You're my favorite rhythm... - 14 in English Love Stories by Pramila books and stories PDF | You're my favorite rhythm... - 14

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You're my favorite rhythm... - 14

Respect people's feelings...
Even if it doesn't mean anything to you,
it could mean everything to them...


" What a nonsense 😒.... Guys, can you please stop talking like this ? We have no right to interfere in anyone's life. And I think you are still not see the breaking news. " This is how shanvi shut the mouth of those girls.

Shanvi : Hey Shree, Ignore those idiots words. Gossiping in the office is the main job of these women. Why aren't you answering my calls ?

Ananya : Actually my mobile is broken. Which breaking news are you talking about right now ?

Shanvi : Don't you even know ? Come with me and I'll show you.

Few hours before....

David : Anand, please try to understand, There is no other option but to attend this award ceremony. I promise you. We will definitely be at her place tomorrow morning.

Anand : I want to hear her voice atleast.... It doesn't matter if I'm on stage, you let me know if she calls.

David : Okey SIR, I'm here to follow your order SIR.

That place looks very beautiful with many lights and colorful decorations. Many people who consider the cinema industry as their life gathered there. Some faces are already known, some are not. Whatever the situation, Anand tries to cope with a smile on his face.

Anand doesn't pay attention to his surroundings, he checks with David every 10 minutes once. He only pays attention whenever they call his name to honor him with awards.

Shree : Hey Anand... Congratulations... I know you will receive these awards this year as well. Unfortunately my father missed the award this year.

Anand : Thank you and Tell uncle I congratulated him.

Shree : What....? Would you like to congratulate my father for not winning awards ?

Anand : Oh I'm sorry... i mean.... I won awards for his films, didn't I ?

Shree : Oh... You think so too. Everyone said that because of you only my father movie is becoming a blockbuster.

Anand : No.... i don't mean it.

Shree : Even if you mean it, I don't get it wrong, because you deserve it.

Anand : Thank you for understanding me, Shree.

Shree : Yes, I always understand you, but you are the one who doesn't understand my feelings.

Anand : What do you mean ?

Shree : Yeah, I mean it. If you really understand me, Then what are you doing with that bitch ?

Anand : Mind your words....

His voice is slightly raised, but he controls his anger after understanding the surrounding situation.

Anand : Do you really want to know what I did with her ? you are my best friend so i think there is nothing wrong if i tell you this.... That night was very awesome. Before that night I thought sleep was everything, but she made me realize that a few sleepless nights are good too. She gave me a pleasure.... that you could never give me.

After saying this Anand left the place without looking at her face. His last words keep echoing in her ears....


As soon as he came out of the award ceremony hall, the media surrounded him, As usual they were doing questioning.

" Sir, What do you think about the awards you received this year as well ? "

" Sir, People's expectations in this film is more than other films, what is your opinion about it ? "

" Sir, Are you recently signed for any film ? "

Needless to say, he never had the patience to answer questions from media....

Anand : All your questions are interesting but you definitely have to wait for the official announcement, Thank you.

" Sir sir one more question sir... "

" At least let us know how many songs are included in the film. "

Anand knew very well that the media would not let him go so soon, so he started moving from there before they started to follow. But the question that came from somewhere in the air and fell into his ears made him stop on the spot.

Reporter : What about that girl ? Is she your girlfriend or....

Anand : May I know who is asking this question ?

Reporter : I am the one asking that question. Can't this be officially announced. So you have to answer this question yourself.

David ( whispered in Anand's ears ) : The channel where he works is the first to write gossip about all the celebrities. Not only the current news, but all the previous news were broadcast on same channel.

Anand : Sorry... I didn't quite hear what you said. Can you say that again ?

Reporter : I asked what was the relationship between you and that girl and Who she is ? How many girls are there in your life ? Have you change your girlfriend once a week ? Or once a month ?

Anand : I can say for sure that she is not from your home.

Anand's words angered the reporter and shocked those around him....

Reporter : Mind your words Mr...

Anand : You just mind your own business.... Don't you feel shame to talk like this. When you get so angry while talking about the girl of your house, you should have been careful when talking about other people. Who gave you the right to slander a woman or anyone else ? Media is meant to tell people the truth and not to spread rumours. Thank God her face is not visible in that video, if her face was visible you would have gone to her house to harass her.

Reporter : How dare you talk bad about me and my profession before so many people ? Don't forget that all the cameras are in front of you and the whole world is watching you.

Anand turned the camera directly on him and started talking....

Anand : I want to say this not only to him but to all of you. Videotaping someone without their permission and posting it on social media is a punishable offence. I read all the comments you posted below that video. It is foolish to think that what you see is true. It is a woman's right to decide what to do and who to be with. Even her parents have no right to interfere in her decisions. Hurting others not only physically but verbally is also a harassment.

Anand raised his index finger and pointed at the reporter.

Anand : And You... You must face the consequences of the words you have spoken. I am going to file a case not only against him but also against all those who posted derogatory comments.

The reporter's face became pale in fear.

Anand : I am obliged to tell everyone what happened there. It's just a fan moment. It was the moment when a fan's wish came true. I humbly request you not to intrude your imagination into other people's lives.

Anand starts moving from there and David follows him.

David : Wow.... what a speech... man. But I have one doubt. Are you really going to file a case against all of them ?

Anand : If I don't talk to her by tomorrow morning as you promised I will file a case even against you.

David : Our plane is ready to take off, BOSS....


Ananya : What is the need for him to do like this ? What will others think of him if he does this ?

Shanvi : Some people think that he is arrogant but many people think that he is not wrong. Yesterday when I checked this video had over a million comments but now that number has halved. He knows very well that talking softly and patiently does not always work.

Ananya : What is your opinion about it ?

Shanvi : Well... Thinking of that girl makes me jealous. She can now lift her collar and proudly tell everyone that I am the girl in the video.

Ananya ( whispered ) : She never does that.

Shanvi : That girl must thank him and God for having such a friend. If I meet that girl I will definitely hug her and congratulate her.

Ananya stretched out her arms to hug shanvi.

Shanvi : What's wrong ?

Ananya : Congratulate me, I'm the girl you're talking about.

Shanvi : What..... YOU.... HAHAHAHAA.....

Shanvi's laugh made everyone in the office look back at her.

Ananya : I'm not joking.... don't you believe me ?

Shanvi : Yes... yes... i believe you. Because I am your friend, I must trust you with everything you said to me.

Ananya : So.... You don't believe me, right ? 😒

Shanvi : If I hadn't accompanied you to that restaurant, I would have believed what you said. You can't deceive me, I was watching how he treated you like a stranger that day. So... Better luck next time...

Ananya : What a world this is, they believe a lie so quickly but if you tell the truth no one will believe it.

Her brain : Hey idiot, when are you going to call him and talk to him, if you don't talk to him he will report you missing in the police.

Her heart : Why should I talk to him, only because of him now my father is not talking to me.

Her brain : You're the one who decides to go with him, you're the one who holds his hands when he asks for a dance. So there is no point in blaming him....

Her heart : But bro....

Her brain : What bro...

Her heart : Nothing bro... I think your thoughts are like mine today.

Her brain : No way... 😒 Rabbits never eat non-vegetarian food.


Anand and David were waiting at the airport for the plane. The flight was delayed due to some technical issues.

Seeing Anand, who was sitting in a fear and nervous, David burst into laughter but suppressed it.

David : Hey Anand.... Can I ask you something ?

Anand : Hmm...

David : Are you in love with her... ?


What do you think Anand should answer now ?

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To be continued...