You're my favorite rhythm... - 17 in English Love Stories by Pramila books and stories PDF | You're my favorite rhythm... - 17

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You're my favorite rhythm... - 17

Sometimes all we need is a better hug to cry.... How can a hug that lasts for just a few seconds give someone so much peace of mind ?

Have you ever felt that hug when the person you want to break down and cry is too far away to hug...?

In fact, I'd say you're very lucky if you've ever felt it...


Testing men's patience has become a chore for women nowadays... lol...

Anand waited as long as he could but could not maintain that patience for long....

After many hours of thinking whether to do it or not, he made a decision and called Ananya.

On the other hand, Ananya completely forgot Anand while playing with Ramesh. She remembered him only when he called her. She picked up his call as soon as the mobile rang.

Ananya : Sorry Sorry Sorry... I completely forgot what I told you. All this is due to Ramesh.... oh god... It's 1 am and still not you asleep ?

AJ : Nope..... I.... I was waiting for your call.

There was a lot of sadness in his words, which he tried to hide, but he couldn't.

Ananya ( in low pitch ) : I'm.... I'm really sorry....

Anand was sure Ananya felt guilty about her actions.

AJ : Hey Anu.... I'm just kidding. Did i disturb you in this untime, actually i want to know if you are fine or not ?

Ananya : Nothing like that. I'm not sleeping yet.... In fact, Ramesh didn't let me sleep.

His heart : Who is Ramesh ? Bro... Do you know any details about him ?

His brain : According to my data... Ramesh is.... wait... WHAT ? He... She said this name several times but i didn't know who he was.

Ananya : Actually i want to congratulate you and thought to tell you this.... I Heard your upcoming movie songs. It is an earworm ruling the playlists of all in the recent times. A girl expressing her love is too cute to listen. And the lyrics.... WOW... over all this song is such a treat.

AJ : So.... did you like it ?

Ananya : Of course... I felt like, that song was written for me. Don't get me wrong that's how I feel whenever I listen to your song.


You are right....

Ananya copes with the situation and tries to divert the topic. Because she didn't want to upset him either. She was disappointed by her father but she knows that Anand will never be responsible for her current state.

On the other hand, Anand clearly knows that Ananya is hiding something from him. But he didn't want to ask her about it. He thought it was all his fault and It was because of him that she got into the struggle. He wanna correct his mistakes but doesn't know how to do it, which is why he was rude to the media that day.


AJ : I know this is obvious, but I'd love to meet you, would you like to do a skype call ?

Ananya : Now.... okay.... But Can you wait a little while until I get my laptop ? Because my mobile is broken so I can't use it.

AJ ( in mind ) : I have been waiting for your call for a week. No loss will be incurred by waiting a little longer.

Today's technology makes many things very easy. Because It took only a few minutes for the two distant poles ( hearts ) to join.

At that time Anand was feeling so nervous without even knowing the reason. He doesn't have the courage that he had when he said that he wants to see her face at least on video call.

But he never imagined that the smile on her face would bring so much joy and relief to him. He was thinking that he could talk to her and convince her but she was the one who convinced him now. It became a great task for Anand to keep the tears from flowing.

Anand couldn't understand why the second he saw her face had changed him so much. He was amazed at how the worries that had been on his mind for a week disappeared in an instant.

Anand remained speechless for a long time at the beauty of her eyes moving here and there and the beauty of her smiling petals.

Ananya : Hey... Anand Are you listening to me or not ? Why are you sitting like a statue ? otherwise is there any signal problem ? am i auditable to you ?

Unaware that he is sitting like a statue because of her beauty, Ananya thinking it is a signal problem and starts moving here and there and changes her position in search of signal.

AJ : Hey girl, Can't you sit in one place? Why are you moving here and there? Hey wait, Turn your laptop slightly to the right, who's lying there ?

Ananya : Ushhhh... Don't speak loudly, he will wake up.

AJ : who is he ? What's he doing in your room ?

Ananya : Didn't I tell you about Ramesh, it was him. He slept more in my room than in his house.

Knowing that Ramesh was a small school-going kid made Anand a little happy but also a little jealous in some corner. Because after that all the words Ananya spoke were about Ramesh. If Anand knew how to do magic, Ramesh would have discovered from Ananya's room right now.

His brain : Hey bro... it's soo funny... hehe... Are you jealous of that little kid?

AJ : Wait a minute, do you hear any noise?

Anand looked back and then gestured to Ananya as if he would come back soon and left. Ananya was watching closely what he was doing.

He went to his bed and was doing something there. Sometimes he seemed to be talking to someone and sometimes he seemed to be smiling. It was only clear to Ananya that someone was there.

" If this is his room then whoever is there at the moment ? What is that person doing in his bed ? Why didn't the person get up from the bed even after he went near ? Maybe that someone is a girl? " Many such questions were piercing Ananya's mind.

But Anand did not make her wait for long and soon he was coming towards her with a small child in his hand.

AJ : Anu... I think it is a very lucky day that I have never had such a happy day in my life and only good things are happening to me today.

Ananya was staring at him not knowing what to say.

AJ : Baby, Anu doesn't understand what I'm saying, tell her yourself...

Jaju didn't understand what Anand said and smiled at him showing his two teeth.

AJ : Why are you smiling now? Please say it for my sake one more time.

The child kept smiling and saying " Da... Dada "

AJ : Anu.... Did you hear what she said ? She calls me " dada " for the first time.

The child continues to giggles.... " dada dada "

Anand hugs the baby and gives her many kisses... A small tear drops from his eyes runs down his on cheek. Surely those are tears of joy.

Ananya, who was watching this scene, had tears in her eyes without knowing reason.

Ananya : She looks angelic...

Anand : You needn't doubt that, she is truly an angel. She is my happiness and peace and not only that, she is my everything. Even if i says she is my life, it will be less.

Ananya smiled at Anand but that smile was full of confusion.

Anand : Baby.... Your mother will surely be jealous of me if she knows that your first word is " Dada ".

Ananya : oh god.... I can't stand the suspense. please tell yourself whose baby this is.

On hearing what Ananya said, Anand started laughing without realizing it and seeing him the child also started giggling.

Anand ( in husky voice ) : It's a secret... I've never told anyone about her but today I'm telling you.... " She is my DAUGHTER ".

Ananya : Daughter ?


Jaju has been a suspicious character since the beginning of the story.

What do you think about Jaju ?

What relationship could there be between Anand and Jaju ?

How will Anand and Ananya's life change because of Jaju ?

Keep guessing, I'll reveal it soon.

To be continued....