GLOBEL COMMUNISM - 4 in Gujarati Motivational Stories by Nirav Vanshavalya books and stories PDF | GLOBEL COMMUNISM - 4

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now its time to refar that point also that why communism didant get walk longer.

we may take rrason for that as a globlaisation.but globlaistion was the project of they westarn experts.but which instrument by globlaistion got its start! that is also thinkable.

as we refered above ,that there was machinery was the main instrument in walks of communism. as a same super calculater(computar) was the main instrument in walks of globlaisation.

after invantion of electricity communism got curige in gathering of machinarys.and after invention of electron globlaisation got cause of its rampants.

untill arrives of computer,in communism there was a one kind of stablity in do work all most with one compney untill retairment.but globlaisation brought 1000 time more earning options then communism.
but communism was fundamently giving working security,idher in job or by good relation in communism suppose all business were walking by good relations and good work.but globlaisation's professnalism was nwvar been in state of forgiv mistake of work.and it gaves most innumbers of fires.
but ,yet still we can not say that globlaisation gave us a pease full society.suppose it was globlaisation which make started terrarism.becouse after mostly second world war there was all.most full stop of world war or some big kind wars.becouse globlaisation was the fully comercial project which was world wide in represantation of united states of america.

project open sky was also family project of globlaisation.
there was indexly came three projects.first was open road, goverment bus service and private too.secand was open track.
which in there was started railway services.which has sttill noe get privetlaisation and all last the open sky.
open sky was most ambitious projectjust after of open track.

now has to take a look that also what helt first two extreem libural in there.

we had listen that most in they first two projects are giving facility to old or some handicap or childs peopels freedom fighters and to many these kind a free or some concession.
but open sky was not look been in this way.
we had seen evan travlling some 'khuda baksh' peopels in buses and trains without ticket.
but we nevar seen this provison in open sky.

actualy by me asks,i must would like to say that,olen sky is running fail.
why,i must say,that creatars of they great peopels of project opwn sky, must had did manssion for this kind of peopels. i mean ti say a khuda bakshs i am sure.
but with very surprising all ooen sky's in charge was on 'iraq'.
yes,iraq was most providing in 'crude'. and most through iraq they were to provide most low prise aviation tickwts to the pilgrimars.
but ........ it was so sad that ,that was not heppand.
do we know reason!

lets take it's knows.
there was nothing mention like war in before project open sky.
but westen oil multinational did betweening and their commercial greed started war between uno and iraq.and which oil has take american goverment,that oil they multinationals snatched from iraq.and doing start their business as per non open sky.

so this was the picture untill of socialaisation.