Forgotten Promise - 4 - The Suspicious Man in English Love Stories by Maria AME books and stories PDF | Forgotten Promise - 4 - The Suspicious Man

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Forgotten Promise - 4 - The Suspicious Man

This is not what I had in mind.

"So... what would you like?" He asked looking at the menu.

We are in a nearby fancy restaurant, everything here is fancy, even the chairs are fancy.

How am I going to eat freely now, I eat like a pig and I am not good at choosing which spoon, fork or knife to use.

I signed silently "I would get whatever you order sir"

He looked at me then smirked "very well then"

When the waiter came he told him something in his ear.

Is he planning on poisoning me?

When the waiter brought the food, I hesitated to eat.

"What's wrong are you not going to eat your food?"

I looked at the food. What in the world is this?

He was eating see food while I got this soup.

I pout. "That's snake soup" he said my eyes widen in surprise.

I push the bowl away he snickered.

You think this is funny? I looked away so I don't glare at him.

He brought a fork shrimp close to my mouth "Open up"

I am hungry so...

I ate it.

So good.

He gave me more.


"You got something on your face let me-"

I panicked "Don't worry I would clean it myself"

I used my shirt and cleaned it then I realized what I was doing.

I signed in frustration I notice some people looking at us, I thought he would be mad but instead he looked amused.

Is obvious he brought me here to embarrass me.

I saw someone far away from us taking pictures but he put the phone down and got up to leave when he saw me.

I frowned and stood up to go after him but Mr. Steven held me back.

"Where do you think you are going you can't just leave without saying anything" he said.

I look to see he had already gone.

"Sir someone was taking pictures of us when we weren't looking, he might use it to blackmail us" I whispered.

He held my hand tighter "Alexandra... stop embarrassing yourself"

I flinched a bit. What a jerk.


"Thank you sir for paying" I thanked him as we were heading back.

Although I didn't even touch the snake soup.

"Your welcome... I just came here because I was bored"

I don't think it was a good idea for us to have come to a restaurant, Some people might have gotten the wrong idea but there is no point telling him that.

My phone started to ring.

"See you at the office" he said and left while I stayed back to answer the call, it was from Sam.


"ALEXA WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME YOU GOT A JOB?!" Sam yelled on the phone immediately I answered it phone.

I removed the phone from my ear "Ah Sam why do you have to yell" I cleaned my ear.

This dude want's to burst my eardrums.

"I did, I told you that Amanda was taking me to an interview on Saturday when we were watching a movie at my apartment, and all you said was 'Hmm? yeah, yeah' so I just assumed you were listening, " I said.

"B-but I wasn't couldn't you tell?"

I was imaging that day, he was eating popcorn while watching the movie all his attention was on the tv.

"I could tell, but you never listen to what I say sometimes, you just pretend to."

"Wow Alexa you really hurt my feelings" I rolled my eyes.

Am I not the one that's supposed to be hurt?

"But you could have at least told me when you got the job"

"Why do I need to tell you? You wouldn't listen" I said.

I heard him gasp "You know I need to go my break was over a while ago" I said.

"Ok Alexa from now on I would pay more attention to what you say"

"That would be nice, bye" I hung up.

I headed back to work .


When I got home I called my sister to ask how mum was doing.

"Ok Sandra how much do you need?" I asked her.

"um... about that, Mrs Amanda had already paid" she said.

"How did she know?" I asked but I got no response.

"Sandra don't tell me you told her!" I got annoyed.

"Calm down sis she called me to ask how mum was doing, so I had to tell her, because I know you can't afford it" She says.

I signed "Sandra please don't tell her anymore" I said.

"Okay I wouldn't" I hung up.

I don't want to be a burden to anyone but I actually appreciate her help.

I sent her a thank you message then after an hour I got a call from her.

Is she always expecting my message?

"Alexa I forgot to tell you about Grendel's birthday party"

Grendel is what Amanda calls Mr Seven.


"So I am inviting you" She says

"When is it?" I asked.

"On Saturday"

I had plans on Saturday.

"Does he know you are inviting me?" I asked.

"No but I would tell him later"

"Ok I will go if he accepts"

"Good to hear" She says then hung up.

I had always known Mr Steven since I was in middle school but we were never close, although we meet far long before I was in middle school but I decided to distance myself because of some reason I can't remember.

But I am sure by now he must have forgotten.