Beach Lady in English Love Stories by Uplifted books and stories PDF | Beach Lady

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Beach Lady

Beach lady

Why is she crying? How would I know ? I can't even go and ask an unknown lady why she is crying?

Unknown? Not exactly. I saw her in the morning today on the beach. I was just having a stroll on the beach. I had something on my mind, so I chose an area which is less frequented by people. There I saw her. She was with two other people. A couple. From a distance it looked like they were shooting a film. The guy was operating the camera. The girl was directing this lady. Music was being played in the background. A popular Bollywood song and dance number.

It was then that I felt something odd. The lady was scantily dressed in a swimsuit, which was quite understandable since they were shooting on the beach. I was intrigued by the fact that this lady did not resemble the looks or the figure of any Bollywood heroine at all. In fact, she was quite a contrast. This lady had a fair complexion. She was possibly of the same height, or come to think of it, may be even taller than the relatively tall heroines. But there ended the similarities. This lady's face was round or rather I should say, her face was full. And her figure was possibly more than double than any of the Bollywood heroines. Yes, you have guessed it correctly. This lady was about 130 kgs or more. And at around 5 feet 9 or 10 inches in bare feet, she was quite a massive woman.

That is why I found it amusing. That, with this figure, the lady was made to dance or rather, try the steps like the lean and sexy heroine did in the movie.

When they had taken a break, I approached the guy who was shooting the video. There were just a few locals and children standing around watching the shoot. I asked him what the video was about ? Any music videos ? He said that he and his wife make YouTube videos. This was just a funny parody or caricature video they were making of a popular Bollywood song-dance number.

So that was that. I moved away on my own work. They had some more lines to be shot, so they continued.

All this happened early in the morning…at around 7 am. I think the video team preferred this time, since there would be less people at the beach. I went through my morning walk around the beach and returned to my hotel room to have my breakfast.

By the way, I forgot to tell you who I am and what I was doing all alone at the beach. I'm a bachelor…a confirmed bachelor. Obviously….since I'm 40 and still not married. I have lost all interest in marriage also. I had waited for a particular kind of girl, or should I say woman, to come along. But I wasn't lucky…I didn't find that specific kind of girl.

Something more about me. I am presently posted in Bhubaneswar, the capital of Orissa. I'm the resident representative of a marketing company there. We don't have any offices in the state. Our company operates on a Home-office concept in all the states. We have our Regional offices at the four metros of Mumbai, Delhi, Chennai and Kolkata. Our Head office was in Mumbai.

I was on a tour to this part of Orissa for the last few days meeting customers and dealers. I ended up in the famous beach town of Puri on Saturday and was thus spending my Sunday on Puri sea beach.

It was around 4 in the evening then. I was having a stroll at the beach. It's about time now. I'll now go back and check-out of the hotel and start off on my way back to my rented flat at Bhubaneswar. It's only about 60 kms from here. So I'll take a long distance and I will be comfortably home by evening.

It was then that I met the lady of the morning once again. It was that lady who was modelling for that song sequence for the YouTube video, that couple was shooting. She was sitting on one of the rocks on the beach and weeping. She was in an ordinary sari with a medium size bag by her side. There were quite a few people leisurely sitting or taking a walk on the beach. Nobody cared to look at a fat woman sitting all by herself. With her ordinary sari on and her odd huge shape, nobody even bothered to look at her. I noticed, because I recognised her as the swimsuit clad oversized model of this morning's video shoot.

She was sitting there all alone.Tears ran down her cheeks as she cried silently looking straight ahead at the rumbling sea. She looked so sad and helpless that I couldn't resist myself. I approached and stood in front of her.

"Excuse me Madam, is there anything wrong ? Can I help you ?" I said, with a genuine concern in my voice.

She looked up at me, tears still in her eyes. But she didn't say anything.

I again said, "Madam, I saw you in the morning shooting for a music video. Where are your friends, that couple who were there with you ? Why are you crying ?"

She said very softly, "They have left. They paid me and told me to go back to my hometown. I checked up at the hotel where they had put me up. There's no train tickets available now for quite some days. I don't know what to do."

I asked, "Where do you want to go ? Which city ?"

She said, "I'm from Patna. I cannot stay in a hotel here for so many days. I don't know what to do."

I didn't know what to say. I said, "Madam, I also don't live here. I came here for work. I live in Bhubaneswar. If you know somebody there, I can take you and drop you there."

She said, "No, I don't know anybody in Orissa. But can you arrange for a ticket to Patna from Bhubaneswar?"

I said, "I don't know. I know one person at the station there. I can try.'

Her face lit up. She said, "When will you return to Bhubaneswar, Sir? Can I come with you ?"

I said, "Sure you can. I'll leave in a short while. I was actually on my way back to my hotel. I'll just check-out and leave for Bhubaneswar now. You can come with me."

She picked up her bag and stood up. I started walking and she fell in step beside me. And then I noticed how big and tall she was. She was completely dwarfing me. The top of my head was reaching to the level of her lips only. I am however not a big man for that matter, rather I'm quite average sized for a man. 5 feet 3 inches in height and 65 kgs in weight. What ? You think I'm short for a man. Well it's a matter of opinion you know. Whatever.

Although I felt awkward walking beside such a tall and big woman, she wasn't bothered at all. Possibly she was quite used to standing beside shorter and smaller people. Contrary to my worries, I didn't see people looking at our size difference. Possibly because with her ordinary sari on and with that odd unattractive figure, nobody really cared to look at her. I also felt that it was quite a contrast from what I saw of her in the morning at the beach wearing that skimpy swimsuit and dancing to the music and now looking so ordinary and nondescript.

She waited at the hotel lobby, as I checked out and brought my luggage down. I just had a medium sized suitcase. There were some autos standing in front of the hotel. We got into one. It was a very tight fit, with the lady occupying almost the whole of the seat. Since I was much thinner, I could just squeeze in beside her.

The problem happened when we reached the long distance bus stand. To our utter dismay we found that they had a bus strike that day due to some demands of the staff. There was consequently a mad rush at the railway station because of this. So there was no chance we could get any reserved seat in any train. The taxis were also not available as people were running like mad if there was any empty taxi in sight.

We were standing outside on the road with our bags at our feet, just trying to find some means of communication. I spotted a car loaded with cartons parked near a tea stall. The driver was having tea. I recognised him. He was one of the drivers of our transport contractor who delivered goods to the dealers. I went and spoke to him. He recognised me. I told him our plight and asked him if he could make some space for me and my cousin in his delivery vehicle and drop us off at Bhubaneswar. He was a good man. He tried to rearrange his packing boxes and could make some space on the back seat. However with our own two bags, he could make just enough space for only one person to sit. Our bad luck. How can I go alone leaving this lady on the road? I saw the lady's face fall, as she had some hopes after the driver agreed to take us in his vehicle.

Ritika, by now she had told me her name, looked at me. She came closer to me and said, "Sir, can I suggest something. Since I am so much bigger and taller than you, would you mind travelling sitting on my lap ? In that case we can both go."

I thought it would look very odd, me, a middle-aged man travelling, sitting on the lap of a woman of my age or younger. But there was no other alternative. I had a very important customer meeting the next day at Bhubaneswar. I definitely have to return today itself. I had to accept her suggestion. Our bags were kept inside. Then Ritika went and sat on the seat first. Then I sheepishly went and sat on Ritika's lap. I sat awkwardly, straddling Ritika's thighs with my legs on either side. Her thighs are so thick and her legs are so long, that my legs were dangling more than 6 inches from the car floor.

The driver started the car. The cartons were piled up in such a way that the driver couldn't see us. That would be embarrassing.. a middle aged man of 40 years sitting on a woman's lap throughout the journey. Ritika put her fat arms around my waist and pulled me inside. My back rested on her big soft breasts, my head resting on one of her shoulders. She held me tight with her hands resting on my stomach.

"Are you comfortable Sir ?" She asked, bending her head down a little to look into my face.

I said, "I'm ok, but I hope I'm not hurting your thighs."

She laughed, "Not at all, Sir. You are so light, I can carry you all day. By the way, what is your height and weight, Sir ?"

I said, "I'm 5 feet 3 inches and 65 kgs."

Ritika laughed out again, "Oh my God ! You are so tiny. I'm 5 feet 10 inches and 130 kgs. So you see Sir, I'm literally double your size."

As we travelled with me sitting on her big soft lap, Ritika told me her story. "My father expired quite some years back and also my mother died around 3 years back. I am the only child of my parents. I am now 37 years old. Obviously not married…who will marry me with this elephant like figure of mine. After my father's death, we came to live with my Mama (mother's brother) and his family. My mother had some money from my father's provident fund and insurance. But still, we were very ill treated by my Mami (aunty). After my mother's death I'm practically being treated like their servant.

So, when I received this offer for the video from this couple you saw in the morning, who said that they would pay me ten thousand rupees, I readily accepted. They also said that if this video goes viral, I might get offers from films. You know the comic characters of big, fat girls they show in some of the movies. My uncle, aunty and my cousins also encouraged me. They thought that if I work in movies, they will benefit from my income. So I came with this couple to do this video shoot at Puri sea beach."

I was slipping down from her fat rounded thighs with the car movement. So Ritika pulled me up a little inside her lap. Then continued, "We came yesterday afternoon and checked into an ordinary hotel. They did the shooting this morning and told me that my job is over. They paid me in cash and told me to go back home. They didn't even arrange for my return ticket. They left the hotel and went away somewhere. I felt very lost not knowing what to do. That is when you saw me sitting on the beach and crying. I don't know what would have happened if I didn't meet you. You are really Godsend to me Sir."

What could I say ? We were almost reaching. With all this bus strike problems we had been delayed quite a lot. It was already around 9 pm now. The driver took directions from me and brought us to my house. I got up from Ritika's lap and we came out of the car. I thanked the driver for his help and paid him handsomely.

I looked up at Ritika standing tall beside me. Since she was standing quite close, I had to crane my neck high up to look up at her 5'10" height from my 5'3" level. I said, "See Ritika, it's already quite late. Do you want to go and try now at the station if you can get any train reservation ? Or would you want to try tomorrow ? But I want to tell you that I am a bachelor and I live alone in my flat."

Ritika was in two minds. "I don't know if there are any trains now. And even if there is one, it will be impossible to get a confirmed berth at this last moment. Sir, will it be too much of a problem for you if I stayed the night at your flat ?"

I said, "I don't mind. But will you feel safe spending the night all alone with an unknown man in his flat ?"

Ritika gave a mischievous smile looking down at me from her imposing height and said, "Sir, you are forgetting that I have just carried you on my lap for 60 kms from Puri to Bhubaneswar, like a child sitting on his mother's lap. I think you need to decide whether you will feel safe with this big tall unknown woman who is double your size."

I smiled up at her, "Yes I felt quite safe and secure sitting on your big soft lap held in your strong arms tightly inside your body. Ok then, if you don't have any problem, then come on in."

I lived on the upper floor of a two storeyed house. The ground floor belonged to the landlord, who lived in Bangalore with his son. He visited once a year only. My flat was small, having one bedroom and a small drawing room, which I used as my office room. It also had a kitchen, a small dining space and a bathroom.

Ritika freshened up and came out wearing a simple salwar kameez. When I finished freshening up, I found her sitting on the two seater sofa in my office room and watching TV. I ordered some dinner online. Besides the two seater couch, there was an office table and 3 chairs around it. As also a small TV on a side table. I came and sat in front of her on one of the chairs.

Ritika said, "Why did you order food Sir ? I could have cooked something. There must be something in your fridge."

I smiled, "You are my guest Ritika. Just relax. You had a stressful day today."

Ritika smiled. "I can't thank you enough Sir. You have saved me today. On top of that, you had to come all this distance sitting uncomfortably on my lap."

I said, "No no, your lap wasn't uncomfortable at all. But I would like to correct one point which you said sometime back downstairs."

Ritika looked askance at me, "What point Sir ?"

I said, "You were telling me, ' are forgetting that I have just carried you on my lap for 60 kms from Puri to Bhubaneswar…'.

She said, "Yes so ? I did carry you, didn't I Sir ?"

I said, "You did not actually 'carry' me for 60 kms. That's a bit too much of an exaggeration. Yes you had held me sitting on your lap. But that's not the same as carrying me physically, isn't it ?"

Ritika laughed out loud, "Ohh that way Sir ! So what ? But I can actually physically carry you for 60 kms. You are so small compared to my size. What do you think ?"

I laughed, "Come on Ritika! I know you are taller and bigger than me. But still, I'm a fully grown middle aged man of 40 years. And you are just a woman and also 3 years younger to me. Since you are much heavier than me, you can obviously hold me sitting on your lap. But that doesn't mean you can lift and carry me even for 60 seconds."

Ritika got up from the sofa and came and stood in front of me. "Ok Sir, you have challenged me. Now I'll prove it to you. Come, stand up on this chair Sir."

I laughed, "Forget it Ritika. You don't have to prove anything."

Ritika didn't say anything. She removed her shoulder length hair from one of shoulders to her back. She smiled down sweetly at me. Then she bent down, placed her left hand under the bend of both my knees. She then put her right hand under my back and straightened up. She swept me up in her arms and stood there cradling me high up near her breasts like a baby, smiling down at me. The suddenness with which I went from sitting on the chair to lying horizontally in her arms, startled me. On an impulse, my arms went around her neck, lest I fall down. Seeing my startled reaction, Ritika started laughing. "Don't worry Sir, I'll not let you fall. You are so light and small. Look, you are just like a baby in my arms. I can carry you like this all day. So just relax." She continued laughing and started rocking me slowly in her arms from side to side, like a baby.

I said, "Don't laugh Ritika. I'm a full-grown middle-aged man of 40...and you are a woman of 37, three years younger to me....and here you are carrying me effortlessly in your arms like a baby. For me, this is so embarrassing. I feel so weak and helpless being carried in your arms and physically surrendered to the strength of a woman ."

She tried to console me, "Why are you looking at it that way Sir? See, if I was a man of 37 and you a woman of 40, you wouldn't feel embarrassed being lifted by me."

I said, "That's precisely it, you are doing a role reversal with me. You, being a woman, are rocking me, a grown-up man, in your arms like a baby. I'm lucky that there's no one else in the room witnessing my helplessness against your strength."

Ritika laughed again, "Sir, I'm so much bigger and taller and heavier than you. So, there's no reason for you to feel embarrassed. Forget that I'm a woman and you are a man. Just lie in my arms, rest your head on my breasts and enjoy your ride in my godi (lap), Sir."

Till now Ritika was standing by the table, looking down on my face, while I was lying in her arms high up near her breasts, my head near her right shoulders, and my arms around her neck for support. All the while she was talking to me, she was very gently moving her body from side to side. I felt as if she was purposely rocking me in her arms like a baby. This made me feel all the more helpless and totally under the power of this tall, big woman.

Now she started walking with me in her arms, very slowly all around the room. She said, "Now I'll show you that I can actually carry you for all that time it took us to come from Puri to Bhubaneswar. How much was it, 60 kms ? It took about one and a half hours ? No ? I'll now keep you in my arms for one and a half hours now."

I protested, "Are you mad or what ? It's already 9.30pm now. That would mean, till 11pm. The food delivery guy will be here any minute. We'll have to have our dinner after that. Then I've got to make arrangements for your sleeping. You put me down now."

Ritika looked down at me smiling, still rocking me in her arms. "Oh don't worry Sir ! When the delivery guy comes, I'll put you down. I won't embarrass you in front of outsiders. Now just show me around your flat. Come I'll carry you inside."

What could I do? I just held on to her with my arms around her neck. She moved into the kitchen cum dining space and looked around holding me close to her body in her big strong arms.

"Nice kitchen space you have Sir. But it seems you don't use this much for cooking. Do you live on home delivered food only? That's not good for your health, you know Sir." She gave my body a soft squeeze with her arms and smiled sweetly down. "You look so cute Sir, like a little boy, lying in my arms. I feel so good holding you on my breasts like this."

I asked, "How can you feel good lifting and carrying a fully grown up man of your age lying helplessly in your arms ?"

She looked down at me and said, "Don't know, didn't think about it that way. Yes, it can be a reason that I'm carrying a fully grown up man, lying helplessly in my arms, totally in my control. I feel like I've conquered you and you are my captive and I can do whatever I want with you."

I couldn't help asking, "And what exactly would you want to do with me ?"

Ritika's answer was prompt, "Sir, I would want to worship you. You are the best person I've ever met in my whole life. You didn't even know me, but you came to ask what was wrong with me when you saw me sitting alone and crying on the beach. You took trouble to bring me all this far with you. There was just one seat in that delivery vehicle. In that time of crisis of bus strike and no trains or taxis available, you could have easily have come sitting comfortably in the vehicle. But you agreed to come sitting on the lap of an unknown woman sacrificing your ego, your prestige, your pride just to help me. You even allowed me to stay at your flat. You are a very kind and helpful person and a thorough gentleman. You want to know what I would like to do with you. If given the option I would like to make you my own, forever."

I just didn't know what to say. At that moment, the doorbell rang. The food delivery guy had come. I looked up at Ritika lying cradled in her arms. She smiled sweetly down at me and gently put me down on the ground.

I brought in the food. Ritika started laying the plates on the table. We sat down and Ritika started serving the food. After what Ritika just said, neither of us were finding words to say. The silence between us was becoming uncomfortable. So I asked, "How's the food, Ritika ?"

Ritika looked at me from the opposite side of the table and just nodded. Then she said, "I'm sorry Sir if I said something which I shouldn't have."

I asked, "But, did you mean what you said ? Or was it said impulsively, just to please me ?"

Ritika looked straight at my eyes and said, "I meant it hundred percent, although I know that I am not worthy of you."

I said, "But how can you want a man who is half your size ? You only said that I look like a little boy lying cradled in your arms and sitting on your lap. How can I give you protection ?"

She said, "You may be half of me in size and strength, but your heart is double of any man I've met in my life. I know you will be a very loving and caring husband to whoever you marry. And that's all a girl can ask for. With my height and weight and strength, I can protect myself and also my husband. All I long for in life is what I did not ever get… a little love and care. And this you have in abundance."

I couldn't say anything. We just kept looking at each other. I saw her eyes were sad and whatever she was saying was genuine and coming from her heart. She got up from her chair and came over to my side. She put her hands under my armpits and pulled me up from my chair. I went up in her arms. She hugged me from the front, put one hand under my back to hold me to her body. On an impulse my arms went around her neck. My face was now right in front of hers, my legs dangling seven inches from the ground.

She whispered, "Wrap your legs around my waist, it will be easier for me to walk with you." I was so mesmerised, I put my legs around her thick waist. She backed out of the narrow space between the table and wall. She carried me into my bedroom. She was looking for something and then she found it. A full length mirror on the front of my steel almirah. She carried me in front of the mirror and stood sideways so that both of us could look at our reflection. I saw myself hanging on her huge body with my arms around her neck and my legs around her waist. She just had one hand under my bottom for support. Her other hand was free. She was holding my full body up with her one hand only. She was so massive compared to me, I looked like a 5 year old boy on her big tall mother's lap.

She looked straight at me and said, "I promise I will take care of you all your life. I will physically protect you from all your enemies and all evils. I will share our day to day responsibilities and also contribute whatever I can earn in our household expenses. All I want from you is your love and your shelter. Will you accept me as your wife ?"

I looked sideways at the mirror. I looked at our size difference. A 5'3" / 65 kgs man being effortlessly carried by a 5'10" / 130 kg woman. I felt so weak, so helpless in her captivity. Yet so safe, so secured, so protected in her big tall strong body. I looked back at her again. I laid my head on her shoulder. My face got buried inside her wide neck. I could feel the cold softness of the skin of her neck against my nose. I lightly kissed the inside of her neck. I softly said, burying my face deep inside her neck, "I love you Ritika. Thank you for accepting me as your husband. I'm all yours now."

She pulled my face out of her neck with her free hand. Then pressed my face on her face and crushed my lips on her full wet lips.

There's a long way to go in getting my parents' approval. But for the moment I knew that I had found the girl I had been waiting for all my life…