Benifits of massage for diabetics in English Health by Dr. Bhairavsinh Raol books and stories PDF | Benifits of massage for diabetics

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Benifits of massage for diabetics


Massage means the act of rubbing and pressing somebody’s body in order to reduce pain or to help him/her relax. Massaging is manipulation of tissues (as by rubbing, kneading, or tapping) with the hand or an instrument for relaxation or therapeutic purposes.

Massage at insulin injection sites in diabetics may increase insulin absorption. In addition, the studies suggest that massage may have a positive effect on blood glucose levels and symptoms of diabetic neuropathy.

Massage in diabetic peripheral neuropathy:
Massage therapy can be beneficial if you have neuropathy with symptoms such as numbness, tingling or pain in your hands and feet.
It has been shown that foot massage intervention reduces the patients' pain levels and has a positive effect on their sleep quality. Accordingly, foot massage can be recommended to patients with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma to reduce their peripheral neuropathy related pain and improve their sleep quality.
Regular exercise, such as walking three times a week, can reduce neuropathy pain, improve muscle strength and help control blood sugar levels. Gentle routines such as yoga and tai chi might also help. Quit smoking.

Duration for massaging your feet for neuropathy:
Daily, detailed self-care is essential in order to improve or reverse the tissue damaged caused by peripheral neuropathy. The suggested client homework is as follows:
•Spend 15 minutes each day on each foot.
•Lightly massage both feet as deeply as you can without causing pain.

Benifits of massage:
(1) Massage therapy is known to have benefits on lowering anxiety and stress and the effects are likely to extend to people with diabetes to some extent. Stress is known to negatively affect diabetes control and therefore reductions in stress may result in improved blood glucose levels.

(2) Increased blood flow and circulation: Massage allows for efficient transport of oxygen and nutrients to the rest of the body. This improved circulation can help your cells absorb insulin and actually retain it.

(3) Massage may lower blood glucose levels:
Massage has been shown to drop glucose levels, which can help to prevent hyperglycemia in diabetics. According to, hyperglycemia can cause eye damage, cardiovascular disease, kidney failure, nerve damage (neuropathy), skin and gum infections, joint problems and even can result in a diabetic coma. Helping to relax your body will assist in lowering your glucose levels, which can prevent these types of hyperglycemic ailments.

The researchers found significant evidence that massage may decrease blood glucose levels, decrease hemoglobin A1C levels, improve pain caused by peripheral neuropathy.
According to its proponents, you use the pinch method by holding the thumb and index finger of one hand just above the wrist of the other hand and then exerting a little bit of pressure on the wrist. Doing this will supposedly cause the release of insulin and break down glucose.Average, blood sugar readings were lower when people put pressure on the finger.

(4) Increases flexibility of muscles:
Another benefit of diabetes massage is the increase in flexibility as the muscles are loosened. High blood sugar can result in the thickening of connective tissue, and massage will increase the mobility and elasticity of that tissue. As the muscles, tendons and ligaments are relaxed, patients will find an increase in motion and flexibility in the joints, therefore improving their quality of life. Thus, a foot massager for diabetics is a great way to increase flexibility and mobility in their feet.

(5) Foot massage improves circulation:
Diabetics also often have restricted blood flow in their feet, which massage can help increase.
It stimulates muscles, reduces tension, and often eases pain. It also gives you a chance to check out your feet so you can get a jump on treating blisters, bunions, corns, and toenail problems.
It's good to massage your feet everyday.It Improves blood circulation.You can improve your blood circulation with 10 minutes of daily foot massage. This in turn will help transport oxygen to the body's cells, which is essential for overall health. Needless to say, you also need to opt for proper and comfortable footwears.

(6) Benifits of foot massage for woman:
Massaging your feet also helps improve blood circulation, relieves numerous diseases, helps maintain proper balance, has proven beneficial for restless legs syndrome, improves your sleep, reduces the effects of edema during pregnancy, and is great for your skin.

(7) Foot massage is good for heart:
It keeps the heart healthy
Foot massage has a positive effect on the heart rate and blood pressure. If you want to maintain a healthy heart, getting a good foot massage is a great help. Massage improves blood circulation.

(8) Frequent foot massages have been shown to help reduce anxiety in cancer patients, and a 2010 Karolinska Institutet study published in the Journal of Clinical Nursing found that frequent foot massages help alleviate sadness by amping up the production of oxytocin (a feel-good hormone released by the brain).

The Five accupressure Points for Diabetics Include:
The acupressure point for diabetes in hand on the inside of the wrist and between the thumb and forefinger, between the big toe and the second toe, below the knees on both sides, and at the top of the calves on both legs.

Technique of foot massage:
The first thing you should do in foot massage:
The first thing you'll want to do is warm up the tissue of the foot with your two thumbs. Work from the heel bone to the base of the toes and gently spread the tissue, pushing your thumbs away from one another. In general, you'll want to start any movements at the heel and work your way up toward the toes.
Use the fingers of both hands to do strokes on the top of the foot and use your thumbs to do strokes on the bottom of the foot. Start with the toes and work up to the ankles and back down.
Find the grooves between the bones and tendons of your feet and ankles and apply firm (not deep) pressure in those areas.
Just like your neck, back, and shoulders, your feet can also benefit from a regular rubdown. Foot massage improves circulation, stimulates muscles, reduces tension, and often eases pain. It also gives you a chance to check out your feet so you can get a jump on treating blisters, bunions, corns, and toenail problems.

Schedule for foot massage:
As a general rule of thumb, this is usually weekly for between four to six weeks, after which it may be reduced to fortnightly or even monthly visits (as a maintenance programme). It very much depends on the clients health and how they feel.

A type of massage best for feet:
In reflexology, pressure is applied to specific reflex points on the foot. These points correspond to organs and areas of the body. The treatment is said to induce a healing response, even alleviating some ailments.
Reflexology is one of the most popular types of massage

The best time to use our foot massager could be when you wake up or before going to bed, we usually recommend before going to bed. If you use it before going to bed, a soothing and relaxing foot massage not only improves your blood circulation but also helps get a much better and peaceful night sleep.

Who should not massage? The only two people that should use caution and/ or check with their doctor before starting to use a foot massager include pregnant women as mentioned above and also people suffering from nerve damage also known as neuropathy as they cannot feel changes in temperature or pain that can ultimately result in harm .
According to a study, coconut oil application on human skin can enhance its function as a protective barrier. Along with nourishing and protecting your skin, oil massage also helps relax your feet muscles, soothe inflammation, and reduce strain or pain.
Other oil such as castor oil, seasame oil, coconut oil, ground nut, mustard oil, olive oil etc can be used for feet and hand massage.

Information compiled
by: Dr. Bhairavsinh Raol