Forgotten Promise - 10 - Flashback(II) in English Love Stories by Maria AME books and stories PDF | Forgotten Promise - 10 - Flashback(II)

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Forgotten Promise - 10 - Flashback(II)

Kelvin did help me out in talking to Felix because I was too shy to do so but surprisingly we got along well and he asked me out on a date.

I searched through my wardrobe for the perfect clothes to wear.

"Come on Alex just pick one you are beautiful in anyone" He says."No I must wear something beautiful" I said.

"Kelvin do you prefer the blue dress or red?" I asked.

He put on a thinking expression "Not sure" He says.

I signed in frustration . I never knew it would be this hard to pick. I normally just put on the first clothes I see.

"Honestly I just wish you were a girl, maybe you would be able to help me out here" I said he just laughed.

"Ok I would help you out the way I can" He said then stood up from the bed.

"Hmm... I think you should just go for the red dress" He said.

"You think so?" I asked and he nodded.

"Okay then I will try it on now so you can tell me what you think" I said

The last time I wore this dress was when I did my thirteen years old birthday which was last three months ago.

When I was done I came out from the bathroom to see Kelvin going through my stuff.

"Hey what do you think you are doing?!" He turned to look at me.

"Wow Alex, it looks beautiful, you should definitely go for that one" He says.

I narrowed my eyes at him before stumped towards him "Why are you going through my stuff?" It was a bit hard to walk with this dress and there were clothes on the floor so I slipped.


"Alex!" Kelvin tried to catch me before I fell. I tried to balance so I wouldn't fall but it was no use .

"Ugh" I am not yet wearing heels and I am already falling. I just hope I don't go and embarrass myself. I felt a hand on my waist which brought me out of my thoughts.

I just realized I was on top of Kelvin. "Kelvin why in the world were you-"

He smirked "It's like you are enjoying the position we are in now"

I felt my face heat up "Oops" I immediately stood up.

"I was just helping you arrange some things since everything in this place is scattered" He says while getting up. I look around and realize he was right

"Oh I am sorry I guess I misunderstood, how about we arrange everything together?"

"Ok then but first you must change your dress before you fall for me" He said.

"Hahaha good one" I want to change back to my normal clothes and then we arrange my room together.


"Calm down Alex you don't need to waste your tears on him" Kelvin says while hugging me. We were in the car.

"D-did I d-do a-anything w-wrong w-why is h-he a-avoiding me all of a sudden?" I cried on him.

"Alex we are here" He said.

I cleaned my tears "Sorry about your shirt" I said.

"No problem" He said.

I gave him a sad smile and wanted to open the door "Hey we are at your house?" I asked surprised

"Yes, you didn't know when we passed your house, I decided we should have a sleep over at my house today maybe you would feel better that way"

"But your dad would be around, it's Friday" I said.


"He doesn't really like me" I said sadly.

"That's not true, my dad likes everyone" He says with a smile. I stared at him in confusion

Is he trying to be sarcastic or what? I can't really tell.

"Okaaaay let's go then" I got out of the car and he did the same.

When we got in I wanted to sneak upstairs but-

"Kelvin you aren't supposed to be back by this time" He says then stands and turns to look at us.

"Good Afternoon sir" I got no response.

"Alexandra isn't feeling too well so I decided to skip some things for today" He says expressionless.

"This is the fourth time Kelvin"

"I promise I wouldn't do it again"

His dad didn't say anything anymore and just stared at us.

"Let's go Alex" he pulled me with him. I turned to look at his dad but he just glared at me.

I gulp Dang it why did I even look back.


We had already gone for our first date. He was so nice he even said he liked me.

I covered my face with a pillow Maybe I am over reacting. I should just call him again right?

"Alex which movie would you like to watch?" Kelvin asked.

I signed "I don't know anyone would be okay I guess"

"Really then I would choose a horror movie"

"What? No!"

"Too late you said I could choose isn't it?"

When he was done putting on the movie he came and stayed beside me on the bed.

I hugged his arm "Already scared?"

"No, I just wanted to say thank you for always helping me out" I said.

He kissed my forehead "I told you already you don't need them, you have me"