Forgotten Promise - 15 - One of the greatest ninjas in English Love Stories by Maria AME books and stories PDF | Forgotten Promise - 15 - One of the greatest ninjas

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Forgotten Promise - 15 - One of the greatest ninjas

Samson P.O.V

"Alexa you go home without me I will go home myself, I want to stay a bit longer" I said.

"Are you sure about that it's getting late"

"Pft I am not a baby I can make it home by myself" I said folding my arms.

"Okay then but don't get drunk" She says sadly before leaving.

I was actually surprised. Normally she would insist I go home with her. She seems sad after talking with that guy she calls her boss. He even kissed her.

What did he tell her that made her look so down and worried he threatening her or something?

I tried asking her but she would not tell me so I guess I would have to find out myself.

I looked for him among the crowd of people but couldn't find him. Then I saw him enter inside the mansion and I decided to follow behind him.

I saw the little girl from before she looks like she had been crying for long

"Uncle... I am sorry for leaving my room when you told me not to, I wouldn't do that again... can I please have...some cake?" She asked while sobbing.

"No just go to your room, aren't you supposed to be sleeping by now?" He asked sternly.

Wow this dude is really heartless.

He asked someone to take her to her room.

He has turned her room into a small prison for that girl.

I sneaked and followed him to his room surprisingly without being noticed but I didn't enter yet because I was afraid of being noticed. I just hid somewhere I couldn't be seen inside a dark room.

This just proved I am one of the greatest ninjas in the world.

After a while I saw him go out of his room so I used that opportunity to enter inside.

Everything looked fancy but I didn't have time to look around. I needed to find something I can use against him so I can get some answers from him, it is not like he would tell me anything if I asked him.

I saw a curtain in a place where there was no window which looked suspicious so I decided to open it.

My mouth dropped. They are all pictures of "Alexandra!" I closed my mouth with my hands. Her name accidentally slipped my mouth.

I looked at the pictures. It also contained pictures of when she was younger, but she was actually posing in those ones which confused me but the others looked like it was taken without her knowing.

This guy is a creep; he must be obsessed with her, I must inform her before it's too late. Maybe I should take some-

"She is beautiful isn't she?" Someone said from behind me, making me scream and jump in fright.

"What the-how did you get in without me knowing ?!" I asked.

"Pfft hahaha you scream like a girl" He simply said, mocking me.

"Hey who are you and what do you want from my friend? Where did you get these pictures from?" I threw questions at him even if I was afraid he might be laughing but I just found out his secret so he might kill me if he wanted to.

" you were sneaking inside my house from behind me, waiting for me to come out of my room so I could enter inside and look through my stuff and now you are asking me stupid questions" He signed.

"Why would Alexandra put up with someone so dumb?"

So he knew I was following him all along? Then why didn't he stop me from entering then. Did he want me to actually see it?

"So have you finished processing the whole thing?" He asked as if he was waiting for me.

"Hey it's not my fault; I am just trying to protect my friend..."

He cringed as the word friend.

"...after I saw you both talk she has been looking sad, are you blackmailing her?" I asked again.

"No I am not black mailing her in any way i-" He said, coming closer to me. I saw him gently bringing out something from his pocket so I decided to run away but when I got to the door he was already in front of me blocking me from passing.

"How is that even possible?"

The next thing I knew I was being held by the neck. I tried getting out of his grip but he was too strong then I suddenly felt something sharp on my arm. I looked to see if it was a needle. It all happened so fast I began to feel dizzy he let me go. I staggered and everything looked blurry.

What did he inject me with?

He slapped me so hard I fell on the ground.

"You piece of trash" was the last thing I heard before losing consciousness.