Forgotten Promise - 3 - Long Lasting Friendship in English Love Stories by Maria AME books and stories PDF | Forgotten Promise - 3 - Long Lasting Friendship

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Forgotten Promise - 3 - Long Lasting Friendship

After I was done with lecture I decided to head to work.

"Bye Sam, see you tomorrow!" I waved good bye.

When I got outside a man came out of the car and was waving at me.

"What in the-"

"Miss Milson!" he called.

I guess he was serious when he said he would get me a driver.

I went and entered the car.

"Good Afternoon, did Mr. Steven told you to pick me up here?" I asked.

"Yep when you get there you can change to your work cloth in the bathroom" he said.

Why do I feel like I am getting some sort of special treatment?

I shook my head.

I shouldn't get ahead of myself maybe he is just trying to be considerate.

I put on my earphones and listened to some music.

After a while...

"We are here!" he said.

I thanked the driver before coming out of the car.

I went to his office with a cup of coffee.

"Good Morning Sir"

"Good Morning ... Alexandra I can't seem to find what you sent" He frowned looking at the computer.

I dropped the cup on the table.

"Sir do you mind if I checked?" I asked.

He allowed me, I came beside him to check but I didn't see it either.

That's strange I thought I sent it.

"Sorry sir I thought I sent it but I will resend it again" I said but got no response.


"Huh?, what were you saying?"

He wasn't listening.

"I was saying that I didn't find it either but I would resend it" I repeated.


I was about to leave when he said "Alexandra once you are done sending it come I want us to discuss how to update our website" he said.

"Ok sir" I nodded


Once we were done with our discussion I went out of his office.

The dude stares a lot.

I just notice something weird about Mr Steven.

Other people at work call me 'Miss Millson' but he calls me Alexandra right from the beginning.

Why am I so paranoid that doesn't mean anything.

I got a message from my sister she says he needs money for my mum's medication.

I don't have money now and I just started working, I wonder if she can wait or maybe I should borrow some money from Sam.

I was distracted that mistakenly bumped into Amanda.


"It's okay, how have you been"

"Am good, are you here to see Mr Steven?"

She stared at me.

She really looks like him.

"You know it gets weird at times when people call him Mr Steven in front of me"

That's true it sounds more as if he is her husband than her son.

"I am sorry about that" I smiled nervously.

"It's okay, how's your mum?" She asked.

"Oh she is getting better"

"I will visit he tomorrow, I have been a bit busy lately and it's been long I had visited her but I will be sure to visit her tomorrow"

"Ok then, I am sure she would be happy to see you" I said.

Amanda and my mum has been friends since they were teenagers, I am not sure how they ended up being friends or their history together my mum never explained it she just said that they had been friends since they were teenagers.

"I am just here to so see Grendel I am in a hurry" She said.

"Ok then, it was nice talking to you" I left.


The next day...

"And....done, is there anything else you want me to write? I asked he yawned.

He looks more tired today than usual.

"That all" He said.



"I am hungry" he said.

I blinked at him "You...want me to get something for you to eat?"

"And I am tired of sitting here, how about we get something to eat since it's time for your lunch break" He suggested.


I prefer to eat alone, now I have to watch how I eat in front of him.