The Angel Inside - 32 in English Love Stories by Khyati Makwana books and stories PDF | The Angel Inside - 32 Inner beast

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The Angel Inside - 32 Inner beast

Author POV

It was almost evening while Amy had been roaming in the mansion after having her lunch. She entered the training area as Edward had invited her. She entered the large room which had an open backyard for training. She remembered her past when she was brutally treated as weak, Cody being the next mafia heir of the clan would always bully her and would mock her too because of her feminine body language.

She learned over years to turn her actions masculine. She developed charms and knew each trick to get attention and make people turn to her. She and four of her friends passed from the same school as Cody and his minions. She became a playboy in school as well as in her college days. She was an attraction in the eyes of both Men and women, no one could resist her playful charms. Though she didn't have sexual relationships with any of the girls, she would just date them for namesake and would break up as well.

Cody and his minions would always try to bring her down but she was unstoppable. She got a demigod status in the clan and no one would dare to lay a finger on her as Ash. But now being back to the reality of her identity as a woman, she was now being thought of as a pitful low life who is just made for being used and to be treated like a trophy.

Her demigod image was now thrashed and she needed it back. Her chain of thoughts broke as she heard Cody's mocking voice.


She heard Cody singing from afar basically teasing her. There were roars of laughter in the background as she found the guards around laughing. Soon Mateo and Carlos had entered the place with a frown on their face not quite registering the situation. Amy was silent she didn't utter a word and held a sharp gaze.

Cody: would you like to fight me, little princess?

He had spoken these words before, her initial stage where she was weak to do anything. He and his fake number of friends would bully her in Eward's absence.

Cody: Are you a scared baby? come on! I won't hit you hard!

Random chuckles were resonating the room which made amy curl her fingers into fists. Her blood boiled her mind thinkings of millions of ways to torture them to death. But she needed to be calm to claim her power and show them who owned them.

Amy: fine.

Cody had a smirk as if he got an opportunity to show his dominance to everyone.

Amy looked to the side to find the butler, he stood alerted by her sharp gaze.

Amy: Bring me Coffee within 5 minutes, boiling.

She said the other word a bit late adding weight to her words. The butler gulped and nodded as he rushed out to follow her orders.

Amy stripped off her jacket as her sleeveless shirt revealed her inked bicep of the drawn tiger which started from her collarbone to her elbow. Her piercings shone under the setting sunlight that peeped through the windows. She knew she had all the attention and the gazes were lustfully looking at her figure but she didn't care.

Reaching the boxing ring she took a huge leap to stand on the fighting platform she jump through the ropes that created boundaries as Cody did the same with much more arrogance while Amy kept a low profile.

Both held their positions as the fight started unalarmed. Cody didn't take much effort, he simply launched forward grabbing Amy's figure in his arms as he cackled. He was groping and teasing her by touching her in places. She knew he would do everything to bring her down.

She needed to make him angry, she gave a hard blow and hit him squared in the jaw, making him stumble on his steps.

The room which was one hooting and laughing was now resonating with silence. Cody seemed to notice it and it hurt his male ego. He now started attacking Amy by randomly throwing punches while she calmly dodged his attacks. She didn't even bother to attack him and slowly he was now starting to lose his energy.

Amy knew what she was doing, it was her strategy to make him exhausted and then attack when he wasn't in the position of doing so. 4 minutes had passed, and now the constant attacks that Cody tried seemed futile. It was Amy's turn to smirk now. Her inner beast unleashed.

She now lifted her left leg, launching at him on the side of his face. As she rained several blows and kicks at him.
It was now her time to dominate. She kicked him on the knee and his feet stumbled, he fell on the floor as Amy straddled his waist and continued to punch him, holding him in a lock position.

She could hear the cracking noises of his bones and teeth breaking. But she smiled, her bare hands covered in his blood, and blood sprayed on her face every time she punched him. His mouth was bloodied from getting the maximum number of punches on his face.

She wasn't yet satisfied as she looked around, the butler stood there shivering but Amy's looks demanded him to bring the coffee to her. Her one hand strangled him and another one held the boiling coffee she took from the butler.

She looked at Cody's face and smirked. He was almost on the verge of passing out but as soon his eyes landed on the cup he screamed. He now knew Amy's intention as Amy winked a sick smile at him.

She started pouring the coffee on his face. A low chuckle escaped her lips as Cody's scream started to get louder and louder. The pain was getting unbearable as the Coffee touched his already bleeding wounds, warm steam escaped from the hot liquid that was being poured on him. He trashed on the floor under her grip like a madman while she had been maniacally laughing at his pathetic state. The coffee mixed with his blood as it wetted the floor, making a mess. He cried in agony, his figure shivering and lips trembling with loud cries of begging her to stop. The room was silent as the men around were scared by seeing her wrath. The only sound that was resonating in the room was Cody's cries and Amy maniacally laughed.

There was a sudden push that yanked the cup away from Amy as it broke into pieces and splashed to the floor. She was angry and wanted to kill the one who had the balls to interrupt her fun. She snapped her neck to the one who had dared to stop her. It was Edward who had held her back as her other 3 friends were now worried. They all knew that this side of Amy was uncontrollable. Her inner devil could overpower and she wouldn't give a damn if people would die in her twisted fun.

Immediately few men rushed to Cody and get him emergency treatment. The ring's platform had now blood stains due to Cody's thrashing which led to his bloody hands rubbing against the floor while Amy stared at it blankly. She knew she was twisted but She couldn't control herself and it made her scared to the core.

More than fear she also enjoyed this. She looked at the blood in her hands but didn't feel a bit of remorse. She rather stared at the blood that now dripped from her fingers to the floor before mixing with her sweat.

She slowly bought her fingers to her face and she put one in her mouth wiping it clean with her tongue, the metallic taste of blood reached her tastebuds as she had a playful smirk on her face. She knew her friends were watching her each move and she loved teasing them making them fear her.

Her back now rested against the rope boundaries as she opened a water bottle, taking a small sip while pouring the rest on her face and cleaning the blood on her face. The wet clothes stuck to her body but this time no one dared to divert their eyes from the ground and looked her in the eye.

She yanked her jacket from the chair, slowly walking out like a tigress who just got the victory and had claimed her territory. The whole mansion was now aware of the power that she held. She wasn't a hidden ace of the clan for nothing. She was undercover in the underworld and would know about each clan's weaknesses. This was her reveal.

Amy had taken a long shower to clean off the mess of blood from her body. She wore her formal attire back and removed her piercings. She walked out of the room and walked into another one which was Cody's. She didn't bother to knock but pushed the door open and walked in like a queen.

Cody was lying on the bed with gauze wrapped here and there on his body as most of his face was draped in it, just leaving the right space for him to see, speak, and breathe.

Her heavy steps caught his attention and his sleep was killed by her. He shivered at her sight. her eyes didn't look at him but at a stunning decorated chair, more like a throne. Cody's delusional self was a lot more than it seemed.

She stepped towards it and took a seat on it. Her legs crossed, one leg rested upon the other. There was a wine bottle and a glass nearby the chair on a table. She grabbed the glass, elegantly pouring the wine into it. She took small sips from it in a classy manner and looked at Cody. She slowly raised the glass giving him small cheers.

Amy: you see! I didn't come here to greet you goodbye, but I'm here to warn you.

Cody wasn't even in the condition to act either he could call for help and none would help him without her order. he continued to stare at her.

Amy: You shouldn't have touched my man. my husband. You called for the devil and I wouldn't spare you the next time you do some shit. This was just a demo.

She spoke in a dark, hushed tone that filled tension in the air. She kept the glass back and stood up to leave. She didn't look back, sitting in her car, and left the mansion nailing the term called 'queen' in their heads.