Love By Accident - 8 in English Love Stories by Amitanshu Samal books and stories PDF | Love By Accident - 8

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Love By Accident - 8

Arnav took Ayesha to the library. Behind the shelves, there were a few books, old calendrers, some sketches, etc. Till then, Ayesha was silent. After making some space on the floor, Arnav asked Ayesha to sit. When Ayesha didn’t move, Arnav knew something was wrong. He asked her “Hey Ayesha! Are you ok?” Anger was boiling up inside Ayesha. When Arnav asked again, she couldn’t hold it. She replied furiously.
“Are you mad or what? How dare you drag me from the canteen to this lonely place? I don’t know you very well. What do you think of yourself? Why the heck did you give one thousand rupees in exchange for me? Now, thanks to you they are thinking that I am your girlfriend. So, very much thank you.”

Arnav was listening with all eyes wide open. He was thinking what a wrong picture of him she had made in her brain. But he said nothing. Arnav took out a first-aid box from the shelf, opened it, and put it in her hands. He then calmly said:
“I know you don’t know me, and I had a bad impression for the first time. But we are friends. And pardon me for touching you without your permission. I didn’t have any kind of bad intentions. I saw you dancing. Truly honest, you are a very good dancer. But I saw that your hand was aching, and you were feeling uncomfortable. And I know that those seniors were not going to leave you soon. So, I told them that I have a little work with you. I will tell them that you are my relative. So, don’t worry. And take this box and clean your wound. I am so sorry if I have done anything wrong to you. This place isn’t lonely. This is the backside of the library. On the other side, there are students. It’s my secret place where I can find peace. Please do first aid and leave and never tell anyone about this place. Again, I am so sorry. I won’t cause you any problem further.”
he said and went away with a sad smile.

Ayesha was listening. He was right. She should have controlled her anger. She had hurt him. He was trying to help her. Instead of thanking him, she judged him. A heavy guilt took place in her heart. She wanted to apologize to him. She quickly changed her bandages and put the box back on the shelf. While putting it, a bundle of drawing sheets fell. She put them up. When she looked at the drawings, she couldn’t believe her eyes. They were not drawings. They were live pictures. All are inspired by nature and daily lives. The sunrise, garden, college road, fishermen, birds, everything was so real. It was very interesting and unbelievable. She was mesmerized by the tiny effects he had added to it. She had told very wrong things to him. But she was right in one case, that she doesn’t know him better. She was going to see other pictures as well, but at that moment her phone rang. It was her friend. She told her that the class was going to start soon. So, she put it back on the shelf and went to attend her classes.

In the afternoon after the classes,

All the classes had ended. Students were returning to their respective buses. Some were going with their own transport system. Ayesha told her friend that she won't come with her. She explained to her everything that had happened in the morning and told her that she wanted to apologize to him. She went to a nearby shop and bought dairy milk. Then she got on the bus to which Arnav used to go and waited for him. After a while, Arnav got up on the bus. At first sight, he saw her. But he ignored her like he didn’t know him and sat on another seat. She knew that he was upset, and the reason was she. She got up from her seat and went to Arnav. She gestured to him to give her space so that she could sit. Arnav shifted towards the window without any expression and put his bag in between. He then took out his AirPods and streamed the music. Ayesha was feeling very sorry. But she was not going to give up so soon. At first, she called him. When he didn’t listen, she gently pinched him. But when he didn’t listen, she opened his bag and put the chocolate inside it with a sorry letter. Then she remained silent and waited for him to look at her and reply. But he didn’t do anything. Ayesha’s station came and she got off the bus with a sad expression. Arnav’s expression didn’t change. After a while, his station came, and he got off the bus.

In the evening..........

After coming home, Arnav freshened up and took some rest. And in the evening after prayer, he ate some snacks. Then he went to his room to do his studies. He locked his room inside and opened his bag to take out his notes. But to his surprise, he found a Dairy milk silk paper wrapped on it. When he unwrapped the paper, he saw that there was a note written there. He read it. It wrote:
“Arnav. This is Ayesha. I am so sorry for my misbehavior today. I didn’t mean to hurt you. I was just afraid. I am sorry. You were trying to help me. You rescued me and did your job as a friend. But how easily I said that I don’t know you? You helped me repair my scooty and today too you were helping me. So, I am really really sorry. Please forgive me. I have been always short-tempered. I will not do anything like this again. So, can we be friends?”

Arnav was reading the letter silently. He couldn’t believe that she had written the letter. He couldn’t think of how to reply to her. He opened WhatsApp, opened Ayesha’s profile, and wrote “hi”. But soon he deleted this. He came up with an idea to pretend that he didn’t receive the chocolate and letter. He put his phone aside and started doing his assignment. On the other hand, Ayesha was tense about whether Arnav would forgive her or not.
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