Forgotten Promise - 2 - Being Generous in English Love Stories by Maria AME books and stories PDF | Forgotten Promise - 2 - Being Generous

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Forgotten Promise - 2 - Being Generous

I stared at him as he drank the coffee. He looked like he hadn't slept for days.

"Alexandra?" he called


"Would you stop staring it's getting annoying!"

I looked down "sorry"

What is wrong with me.

He signed in annoyance "Here, this is the list of my appointment he handed me a paper, don't let me forget any"

"Okay" I took the paper

"You can go home 2 hours earlier today" he said.

"Ok thank you sir"

"You can go now" he said dismissing me.

I left the office

Well at least I wouldn't stay here for too long.


I went back to my apartment when I done at work, then took my bath and laid on the couch then I sent Amanda a message to thank her for helping me get the job.

I am relieved he didn't remember me, but I am still not sure if he does or if Amanda reminded him but I am glad things worked out well.

She was online so she answered me immediately.

Amanda: No worries dear, but be patient with him he can be a hot head at times but I told him to be nicer to you.

No wonder he didn't send me out of his office.

Me: Ok I will. I sent a smiley face emoji

The door burst open Sofia walking staggering.

She attended another party again and came back drunk.

I signed then help her to the room.

I took her to the room and tucked her in bed, then made dinner for me to eat before I went to bed.

Next day....

Dang it I am so screwed

I can't believe I am late on my second day of work.

I knock on the door to his office.

"Come in!"

I entered in. He glared at me.

I gulp "G-good morning sir"

"Care to explain why you are late?"

"On my way here a car passed splashed dirty water on me so I went back to change my cloth" I lied.

He stared at me with a blank expression

Did he believe that?, nah he isn't going to believe that but that the best lie I can come up with.

"Ok then I would send a driver to come and be picking you up so you wouldn't be late again, now get me a cup of coffee" he said.

I was surprised.

What he believed that?.

"Ok thank you, sir you have a meeting buy 2:00pm" I said.

"Okay, I am expecting someone soon so just let him in if he comes." He said.

"Okay" I left the office.


I was busy on the computer when I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in!"

"My name's Paul Spenser I would like, I would like to see Mr Steven" he said.

He looked like he was in his fifties

Maybe he is the one Mr. Steven is expecting.

I showed him to the office.


I finished up late today.

I rested my on the table.

"It's pass the time for you to go home" Mr Steven says startling.

How come I didn't notice when he entered?

"I know I just had somethings to finish up I am going home now" I stood up.

"How about I drop you off it's a bit too risky for you to go out by this time"

I was surprised that he actually cares.

"Thank you I appreciate your concern but-"

"I insist" he said firmly.

"O-okay then"

How can someone look so scary while trying to help.

I have seen a USV many times but I never knew I would ride in one.

Wow so cool I thought to myself as I looked around in amazement.

"You like it?" I heard Mr Steven ask beside me.

I forgot he was here.

"It's Very aw- I mean nice" I said trying to be formal.

I saw a small smile form on his face but it immediately disappeared he looked out the window.

"Don't get too comfortable, this is the last time I would give you a ride" He said.

How mean, well I guess his right I better enjoy it while it last.

Once I reached my apartment I thanked My Steven before entering my apartment.

"Who was that?" Sofia asked.

Oh it looks like she came home earlier today and not drunk.

"That's just my boss, he generously offered me a ride home" I said dropping my bag on the floor and slouched on the couch.

She raised an eye brow at me "Really? your boss dropped you off"

"Yep is there anything wrong with that?"

"Are you sure you aren't having an affair with him?" she asked .

My eyes widen in surprise.

"Sofia what type of assumption is that?!"
"Calm down I was just joking...but are you though?" She asked.

"No Sofia no" I said annoyed.

"Okay then if you say so"

She is just saying that to annoy me more.

"What's his name?" She asked

"Kelvin Steven"

"Oh my dad works there too, I have actually seen him before and I have to admit he is hot" she says.

I rolled my eyes "Whatever keep crushing on my boss while I get something to eat, I am hungry" I stood up.

I opened the fridge to see it empty. I got very angry and yelled