The Angel Inside - 30 in English Love Stories by Khyati Makwana books and stories PDF | The Angel Inside - 30 Trespassers

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The Angel Inside - 30 Trespassers

Jay's POV

Things were suspicious as we reached home. The lights were on, even before we entered. Passing through the door I found 3 men sitting on the couch. I was terrified. Amy followed me.

Suddenly their attention was shifted to us. One of them who had blonde hair spoke.

"I think we entered the wrong house.!"

Before I could even react the other man with pink hairs butted in.

"You and your research skills suck!"

Both of them started arguing like kids and their accent was nothing but weird. English seemed foreign to their tounges.

The third one spoke!

"Shut up you two before I whoop your asses!"
He felt sensible and had a better belonging accent.
I was puzzled where as Amy stood unbothered.

The room was now in complete silence. Three of them stared at us and Amy started speaking.

Amy: What the hell are you guys doing here?

They looked at Amy with their mouths gaped like she was a ghost.

"It's her!"

They squealed. And within a blink of an eye, they reached for her squishing her in a group hug.

Amy: I'm gonna haunt you guys if I die suffocating.

She yanked them off her.

"She's still the same! Your hair has grown!"

"Damn women, where are your piercings? You look so modest......and too feminine!"
The sensible one spoke amused.

Amy: You didn't answer my question.

She spoke with dead eyes.

"Patience woman!"

"Well, Edward is on his way. And I bought some fun too."

The childish one spoke darting his eyes on the table and there was a whole pack of canned cokes. I was confused, what was so special about cokes? Maybe it was their favorite. And of a sudden, his eyes darted on me who had no idea what was happening.

"Who's he? Your roomie? Wait a minute I have seen you somewhere?"

The other one smacked him.

"He was the one with her at the party. Idiot!"

The sensible one stepped forward landing a hand for me to shake.

"Well seems like you are her business partner but I don't know your name. By the way myself Eric."

I gladly had a handshake. The other two spoke as my eyes followed them.

"Mateo!" The blonde-haired spoke.
"Carlos!" The pink haired spoke.
Spanish names! Now everything made sense.

Before I could speak the doorbell rang. Mateo rushed to open the door. As the door opened, a man entered and I could predict he was Edward. He looked intimidating, buff, and tall with his skinny jeans, leather jacket, thick leather boots, all black look. He had a lip piercing, and his inked tattoo peeked through his shirt's collar edge. His black sleek long hair was tied in a man-bun. He was the pure definition of a so-called Bad Boy. But as soon as his eyes landed on Amy, he heaved a sigh, and his eyes soften.

Taking slow steps towards her, he cupped her cheeks as his eyes held emotions against Amy's dead ones. Don't tell me he had a relationship with Amy and I am a third wheel. It is a total drama.

Edward: I missed you.

Amy yanked away his hands with dead eyes.

Amy: The last time I checked, someone didn't care if I died.

Edward: It was in heat of the moment.

He tried to justify but Amy's sheer look of disappointment didn't do the job. He slowly hugged her desperately trying to melt her. But she didn't move an inch to hug him back.

He didn't move for a whole minute and I was kinda jealous of him hugging my wife. I intentionally cleared my throat. His eyes darted at me as his gaze became dark. He broke the hug as his attention was only on me. It almost felt like he's gonna kill me.

Edward: who's he?

Me: Uh I'm Jay Conor.

I tried to talk with a light attitude.

Carlos: He's her business partner.

Me: No. Life partner.

I said it straight.

As their eyes almost popped out of their sockets.

Eric: you got a man! What the fu-

Amy cut him.

Amy: language!

Carlos: look who's talking?

Amy rolled her eyes.

Mateo: hell! Is he even your type?

Carlos: Darn! he doesn't even have muscles?

Amy's death glared at him. But somewhere his words affected me. He was right that I was nerdy nor did I have that hot body or abs but I wasn't fat or too skinny either. I had nothing in me to be called attractive. Looking at Edward made me nothing but insecure. What if Amy got fed up with my nerdy self and leave me? I knew I was overthinking again.

Amy: What are you guys even doing here in the first place?

Carlos: Do you keep TV as a showpiece or what?

He asked pointing at the television. He switched on the TV, switching to some news channels. It was Amy and me everywhere.

Suddenly a clip popped up on the screen where it was a jerky frame and the voice belonged to Amy. It sounded like she was crying. I realized it was from the restroom when we were at the event. Amy had beaten the shit out of them.

"Please leave me. I'll call the police!"
It was amy.

"No one's gonna believe you. Cause for the world you are a special example of self-objectification." There were beams of lunatic laughter from those men and I could hear Amy's cry for help.

"According to the investigations, there were certain spots where Ms.Ash was assaulted and injured." The reporter spoke.

There were images of amy from the event where her bruised lips and forehead were evident. And now everything fell into place. Why she had injured herself more? Why she intentionally left her phone in the restroom? HELL! She's a mastermind. She had her reputation on the edge in the name of characterless women before and now for society, she was an innocent who had been repressed by men and elites.

Amy: Finally those dumb pricks found my phone.

Edward: What do you mean? This thing had scared the shit out of us! It's not a joke.

He snarled. A deep chuckle left Amy's throat as if she heard the most ridiculous thing.

Amy: Seems like my act hit you hard.

Eric: Damn we rushed here for nothing. So this was your plan huh?

Amy: Manipulation works better than truth duh! I'm gonna be worshipped by tomorrow. For now, it's justice league.

My woman does have serious duality issues. I looked at her and she was smiling at the screen. She is always unpredictable. I couldn't understand her personality. She was dark, Twisted, and playful but menacing.

Carlos: But how did they even get this it looks like someone had hacked the phone's camera and no one can do it because it's highly secured, until...

Amy: I let them.
she smirked.

Mateo: Darn it!
Mateo and Carlos started laughing while Eric stood silently looking at Edward and as my eyes followed him, Edward. Was glaring at me. He again looked back at Amy as the laughter died down.

Edward: I need to talk to you, Ash. Alone.

He again looked back at me.

Amy: later.


The dinner was over with Edward glaring at me from time to time. While Mateo and Carlos are funny. Eric was enjoying their group's reunion. And after dinner, Amy and Edward left to have a personal talk.

Currently, I and Eric were in the backyard walking for fresh air. As there was complete silence. Carlos and Mateo were still busy with dinner.

Eric looked at me as he started talking.

Eric: Hey! I know this is weird. We guys jumped out of nowhere and being here. Would be a shock to you. I am doubting if Ash would have talked about us to you.

He chuckled.

Me: How did you all meet?

Eric: that was a total nightmare. How about you and Ash, how did you make her agree to marry?

Me: I asked her and she said 'fine'!

Eric: Seriously!

I was lost in my thoughts as my inner self fought.

Eric: you wanna ask something? You're hesitating. You can ask me.

Me: am I that obvious?

Eric: you are too innocent. It is all over your face.

He repeated the same words once Amy did.

Me: Is Edward Amy's-

Eric: -boyfriend? I know he might kinda look like he'll eat you raw but he's just possessive over her. He kinda had feelings for her but nothing was official. He just wants Amy to be safe and I feel she chose the right person.

He smiled as I followed.

Eric: well your wife didn't have boyfriends she had girlfriends. You know she was a Playboy.

My eyes popped.

Eric: She's a great flirt but doesn't worry, now she is yours.

I was shocked she had a girlfriend, no girlfriends. I calmed my posture trying not to react.

Mateo and Carlos barged into the backyard with the pack of cokes they placed on the table. Taking a seat on the nearby chair.
Mateo started serving the cokes, while he handed me the coke, there was a weird smile on Carlos's face as he gestured a brow at Mateo while looking at me.

Something was fishy. I secretly inhaled the smell of the coke and it wasn't coke but alcohol. Alcohol was never my thing and being a doctor who didn't take holidays couldn't risk lives with it. I had kept my safe distance from it. I slowly placed the coke back on the table as Carlos frowned.

Carlos: what's wrong?

He said with his broken accent. I thought it was rude and offensive to deny his drink.

Me: Uh! I don't drink alcohol.

Eric: Wow! But you didn't even taste it. Seems like you are a professional one! huh!

He chuckled.

Me: Uh! No! I never drank.

Eric: Not even once.
He gawked as I nodded my head in denial.

Me: My profession doesn't allow me any intoxication and one or the other way, it might taste horrible.

There was a sudden yelling.
Amy: You little pricks. You won't listen huh? He doesn't drink! Twerps!

Amy entered as one of her flip-flops landed on Carlos's face as Edward stood behind her with amusement. She marched towards Mateo and pinched his ear, twisting and turning it. Mateo screamed in agony.

Mateo: It was that brat's plan.

As Amy turned her head toward Carlos. He made a run for his life. Looking at the drama everyone had been laughing. Amy and Edward took a seat as the reunion continued.

Mateo served them drinks while I decided to make it work with apple juice when Eric started to speak.

Eric: I didn't ask but what do you do?

Me: I'm a doctor.
I smiled. But hearing me 4 of them choked on their drinks as they looked at Amy in sheer disbelief. I looked at them nervously.

Me: is there something wrong?

Eric: I thought you weren't serious about marrying a doctor thingy.

Amy:told ya! You don't test Ash.
She took a sip of her drink.

I gave Eric a questioning look as Eric looked at me.
Eric: We had challenged her to have someone from the med stream. Didn't know she was serious!

He laughed. I was confused.

Me: Why med?

Mateo: Cause she didn't spend a day without injuries and wounds. So you know, free treatment in return.

I understood now as I let out a low chuckle to tag along.

Me: How about you guys what you'll do?

They looked at each other and looked back at me. I wondered if it was awkward.

Eric: A professor.

Mateo and Carlos: Mechanic.

I slowly looked at Edward who bored holes into my skull with his predatory gaze.

Edward: Martial arts.

He spoke in a low intimidating tone. The air was thick and I gulped.

Soon Mateo broke the tension as he spoke to Amy.

Mateo: Well! I'm happy she got married and she's not gonna be a man again. I was so envious of her.

Carlos: She didn't leave a single girl for us in college. Even boys were head over heels! And you know Sana is still obsessed, she has gone nuts.

He said in exaggeration.

Eric: She was a pain in the ass anyways.

Amy rolled her eyes.

Amy: Enough of me. Don't tell me that you guys are gonna be sleeping here. Better finds the streets.

Mateo: Calm down Babe! We are neighbors. We rented the house beside yours.

Amy: better.

Some time had passed and they were already being funny, sharing their old memories and the fun days. In short, they were drunk. While Edward and Amy were silent. There was some serious tension between them which I couldn't understand.

It was already 12 the night as they all left, leaving me and Amy in the house. I quietly left upstairs heading towards my room. I decided to take shower as I smelled bad after a long working day.

My thoughts clouded as my body relaxed under the shower but my brain couldn't stop nagging about the recent events. I decided to remove it from my head but it didn't. I searched for my clothes but remembered that I needed to get to my closet.

I entered outside wrapping a towel around my waist as I moved towards the left to grab my clothes. Suddenly the door slammed open as Amy barged in. Her eyes caught mine and I realized I was half naked. I screamed as Amy panicked stuffing her ears with her index fingers.

Amy: Why are you screaming?

Me: I'm naked! Turned around!

Amy: okay! Okay!

She looked away as I snatched the clothes from the closet and runned to the bathroom shutting the doors as Amy gave me a weird look. I wore my clothes and I came outside peeking through the bathroom door as it made a creaking noise.

Amy: I ain't gonna eat you. Come out.

She spoke calmly, her back facing me as she sat near the study table, solving a Rubik's cube.

She turned around as the wheels of the chair moved. I looked away in embarrassment as she looked at me.

Amy: I have seen more than that doctor, it's just skin hiding the flesh. Nothing special!

My ears turned red but it also hurt that I wasn't special to her. I looked at her slowly as her eyes seemed to bore holes into me looking right into my soul. There was something in her cold demeanor that could make anybody weak on their knees.

Amy: I have something to say. I would be going out for a week. It's for business. In my absence. Miss. Jenny would help you with the house chores. I will leave tomorrow morning.

It was the first time Amy didn't keep me in the dark, keeping me wondering all day what she was up to.

I nodded my head as she left the room without saying goodnight.

Hey guys! I know it's been a long time, that I updated the story, so yeah, I'm back. Hope you all enjoy the story and share your views on the comment section.
Thank you 😊
Peace 🕊️