Arrange Marriage -3 in English Drama by Musica books and stories PDF | Arrange Marriage -3

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Arrange Marriage -3

Arrange Marriage
Season -1
Episode -3
Bob: A-as you say father...

Alan:Dad -I think that this is too much...

Helum: How Alan?Alan your a nice and an obedient person..BUT BOB?

Alan: ...

Bob: Dad just remember my words I love you!

Helum: Get out! Leave my house-I don't want to talk a ungrateful son!

Bob: Atleast you consider me as your son dad...

Helum: Not anymore!

Alan: If he is leaving this house.Than I am doing the same.


Alan: Dad...

Helum:Get out Bob!

-Bob leaves the house-

(A maid is given to instruct Bob as he is blind)

Helum: Now - What am I going to say to my friend?

Swetha :Helum... We have another son.


Alan: Dad-

Helum Marry ARIA!

Alan's pov :I can't Refuse. I am being selfish. I want to make my family proud... I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO!

Narrator: Alan's face turn's pale.. He can feel butterflies in his stomach While hearing her name...

Alan: I will Marry Aria Dad.
Helum: I know! I can count on You...

Narrator :Helum is over the moon hearing
his words. AND Keeping his words Can bring reputation on him. But He doesn't realize his mistake he is making.

Helum: Go Get Ready son. We are going to Say this joyfull news to Aria's family.

Alan: Yes Dad.

At Aria's house:

Chad :ARIA! MYLIE! Helum called me and Said He is coming over.

Helum Helum, Swetha, Alan is outside knocking on the door.

Helum :Greetings! Chad my loyal friend... How are you doing?

Chad: Greetings! Everything is going fine. How about you?

Helum Well... Not Quite well sadly my friend.

Chad: Oh my! What happend?

Helum: Bob... Ran away from home.Saying that he loves someone else.

chad: oh...

Helum: Would you mind. If I arrange Alan as the groom for your daughter instead of Bob?

Chad: No, I wouldn't mind at all Helum.

Helum :Oh... Thank you.

Alan is upset as his father lied... That

Meanwhile with Bob - The Maid drops Bob with his stuffs at Kela's house.

flashback: Kela told her parents first when she figured out she was pregnant. Kela's father. Your the daughter of the Richest

Eric(kela's father):KELA! You betrayer!

Eric slaps kela harshly.- kela doesn't have a mother. She only has a father.

Kela: Dad-

Eric: Get out !

- Kela leaves -

Kela and Bob bought new a house to survive on their own ,with Bob's own money.

Kela is always thankfull to Bob... If he didn't show up... She would have been hit by a car.. Bob saved her and ended up being blind.Bob's and Kela's love grew stronger at that point.


- Bob rings the doorbell-

-kela opens the door-

Kela: Bob. What happend? Why are you crying?

Bob: I have told my parents....

Kela: That... You and me?

Bob: Yes kela... Dad kicked me out.

Kela: Oh... Not a surprise to me.. I knew that it would happen.

Bob: I love you.

Kela: I love you too.

Meanwhile with Alan -

-Helum, Swetha and Alan went to their house-

Helum: Alan. You are the best son in the world..

Alan: But I cant tell the you the same Dad.

Helum: WHAT?

Alan: Why did you lie?

Helum: Lie? About ?

Alan: So you have lied before That you don't know which lie it is?

Helum: Alan.. What are you talking about?

Alan: ABOUT BOB! He didn't Run AWAY!
Helum: If your going talk about him...go to your room!

-Alan goes to his Room-

At 2:00 AM-

Alan gets a call from an unknown number..

Alan Hello?

??? :Is this Alan?

Alan:yes And this is?

???: You don't have to know. If you really did... My name is... Your Nightmare

Alan: What?

???: Marrying Aria?

Alan: Who is this?

???: The Game just begins ALAN!

-Alan gets shocked-

End of episode -3 of Arrange marriage season -1!

Who is this mystery human?Nobody knows untill the next episode!(except for me ofcourse 😂 )Stay tuned!Also you can help me by supporting me by just liking,Commenting,Rating and even sharing this to your close ones!and also if your new to this series ,Check out the arrange marriage -1and 2.Check out my other series and stories too!Thank you!