Movie Review - Avatar The Way of Water in English Film Reviews by MR PRINZ books and stories PDF | Movie Review - Avatar The Way of Water

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Movie Review - Avatar The Way of Water

Avatar the "The way of water"

Finally After 13 years james cameron are back with the bang

I know its too late to review this movie but james cameron movie are running long in theaters

Overview- As someone who was surprised by how much that 2009 movie held up on a recent viewing, and therefore had high expectations for a sequel, I'd say it lived up to the hype. Maybe it's a little less great, but I'd have to sit with it a little while longer before I could be sure.

First of all, this movie is long. 192 minutes long. I didn't feel the length, in all honesty. I got wrapped up in the movie and how it looked and sounded so much that it probably could have gone on another hour and I still wouldn't have felt restless. It's one of the best-paced 3 hour movies I've ever seen... and you could argue it's even paced a little too fast in the first act, thanks to a time-skip that means the viewer has to be caught up to speed quickly.

Visual Effects- Visually and effects-wise, it's perfect. Numerous expensive blockbusters movies released every year but james cameron is a different the full movie is so much beautiful Visually and Every scene is looks perfect, The cgi is amazing if you notice the movie in detail that every scene is perfect.

The world he and his visual design team have created is truly a work of art... It's stunningly beautiful, creative and inventive and it makes you want to be there so badly, it hurts. The action sequences are reliably awesome as always, and there are some truly heartfelt emotional passages. In all honesty,

the story is awfully predictable, and an almost step-by-step rehash of the first movie. But it's damn near impossible to be bothered by this, because the magic is there, and it's real. And the whales... Oh my god, the whales. Or whale-like creatures, anyway. Absolutely spellbinding. The familiar characters are precisely the same as they were before, and it makes the past 13-year wait seem like nothing at all. It's like meeting with friends you haven't seen for a while. I especially love Zoe Saldaña, she was always the shining star of Avatar, and she's just as mesmerising here, even if her screentime is a bit shorter. The new characters are all good, strong additions to the whole. Cliff Curtis is very powerful as the Sea People's chief, and Kate Winslet is absolutely unrecognisable as his mate,

If you plan to watch this movie I will definitely recommend this movie but if you want to enjoy the cinematic experience so that watch this in 3d don't try to watch in mobile or laptop if you are doing this you miss the best cinematic experince

James cameron don't sell the story of the movie they sell cinematic experience thats why james cameron movies running long in theaters

You should go definately go to theaters and watch movie with your friends &family