You're my favorite rhythm... - 15 in English Love Stories by Pramila books and stories PDF | You're my favorite rhythm... - 15

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You're my favorite rhythm... - 15

Life is such an amazing journey.
If your brightness is giving someone anxiety, give them sunglasses and get on with your shine....


David : Do you love her ?

Anand : Why are you asking this now ?

David : Answer me first...

Anand's mood was not stable now but he understood very well what David's question was. He has asked himself the same question many times. Every time this question came to him, the answers he got were different. But each time he understood the same thing, that was....

Anand : Yes i love her....

David : What ? Really ? Are you sure ?

Anand : Yeah.... But as a friend...

David : Friend....? Hmmm

David sat leaning back with his hands behind his head. Anand stared at David's face trying to read his mind. But he could not understand the meaning of the smile on David's face.

David ( in mind ) : I expect this from you. If you are not going to agree then I will have to bring out the truth....

Anand : What are you thinking about ?

David : What... Hmm... I'm just thinking about that angel.

Anand : Which angel ?

David : Do you still think you can hide the truth from me ? I know who she is... You also said that you don't love her and she's just your friend, so don't try to take back your words. Now my path is clear. She's gonna be mine.

Anand : David....

David : As soon as I saw her I had to apologize to her.

Anand : ???

David : dude.... Her legs must be tried cause she have been running in my mind all day and night... 😉

Anand : Not funny... 😒

Anand stared at David without saying a word, But David closed his eyes without any concern about Anand. If only Anand had the power, he would have burned David with his eyes.

His heart : What a dirty mind this David has... How dare he think your friend is his girlfriend...

His brain : If she's just your friend then what's wrong with David thinking like that... David is a good man too.

His heart : No matter what you say, I cannot accept this. 😤

Anand ( in mind ) : Be patient Anand, now you have no choice but to endure all this cruelty until you see her.

I think time is a little bit favorable for Anand. The announcement that the flight they were about to take was now ready to take off, this news flowed like honey in Anand's ears.

Anand left his single bag and mobile at the checking counter and was stuck on the other side for the checking process when his mobile started ringing.

Every second the sound of his mobile ringing reached his ears, his heart began to beat faster.

His heart : I think it must be her 🤩

Anand's eyes were looking at his mobile while the checking process was going on. His mobile stopped ringing before he ran to pick it up. When he saw who was called it was an unknown number which gave him some disappointment. Before he thought if it was her calling from an unknown number, he got another call from the same number. He swiped the call without thinking.

Anand : Hello...

Ananya : Success is delivered to the deserving. I know the record stands until it is broken, but only you can break it again. Congratulations...

All that sadness in his eyes was now washed away and a big smile appeared on his face, which looked like a new blooming bud. There were a few tears in his eyes and he was about to cry. At the same time, a small anger peeked out from somewhere.

Anand : Just shut up ANU... I don't accept greetings from people who don't care about me.

Ananya : Wow Anand... Did you know me by my voice ?

Anand : How can I forget this voice ? ( He said this so softly that it could not have fallen on her ears )

Ananya : Hello Anand.... are you in line ? I couldn't hear you properly because the signal was weak due of the rain. I'd better call you later, I think I'll be at my home in 30 minutes.

She hang up the call....

Anand : In 30 minutes ? How do I attend to your call if I board the plane ?

David : Bro.... The flight is already delayed, you should be the first to board the flight but you are still standing here, let's go.

After saying this, David started walking. Anand grabs David's shoulder bag and pulls him in the opposite direction.

Anand : This way...

David : No no... What's wrong with you ?


Ananya reached home early. Surprisingly her father also came home before her. The aroma of food greeted her as she entered the house. Anger stops her first, She hadn't eaten anything for 2 days, so she decides to calm her stomach first.

Ananya : If you want to fight, you need energy and to get that energy you need to eat food.

She quickly went and opened all the dishes on the table and she understood very well that her father was trying to convince her. Because all the food there was her favorite food. Without thinking about anything else, she quickly put the food in the plate and started eating.

Her father, came near her after a while. She kept eating as if she didn't notice.

Sharma : I have brought a present for my angel. I think my angel will be very happy to see this gift.

He placed the gift on the table. Ananya looked at the gift out of one eye and turned away as like she hadn't seen it. The second she saw the gift, she understood that it was a new mobile.

Sharma : Are you still angry ? If you get angry please scold me but Don't be quiet, I can't stand it.

No matter how much he begged, she didn't say a word.

Sharma ( Shouted ) : Does he who came into your life a few days ago seem more important to you than the father who raised you from birth ?

Having been patient for so long, she didn't know where her anger came from when her father talking about him.

Ananya : Yes.... you're right....

Suddenly she got up from the chair.

Ananya :

"Yes... he seems important to me. Even though he was in such a great position, he did not judge my worth by my status or dress.

Even after I agreed to come with him, he asked " if you got your father's permission ", yes he seemed superior to me.

He who has come here from a thousand miles to respect his friend's sentiments, seems honorable person to me. But you don't even think about your daughter's emotion.

I respect his gaze that never looked at me wrong even when I was with him without any protection. I never felt insecure even one percent of the time I was with him.

A man in such a high place in society who decides to sleep in the kitchen so that the woman he is with doesn't feel insecure, YES.... HE seems like a really respectable person to me.

I am sure you watched that press meet video. Have you ever seen him respond to rumors about him ? Have you ever seen his angry face in public or seen him harm others ? He lowers his status and does everything for me who is just a friend to him.

You are the one who raised me as you said. Even you don't trust me, how can I expect others to trust me.

I believed every time "Even if I do something wrong, you are the one who supports me, corrects me and guides me on the right path". But I was totally wrong. You only believe in rumors and don't care about the truth.

I'm a fool.... Why are you going to care about it ? You don't need to worry....
I'm a BITCH after all... "

Only then Sharma realize how much his words had hurt his daughter. He was very sorry for accusing his daughter without faith. He was pained to think how his thoughtless act would have affected his daughter.

Suddenly Sharma heard a noise and turned to see what was happening, his daughter was lying there unconsciously.

Sharma : Shree ma.... what happen...

Sharma ran to where his daughter had fallen. What he saw there broke his heart into pieces. Her clothes and floor were stained with BLOOD.


To be continued....