Forgotten Promise - 14 - Unconsciousness in English Love Stories by Maria AME books and stories PDF | Forgotten Promise - 14 - Unconsciousness

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Forgotten Promise - 14 - Unconsciousness

I opened the door to my apartment.

Sofia welcomed me.

"You came earlier today what-" she stopped talking after she noticed Kelvin who was on his phone leaning on his car.

She dragged me inside and closed the door.

"Alexa I thought you said you aren't dating him" she whispered.

"We aren't" I said tiredly.

"Then what's he waiting outside for?"

I signed how in the world am I going to explain it to her?

"Sofia listen, I am moving over to his house because-"

"You are getting married?!" she shouted

I began to boil inside me.

"NO SOFIA LISTEN! I don't have much time. I signed An agreement so I have to go now, it came up all of a sudden so I hope you understand" I said not telling her the full truth about being threatened. I don't want the police to get involved.

She put her hand on my shoulder "Don't worry I understand" before hugging me, I was surprised but hugged her back.

I actually expected her to question me more but I am glad she didn't.

I took my things and waved goodbye at her before finally leaving.

Why do I feel as if I am traveling?

I look through the window I wish I could read the contact before signing.

"Alexandra you shouldn't be upset it is not that bad, you can still go wherever you want you are just going to be leaving with me"

I guess he is right it doesn't sound so bad, at least I don't have to pay for rent but the problem is

"I don't trust you after what you did" I said he looked hurt.

"Okay then, I am sorry, I was trying to get you to sign it" He says.

"But why wouldn't you let me read it before signing?" I asked.

"Because you might change your mind about signing it" he says.

He held my hand. "Don't worry you won't regret it."


When I arrived at his mansion I felt a hint of excitement before entering inside, sure I have been here before but I haven't seen inside before and to be honest I am a bit curious. Outside was very beautiful, it had a waterfall, pool and even a garden.

"Err Alex aren't you going to get in?" Kelvin asked


I suddenly realized I was staring at the place while the door opened for me to get in.

A man in a suit who looked like he was in his 50s or 60s welcomed me.

Wait a sec is he the butler?

"Good evening Miss"

"Ah good evening sir, do you work here?" I asked.

"Yes he is butler, his name is Charles Donald" Kelvin introduced him.

"May I help you carry your-"

"Oh no there is no need I can carry it myself but thanks anyways" I said with a small smile so it wouldn't sound as if I am trying to be rude.

"But I can carry it for you" he insisted.

"No, no there is no need" I said assumingly

"Mr. Donald just show her to her room" Kelvin said.

So they have already prepared a room for me?

"Alex would you like to take a tour around or are you too tired to do so?" Kelvin asked.

"Yeah I'm tired maybe tomorrow?"

"Of course" He said.

He sounds happier than usual just like before. This is one of the reasons I agreed to coming here.

"Okay then follow me" Mr. Donald says and I follow behind him. I glanced at Kelvin who just smiled at me.

I just hope this is not a trap and he doesn't have anything bad planned.

One thing I know I have noticed about Kelvin is that he is super smart and figures things out very easily; this might be another trap and I wouldn't know.


After Mr. Donald showed me my room I thanked him and took a look around.

Wow, is this my room?

It is ten times bigger than my room.

I normally shared a room with Sofia and it was not half this big. It looked clean, it had fancy ceiling lights, the walls were painted yellow, a queen sized bed, a wardrobe, a desk and a bathroom.

I guess he was right, it was not such a bad thing after all. I am going to thank him later on.

I dropped my bags and laid on the floor.

I thought he would just get angry with me and not speak to me anymore because of how I left without telling him.

Thinking about that made me feel guilty again. I heaved a sign while staring at the ceiling, I brought out my phone from my pocket and called Brittaney she picked up almost immediately.

"Alexa good news we found Sam he is in the hospital, the bad news is that he is conscious, he's got a lot of scars on his body and we don't know what happened to him, so the police are doing some investigation" She explains.

I frowned while biting my lips.

He is unconscious?

"I am glad you finally found him and I hope he gets better soon" I said.

I could hear her sign "Me too"

"Hey I am going to hang up I have got another incoming call"

"Ok good night" I said before I hung up.

I signed in frustration. I don't know what to do at this point.

I just wonder how he got kidnapped in the first place?