep a check on her diet. Yesterday, luckily she was admitted here on time, but sometimes this kind of irresponsibility can risk her life as well.", Advaith nodded on understanding as the doctor briefed him about Aarohi's health reports, before handling them to him.

"Also, I guess she is under some mental pressure. So, try to lift up her mood and give her some change of atmosphere, or else her health will deteriorate.", The doctor said further, alerting Advaith as he once again nodded in understanding.

"Thanks." Advaith said with a small smile as he got up taking Aarohi's reports, and then passing the doctor a small nod, he exited the cabin.

Collecting her discharge papers from reception area, Advaith went back to the room where Aarohi was admitted.

Walking inside the room, Advaith saw Aarohi sitting on bed, her clothes already changed into the one she had worn yesterday, and a nurse was instructing her something, may be about her medicines.

Once the nurse was out of the room, Advaith came by Aarohi's side and asked her, "Are you ready?"

Still not looking at him, Aarohi just gave him a curt nod and then tried getting up, only to fall back on bed.

"Wait let me hel--"Advaith reached his hands towards her to help her, but his words were rudely cut by Aarohi who immediately said, "Please don't!"

Advaith sighed as he saw her struggling to walk straight but her weakness was too much for her to keep her steps steady.

Gritting his teeth at her stubbornness, Advaith walked to her side in long stride and immediately picked her up in his arms in bridal style, despite of her futile attempts to get out of his hold.

"If you will fall down and get injured, you will be again admitted here, and honestly I don't have any spare time to be here with you taking care of you in this hospital.", Advaith said, his cold eyes staring at the closed door in front of him.

Advaith then shift his eyes towards her to look at her, who was already looking back at him with hurt clearly flashing on her face.

It pained him looking at those hurt expressions on her face, and honestly he didn't mean even a single word he spoke right now, but then he also didn't wanted to give her any hopes or may be he himself didn't wanted to let those unknown feeling bloom in his heart.

He clearly hate it, when everytime her hurt face affect his heart in such a way, that he only desires to comfort her and hide her in his arms, in such a way that nothing in this world can harm her anymore.

But then, a single thought of his love for his Aamira, and he burry all those feelings deep into his heart, before turning back to the same rude husband who is forced to marry a girl he doesn’t love.

Aarohi hesitatingly snaked her both arms around his neck and looked down a little embarrassed, as Advaith continued walking in the corridor where everyone kept looking at them, while he himself kept his eyes focused ahead, his face still cold and lacked of emotions.

Advaith had already called for the car from hotel they were staying at, and as soon as driver saw Advaith coming out of the hospital with Aarohi still protectively carried in his arms, he immediately opened the door of back seat before giving space to Advaith for accommodating Aarohi safely inside the car.

Making her sit comfortably in the backseat, Advaith glanced at her for a moment, before he bent a little and took hold of corner of her dupatta (stole scarf) which was hanging outside the car.

"You are not a small kid that everytime you need someone to take care of you.", Advaith remarked coldly as he kept her dupatta back in her lap, while Aarohi looked down, a little embarrassed.

Frowning at her red face for one last time, Advaith closed the door of her side before walking at another side and sat beside her.

After checking some important mails, Advaith kept his cellphone back into his pocket and glanced outside at busy road, before turning his eyes at the girl beside him, who was comfortably leaned back into the seat and was looking outside the window, lost in her own thoughts.

Looking at her lost self, Advaith's mind recalled doctor's words where she had warned him about Aarohi being into mental stress.

He glanced at the driver for a second, before turning his eyes back to Aarohi, as he said, "I will be free tomorrow evening. Do you want to go for shopping or sight-seeing?"

His voice was cold yet polite which immediately attract Aarohi's attention as she looked back at him with frowns, registering his words before nodding her head in no, as she replied, "I am not feeling well. I will have some rest."

Saying this, Aarohi once again turned her eyes back on the busy road outside and got lost in her thoughts.

Aarohi was confused for a moment when Advaith asked her out, and though she herself wanted to go out with him, but at the same time she also doesn't wanted to have some new hope, which she knew will be broken again by he himself.

Advaith looked at her expressionless face for a moment, trying to detect some expression on her face but failed, then leaned back into the seat, tiredly closing his eyes, and waiting for them to reach back to the hotel.


Barkat Villa,


"Have you got the information?" Asad Sarsilmaaz, asked before he took a sip from his glass of wine.

"Everything is there is this file. Also, my man has already killed Shekhar Malhotra, who had given this information to us.", Mike, the most trusted bodyguard of Asad Sarsilmaaz, informed before he passed the file to his boss.

"This is Priya ,Abhiraj Singh Khurana's wife, who is running an NGO for orphan children and this is Aashi, Abhiraj Singh Khurana's only daughter, a college student.", Mike said as he show pictures of Priya and Aashi to Asad, before turning the page and then said, "And this is Advaith Singh khurana, only son of Abhiraj Singh Khurana. He is handling business with his father and is CEO of Khurana Group of Industries. Though he is only 26 and has started his carrier few years ago, he has already made his name in business world and is known as one of the powerful businessman."

Frowns appeared on Asad's face as he carefully examined Advaith's information alongwith his photo in the file, until his gaze fall on another photo and something unknown flashed in his eyes, as he looked up at Mike and pointed at the person in the photo.

"Oh, this is Aarohi Khurana, wife of Advaith Singh Khurana. She is Abhiraj Khurana's family friend's daughter. She got married to Advaith around twenty days back and right now both of them are in Delhi for some important business meeting.", Mike informed further and then looked at Asad who was busy looking at Aarohi's photo.

Asad roamed his fingers on Aarohi's face in the photo before a smirk formed on his face and the only word escaped his mouth was, "Beautiful!"

Mike chuckled at Asad's expression before he continued, "Boss, there is something more to it."

Asad's trance broke and his face was again covered with coldness as he signaled Mike to continue, who nodded and said further, "Though Aarohi is married to Advaith Khurana, but it is a compromised alliance. Advaith Khurana already has a girlfriend, who is daughter of Moloy Sen, and the interesting fact is that Moloy Sen and Abhiraj Khurana are not in good terms with each other. Infact, Moloy Sen is hell bent to destroy Abhiraj Khurana."

"Huh!!It is more interesting than i had thought.", Asad remarked as his eyes squinted in anger, first at Abhiraj and then at Advaith's photo.

"Mike, I want more information about Advaith's wife, Aarohi Khurana.", Asad said looking at Aarohi's photo as his lips once again molded into smirk.

"Let the game Begin.", Asad gritted his teeth in anger and his eyes turned red with anger, as he gulped the whole content of wine left in his glass, before throwing the glass on the wall across him, breaking the glass into pieces.