Revenge of the Ghost - 53 in English Horror Stories by Sunil Kapadia books and stories PDF | Revenge of the Ghost - 53

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Revenge of the Ghost - 53

Baba’s face was painted with deep trouble. He knew deep down his heart that something was not right. Something very dark was lurking around the corner and he was desperate to stop that. But deep down his heart there was a war going on whether to stop what was going to happen or to let it happen. Was it a poetic justice? Was it the God’s judgement? Was he supposed to stop or not?

This war kept his mind occupied, but he realised that quickly what he was supposed to do and he just went after the constable who was taking Ravindra to the police station. The constable and Ravindra stopped and turned around. The constable was not surprised to be stopped as he anticipated some friction for taking Ravindra to the Police Station from Baba. Baba put his soft hand on the shoulder of the constable and said, ‘Is there absolutely necessary to take him to the Police Station? As you are already aware that Ravindra cannot do anything which he is accused of. You were there when the first attack happened and this was done by the ghost and not Ravindra. I hope you are aware of this situation.’

The constable said, ‘I believe you Baba. But the point is our commissioner and the law would not agree to this as none believes in the supernatural powers and let alone that a ghost can make someone do something without his/her knowledge. Hence, I am completely helpless in this situation. I respect Ravindra sir a lot and I know he has not done anything in this case.’ Baba and Mahabali looked at each other for a while and some cryptic message was interchanged between them.  No one else was aware of that apart from one person and that was Nagesh as he was going to play a vital role in the entire situation. Baba looked at Nagesh and he disappeared in a blink of an eye. Meanwhile the constable started the jeep to reach to the Police Station as early as possible as he also was not ready for any supernatural event.

As soon as the jeep left the place, Nagesh was there with a car and a cryptic expression on his face. He nodded and everyone was in the car with lightning speed. Nagesh was just behind the jeep. The constable was able to see them in the mirror and he was practically happy to see them as he knew that they were the only one to save them against the impending danger. Nagesh was driving very carefully while Baba, Mahabali and Shashtriji were chanting mantras constantly. The atmosphere inside the car was very holy but outside it was very dark and heavy on the hearts of everyone. The constable felt very odd, sad and heavy as he was near the same location where the last time the jeep was attacked and all his friends were killed brutally by the ghost. The constable was nervous and his palms were sweaty. His heart was pumping like fast running horse. He kept on looking in the mirror and the car was there right behind his jeep.

Station was just a few meters away and somehow the accelerator was pressed hard by the constable. Constable quickly stopped the jeep in front of the Police Station and literally ran inside the station and then he felt saved but he was not aware that he was not as he was about to face the biggest danger of his life. Ravindra was asked to sit on a bench while the constable went to call the commissioner.

Nagesh parked the car and stepped out with everyone else. Baba and Mahabali looked around and they sensed something dubious. Nagesh felt that too and he one more time disappeared without any warning. Baba and Mahabali chanted some mantras and entered the Police Station.

The commissioner was talking to Ravindra and Baba entered. Baba’s heart missed a beat. He could not believe his eyes and now the fog of confusion was gone. He changed the expressions on his face quickly and said to the commissioner, ‘ May I know the charge under which Ravindra was arrested? He is a reputed and highly respected Police Inspector. I believe he cannot commit any crime. He looked at Ravindra with pure and unconditional love as if he were his own son.’ The commissioner said, ‘Baba this is Police business and I would recommend that you don’t interfere in our business. We are following the protocol to the letter and accordingly a chargesheet will be prepared for Ravindra. Today he is arrested because we have some questions and we need some clarifications from him.’ Baba’s face turned pale and decided to just wait quietly. Mahabali and Shashtriji were still at the entrance and kept a close eye on the outside environment. The Police Station was a bit crowded because of a few drunkards were arrested too, hence some noise.


And then there was sheer silence, not a single shred of sound as if the entire atmosphere was filled with sudden eerie darkness. Every heart was frightened to its core. The entire Police Station was blanketed with a ghastly silence. Baba and Mahabali’s senses were heightened as the real danger was around. Both pulled holy powder from their hand bags and were ready to fight the evil. The constable screamed and without speaking a single word just pointed outside the Police Station and a jolt of fear shook everyone to their core as there were two bright red eyes staring at the Police Station with blood shot rage.


What will happen next? Baba’s connection to Sonal is still not revealed. But a new danger is on the horizon. To find all the answers please read the next parts of the series. Please provide rating and reviews whenever possible. Thanks