Forgotten Promise - 16 - A plan of my own in English Love Stories by Maria AME books and stories PDF | Forgotten Promise - 16 - A plan of my own

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Forgotten Promise - 16 - A plan of my own

Alexandra P.O.V

I fell asleep on the bed then I woke up at midnight because I was thirsty so I went out of the room to go and drink a glass of water. Out of sleepiness I forgot this was not my apartment.

So when I passed a room I heard crying. That was when I realized I was in Kelvin’s house.

That sounds like a child.

I tried opening the door but it was locked so I knocked and became quiet “Are you okay in there?” I asked but got no response.

Who’s room is this?

I thought for a while who else could leave here then I now remembered the little girl in the pool

Wait a sec is it daisy?

I knocked again but still got no response so I decided to just go back to my room.

Maybe she got scared. I hope she is okay but why’s the door locked? Did she lock it from inside? I wondered to myself as I headed back to my room.


The next day after I was done with work I went to see Samson.

Luckily Brittany was there and she helped convince the doctor to let me in.

Sam was bandaged all over. I was shocked to see it was that bad. Tears filled my eyes.

I sat beside his bed.

“Sam I don’t know if you can hear me, but I am very sorry this happened to you but…” I sniffed

“…but I hope you regain consciousness and come back to normal” I said as tears rolled down my cheeks.

“I don’t know what happened to him” Brittany says beside me she looked like she hardly got enough sleep.

I hugged her and we both cried “don’t worry Brittany hopefully your brother would get well soon” I said trying to console her but I felt very guilty.

This is all my fault I shouldn’t have let him go with me to the party, should I report Kelvin to the police?

“I can’t” I accidentally said.

“You can’t do what?” Brittany asked.

“I can’t believe this happened” I lied.

“It’s okay Alexa it’s not your fault” she says with a sad smile.

Yes it is.

No matter what I just couldn’t bring myself to expose Kelvin, he was never like this he was always there for me no matter what I did or if I tried to push him away or got angry with him, well that was before I left.

I signed this was a hard decision for me.


When I got back to Kelvin’s house he was waiting for me already.

“Alex where did you go to, do you know what time it is?” Kelvin asked in annoyance.

I ignored him and just went up the stairs.

I sent some money to Laura for mum’s medication then I got a message from her.

Laura: Received, thank you sis.

Me: (smiley face emoji)

I brushed my teeth and took my bath then I looked at myself in the mirror I had brown skin with long black hair and I looked tired I barely slept last night I kept thinking of what I should do but in the end

“I don’t know what to do, what if something like this happens again? It’s all my fault” I said to myself.

Then I heard a knock on the door, it was coming from the room door.

I was still wearing my towel, so I came out of the bathroom.

“Miss Alex, aren’t you going to have your dinner” Mr Donald asked outside the room.

“No I would not, but thank you!” I said.

“Okay then” I heard footsteps so I assumed he had gone.

I wore my pyjamas, put on my glasses and read my book for 1h 30min then I laid down to sleep but still couldn’t sleep so I got out my diary and wrote down a few things.

What if I come up with a plan of my own.

“hmm…” but what should I do?

I thought for a while then I tried to imagine how Kelvin was before, he didn’t talk much, likes playing games, he likes to play his guitar once in a while, likes to make fun of me when he is bored, hates the colour pink and likes purple, hates getting himself dirty, and his scared of cats even though he wouldn’t admit it, I know that because we came across a stray cat one day and he unintentionally hid behind me out of fear the cat had green eyes too so I used that to make fun of him.

Dang it none of this would help me out with a plan.

Then something came to my mind, something I had noticed today.

He still wears that ruby necklace.

“Nah that isn’t going to help me either”

I guess he changed when I left.

An idea finally came to me.

How about I try getting close to him then he could tell me what happened to him these past few years and then we make up and things can go back to normal but-

“It might not be that easy” I kept my book and laid down to sleep when I heard some noises coming from the window, I didn’t bother to check, I just closed my eyes and fell asleep.