A Walk To Our Forever - 16 in English Love Stories by Aara Modi books and stories PDF | A Walk To Our Forever - 16. Taking Care Of Sick Aarohi!

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A Walk To Our Forever - 16. Taking Care Of Sick Aarohi!

“Aarohi are you ok there? Please reply or else I will break in.”, Advaith asked as he knocked for second time, only to get silence in reply.

It was fifteen minutes later when Advaith decided to check once more on Aarohi, in case she needs some sort of help but when he knocked on their bedroom door, nothing came from another side, worrying him more about her.

Sliding aside all sorts of negative thoughts and ideas, Advaith finally break into the bedroom, only to see Aarohi lying there like a dead person, curled up like a ball. Her hairs were all scattered messily and her whole body was shivering even though her face was covered with sweat.

“Damn Aarohi! What is wrong with you?”, Advaith jogged at her side and hurriedly took her unconscious figure in his arms, and that’s when he felt her whole body burning with fever.

And very next moment, Aarohi was in Advaith’s arm as he carried her in bridal style and ran out of their suite.

“Hire me a ride for the nearest hospital?”, Advaith said, rather ordered the receptionist loudly who immediately nodded, being scared of monster in front of her.

“Sir all the cars in the hotel are reserved by the guests. You need to wait for few minutes till I book an external cab for you.” Receptionist informed as she kept the receiver back, making Advaith crazy at another level.

“Are you bloody kidding me? Can’t you see my WIFE is lying unconscious in my arms and you are giving me rubbish excuse of all your cars being reserved? Wait till I get back and I myself is going to change the whole staff here. Now tell me, where is the nearest hospital?”, Advaith yelled in rage at the receptionist attracting attention of all the people around them.

“What is wrong sir?”, Manager who got the news about commotion at front desk, came to check but his eyes widen when he saw Advaith fuming in anger.

“Ask your staff only.”, Advaith yelled again with anger as he was not at all in mood to explain the details to the manager.

“Sir, please calm down. The external cab has already arrived and waiting in front of entrance—“, before Manager can ask her anything, receptionist herself started saying in order to calm Advaith, but before she could complete her sentence, Advaith was already running towards the huge entrance of the hotel with Aarohi still unconscious in his arms.

“What the hell happened here? What did you do?”, Manager asked angrily to the receptionist, after making sure that Advaith has already left the hotel.

Receptionist nervously briefed about everything to the manager, and at the last the look on manager’s face was screaming nothing but absolute horror.

“I hope Mrs. Khurana will be fine or else we all will lose our job for sure.”, Manager murmured to himself as he kept looking at the way from where Advaith had left few minutes back.

“Didn’t I tell you to take special care of Mr. and Mrs. Khurana? Do you know who they are!?”, Manager angrily said to receptionist who meekly nodded in no.

“He is Advaith Singh Khurana, son of Abhiraj Singh Khurana who own this hotel. And Abhiraj sir loves his family a lot. If Mr. Khurana will know that his daughter-in-law is in hospital because of our carelessness, and god forbid if something happens to her, then we all will be unemployed for our whole life.”, Manager yelled at the receptionist who in return was just looking at him frighten.

In-Patient hospital,


Advaith was pacing outside the emergency room where-in Aarohi was getting checked by the best team of doctors. Since this hospital was also under the title of khurana group of industries, they knew who Advaith Singh Khurana is and who Aarohi Advaith Singh Khurana is!

As soon as he heard the door of emergency room open, he without thinking, ran inside the room pushing the doctor aside, also taking her by surprise.

Inside Aarohi was sleeping calmly with her eyes closed and IV drip attached to the back of her right hand. Her face was as usual calm and her hairs were spread on hospital cushion, adding more to her natural beauty. She was looking simple yet beautiful even in her unconscious form.

But something was not right….

…His heart wasn’t liking her this calmness!

He slowly walked until he was standing beside her and his hand raised on its own to caress her hair locks falling on her forehead….. Slowly yet lovingly!

“Don’t worry Mr. Khurana. Your wife is absolutely fine.”, said the lady doctor in her 30s’ who was in-charge of Aarohi’s case.

Doctor’s voice bought Advaith back to reality and he immediately withdraw his hand which was earlier caressing Aarohi’s hairs.

“What had happened to her?”, Advaith asked, and he was once again back to his old rude form.

“I guess she hasn’t had food for a day or so. Also she is already having her menstruation cycle, so due to weakness and fever she fainted. I have already kept her on IV drip and she might get her consciousness anytime soon.”, doctor filled him with required information about Aarohi’s health, earning an understanding nod from him.

“Thanks doctor. By the way, can I take her back to the hotel once she get conscious?”, Advaith asked as he really didn’t wanted their family to know about her condition or else they will be worried. And since this hospital comes under Khurana group industries, he knew that his father will know about it if they will stay here for long time.

“I am sorry but we have to keep her here for tonight to observe her.”, Doctor informed further with apologetic face.

“Fine then arrange VIP room for her and shift her there. Also take special care that not a single word about Aarohi being admitted here should go out of this hospital premises. Not even my father should know about this. Got it?”, Advaith warned dangerously earning a quick nod from later.

In few minutes, Aarohi was already shifted to the most VIP room in the hospital with all the needed facilities at hand’s distance.

Looking once more at her sleeping form, Advaith made himself comfortable on couch and started going through his mails but nothing helped his restless heart.

His heart and mind was again and again going towards the girl sleeping in front of him, and he couldn’t help but gaze at her intensely.

Everything about her was attracting him against his own will, specially after last night when he had almost kissed her!

Frowns appeared on his forehead as flashes of last night rushed back as a memory in his mind.

Reverie of his thoughts broke when he noticed some moments in Aarohi and next second he was standing beside her, helping her to sit comfortably.

He adjust some soft cushions behind her back for her comfort, whereas Aarohi kept looking at his face to find any kind of expression from his side, but got nothing except blankness.

“How are you feeling now? Are you feeling dizzy or any kind of weakness anymore? Should I call doctor to check on you?”, Advaith asked as soon as he finished adjusting cushions behind her, taking her by surprise at his sudden care.

This was first time since their marriage, when Aarohi is seeing something other than a his rude behavior towards her.

She glanced back at him who was impatiently waiting for her reply with frowns on his forehead.

“I am fine.”, Her reply was short, before she averted her gaze and turned her face other side.

“Oh! Then I will ask someone to deliver food for you. You haven’t had food for long time and because of that you fainted.”, Advaith said once again, looking at her face to find any kind of reaction.

“You had your food?”, instead of replying, Aarohi asked him about his food as she knew that even Advaith might not have eaten anything.

I’ll have it later. First you need to eat something.”, Advaith replied calmly as he pressed the emergency bell near the end of her hospital bed.

In no time, nurse was there at their service to whom Advaith asked to bring Aarohi’s food.

“When are we going back to the hotel?”, Aarohi asked when nurse left the room.

“You will be kept here under observation for tonight so we are probably going back tomorrow morning.”, Advaith once again replied calmly as he sat on stool kept beside hospital bed.

“Thank you.”, Aarohi said out of blue, making him confused.

“For taking me here to the hospital. I didn’t realised when I fainted.”, Aarohi continued further when she saw Advaith’s confused face in response to her ‘thank you’.

“Its ok. You have came here with me so you are my responsibility. And if something would have happened to you then mom-dad and Aashi would have killed me.”, Advaith said but nothing in his words was hinting humor, which means he wasn’t joking about it.

Aarohi nodded as she had nothing to reply him. For a moment she was happy thinking he is worried for her, but now it seems that he did helped her and got her here at hospital just to fulfill his responsibility.

He would have done the same if there was some other girl instead of her! ~ Aarohi’s expression saddened as the thought crossed her mind.

Sudden change in her expression confused Advaith but before he could ask anything, nurse came inside with Aarohi’s food.

“Do you need help?”, Advaith asked when he saw her struggling in holding spoon with her right hand as IV drip was injected in the same hand.

“No, I will manage. You also have something.”, Aarohi said without looking at him, as she continued eating slowly and difficulty.

“Tch! Don’t force yourself when you can’t. Let me help you.”, Advaith said with little irritation when he saw her struggling more and more and slowly took the spoon from her hand.

Aarohi kept looking at his face when he held the spoon in front of her mouth, but she still didn’t opened her mouth.

“What happen? Why are you not eating?”, Advaith asked as he was little uncomfortable under her intense yet blank gaze.

He looked into her eyes as he saw tears welling up in them, before she averted her gaze turning her face, and a tear rolled down her cheeks.

“Please, I will eat by my own.”, Pleading in her voice was so intense that he immediately gave the spoon back in her hand, before storming out of there with heavy heart.

As soon as Advaith was out of the room, Aarohi pushed the dish aside keeping it on the side table and lied back on bed, burying her face in pillows as she let her tears emerge freely in the depth of those pillows.

His care at one moment was giving her false hopes but then him getting back to his old self again break all her hopes like a shattered glass!!

Here as soon as Advaith came out of the room, he rubbed his right palm on his heart to calm down his racing heartbeats.

Why does her tears affect me this much ~ was all he could think at that moment.

Yes, her tears did affected him a lot more than he could handle.

When he saw tears welling up in her eyes, something sharp pained his heart which he himself couldn’t understand or describe.

He wanted to comfort her and hide her in his chest until she stop crying, but then he just couldn’t!!