Eureka in English Fiction Stories by Misaal Fatima books and stories PDF | Eureka

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Akacia was found unconscious in her kitchen holding a knife in her left hand with a deep injury in her ponch. Her chef saw her first. But before she served her, she lost her breath. Chef called the police. Her mother and friend declared it as a suicide but after observing the body and injury, the police named that she was assassinated. Furthermore, the forensic experts proved it correctly. Also Akacia was not a lefty. The copes continued their investigation by asking several questions from the family members as well as servants. They also searched her bedroom and kitchen as well. The knife was only evidence at that time. Her mother told that she didn't had any hostility with someone. Meanwhile, a cope told the crew that the home safe was opened but there was nothing in it. It had seemed that it had been done by a bandit. But they couldn't say anything at that time. Anyways, the body and knife were sent to forensic laboratory for further details.
"No more wait, do not hesitate,
Have a cheer, it's time to celebrate."
The loudspeakers were at peak and there was such a deafening base of song that no one could clearly hear each other.
"Hey!", When he turned, deep wracks appeared on his head. His smile had vanished in a moment. "Stupid", thought in his mind and rushed out from there. Her eyes lost twinkle. She bowed down. "Anna, Anna!", Helsey came towards her. "Is everything alright?", She asked her. "I incensed him", She mumbled, "I'm the stupidest in this world." What?", Helsey couldn't listen her clearly, but she could clearly see how her eyes were shedding. After being strong enough, she allowed herself to attend the party. But at that time, she was unable to stand there for even a single moment.
She had been trying to call him for a couple of hours but there was a deep silence on the other side. She didn't want to do it but actually she wanted so. She couldn't sleep last night and till her mind was lost. "He'll be busy." She thought. "Maybe, he'll not. Why he'll talk to me?" She wanted to radeem herself but the nature got her on the other side. There was a deep chaos inside her. The colour of her eyes screamed black.
"There are three different types of fingerprints in this knife." "Three?" "Right! The one of them is Akacia's own. And the other two are mystery." "But how's it possible Dr. Firgusin. I mean, fingerprints of two different people." Inspector Markus was wondered. "Yes sir, but not only this, I've something else. You'll be astonished. Are you seeing this?" Dr. Firgusin indicated towards a computing machine. "These are drugs particles. Sir, I found drugs in her blood. It means that she had taken drugs before she died." "But she didn't use drugs as her mother told." "Maybe the assassinator injected her drugs." Dr. Firgusin suggested. "Frederics! I need all details about Akacia, her family members, relatives and friends." Markus ordered. "It could happen in order of any retribution." "Sir, she had no relatives and there was only member at her home, her mother. She had a brother who had passed away before 4 years." "And what's about her friends?" "Sir Akacia, Flurie, Advent, Maxwell and Anna, there is a group of friend. And she had a bestie Melissa. But Melissa is not in the group circle. Her only friend was Akacia." Frederics told. "We have met Melissa, she doesn't know anything about it." Markus said. "Yes sir, and also Advent, Anna and Maxwell were at office at that day. Their MD told me this. But this Flurie, he is somewhat suspicious." "Why?" "Because he takes drugs." "Ohh! I see. Flurie takes drugs and we found drugs from victim's body." Inspector Markus blinked his eyes.
"Sir we matched the other two fingerprints with Melissa, Akacia's mother and her home servants. But we didn't get any match." Crezz joined them. "Now our suspect is Flurie. Just follow him." Said Markus.
"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Advent, happy birthday to you." And with a loud hooting, the hall had glown with lights. "Where the hell is Akacia?" Advent was looking unhappy inspite of his birthday. "Flurie! Ask her, why she didn't reach yet." "I called but her phone was switched off." Everyone was looking perturbed. "Anna is also not here." Maxwell appointed their intentions. "Let's try one more, okay I do it by myself." Advent dialed Akacia's number. "Hey, where are you? The party is about to end and you still didn't reached. You should be here at that time." He started nonstop in exasperation. "Son! She's no more. Don't you know." It was her mother. "What!" Her mother told about her murder. He was appalled when he got that news. Maxwell and Flurie were also in shock. They didn't want to continue the party but Advent had invited all his colleagues and relatives and he didn't want to offend them. So he continued with unconscious mind.
Anna had tensely sat in the front of window, when her mobile rang. "Hello!", She picked up without seeing the screen. "Why were you not picking up the call?" It was Helsey. "I've." Shortly replied." "Yeah, you've but after trying many times and by the way, where have you been since last Tuesday?" "At my home, in my room." "What does it mean. Today is Advent's birthday. You didn't go to his birthday party." "He didn't invite me. Even he didn't replied to my text wish." "What! He didn't invite you. It's unbelievable." "Yeah it's true." "But why? He is your best friend. "He is angry with me. He is not responding to my calls or messages. He said that he felt awkward due to me everytime, he felt embarrassment because I screamed his name in the huge crowd. Am I so impertinent that he is punishing me like this? Helsey, why is he doing with me? Does love result such castigation? I can't tell you how much I bother at this time." Helsey could feel her predicament. "Don't worry dear, everything will be alright." She couldn't do anything except to incentivize her. Both were silent for a moment. "You know Akacia has been murdered." Anna broke the silence. She wanted to make herself strong. "Oh sorry to hear, who did it?" "Don't know. Police is trying." "Well, it's mean you are now only in this game." "Don't say like this. Nothing can change Advent. It doesn't matter that Akacia is not, there are thousands of girls in this country." "Hope for the best dear."
"What do you think, who can kill Akacia Advent, Maxwell and Flurie were thinking about the time, they spent with her. "Just stop it Max." Advent scolded Maxwell who was predicting her friend's perpetrator. He was already so depressed and didn't wanna be more. "By the way, where is Anna?" Maxwell again reminded them. He was distraught about her. "She is seen nowhere these days. She also missed Advent's birthday party." Flurie agreed with Maxwell. Advent lost contact with them. "I.. Actually I.. forgot.. " "Forgot what Advent?" Flurie and Maxwell froze their eyes on him. "I forgot to.. to invite her." He hardly could say it. "What! You didn't ask her? Oh my God! But why?" "Actually, I was pissed." "And can I ask that what made you too?" "I don't know. She is totally insane. She acts before thinking. She really don't care that due to her nonsensical behaviour, how much I annoyed." "She is insane, I agree, but she is insane in your love. Can't you see how much she likes you?" "It's all crap Max. What kind of love? She always pestered me." "She pestered you or you pestered her Advent? She loves you but sorry to say friend, you've been so selfish." "Guys, you will keep your discussion but now I am gonna say goodbye to you. I'm getting out of here." Flurie interrupted them. "But today is off. Where are you going? "I'm not talking about office. I'm going to meet my parents. It's so long I didn't see them." "Oh! You didn't ever tell about them. Where they live?" "Well, you didn't ever ask and also they are not here. Indeed, I belong to Czech Republic and my parents are there."
"I see. Now we'll visit Czech Republic cause we had trips to many other places except it and we'll also meet his parents. What do you say Max?" "Yeah it will be adventurous." "Okay okay you'll must plan for it but now have to go. Bye." Flurie was getting late. "Okay bye." "Bye and have a safe journey."
"Stop." He was getting onto the bus when he felt someone invoke. When he turned, he found himself subjected by some police copes. "I did nothing." He raised his hands. "Then why you're trying to leave the city?", Sub inspector asked. "I wasn't. Today and tomorrow's my off. I was just gonna meet my parents." "Let's come to the point. Why did you kill Akacia?" "What are you saying sir? She was my friend. Why would I kill her? "That you'll tell us." "How can you say that I murdered her? He was seemed flustered at that time. "Because you are a drug addict and we found the same drugs from the victim's body." Sub inspector roared. "Sir I was drugs addict but not now. I didn't take drugs for 3 years. And also there are many people in this world who use the same drugs. It doesn't mean that they all are her killers." He gave explanations. "Don't make lame excuses. It doesn't prove you deplorable." Inspector was obstinate. "Where were you on 21st, December?" "Sir l was in the garage for the entire day, you can ask from velkan. He was there with me." "We'll." Said inspector. "Sir he is right." Marley told after talking to velkan. "I told you before sir. Can I go now?" Flurie saw him as he was waiting to listen "yes", and as he expected, he was allowed.
"Our last plan didn't work. We'll have to take every single step warily" "Relax boys, just foget that. I have a new solid plan. I am 100 percent sure that it will definitely work. And we are gonna be wealthier." "What we'll have to do, boss?" "First of all you will need to move New York, cause we're gonna do this robbery there." But boss, why there? We should plan for this city." They both were not consenting with there boss. "Boys,I made this plan after deep thoughts. There is a party held by a famous business man for new year celebration. All citizens are invited. And also I have good relationship with his grandson. He personally asked me. It's more safe to filch their trove when everybody will be celebrating, no one will pay any attention." "Wow boss, you are a genius." Number 2 danced happily. "How it will be done?" Number 1 asked. "I'll attend the party. Meanwhile, when everybody will be engrossed, I'll enter the bungalow and will open the back door for you. You'll wait for me outside and when you'll receive my SMS, you'll enter the bungalow and act on the plan. I'll not be there with you. I'll have to rejoin them and to stay in front of their eyes. For this no one will doubt on me. You'll take the booty to the hotel. I'll meet you on morning with tickets and then we'll equally share it and leave this country. What do you say now? Boss told them his plan with brighting eyes. "Boom! Super, we're ready." And then they both bursted a laughter, when a light appeared. "It's Police car, run." one of them screamed.
"They are running. They must have done something illegal. Move fast." The police inspector became alert. They succeed to catch number 1 and number 2 but their boss managed to fled.
Tell me, who's your boss? Do you work for a gang?" Markus questioned from them. "Sir we don't work for a gang. We have a only leader. He enticed us for robberies. We just came to his seduction." They were so scared that they exposed their secrets. "It's mean that you were planning about heist." Inspector smiled. "Sir it's all his plan. We did nothing sir. His last plan also failed and now again we got stuck." They were crying. "Bad acts have bad results. Who is he? "Don't know sir, whenever he met with us, he had covered his face with mask. He told his name, jay." "We'll find him. Tell about your plan in detail." And they told all their plan.
"Frederics! Arrest them."
She had been staring at villa for 10 minutes. It's beauty and elegance was demonstrating the hard work of it's constructors. Her legs were shivering. She timidly stepped through the entrance. She prayed that he would not at home but for a next moment, her prayer was repudiated. She got startle when she clashed with him. "What nonsense! Can't you see." Advent shouted. He didn't see her yet but when he raised his eyes, he was astonished. "You." she was not expecting that, she didn't understand what to say. She closed her eyes with disgrace. "Hey, I'm with you. What are you doing here? " He was asking but she was still unable to talk while both of them heard a voice, "I called her." It was Lisa, Advent's mom. Advent looked at her mother uncertainly and then went off. "Come inside with me." Lisa took her to the drawing room. "Would you like to have something." Now she was asking. "No, I'm okay." Anna was totally disturbed due to that untoward happening. "Okay, but you must have to eat it. Aunt offered her some cake. "I kept it for you. It was Advent's birthday, two days back. I know he didn't invite you, but you have a right on it." Lisa was a kind lady. "Thanks." She took a bite. "Did you like it?" "It's delicious." Then they had a light chit chat with each other. "Okay, now let's talk about why I called you." Anna heeded towards her because she was also too much curious about that. "You love Advent. Right!" Lisa was assure but she felt necessary to ask. Anna was shocked. "Don't feel offending. It's not a big deal. I know you love her and there are many other girls who love him. But there is one thing
that differ you from them and that is, you love him instead of his wealth unlike the others. There is also a girl who is trying to approach him. She is Advent's cousin, daughter of his uncle. Advent is sincere with her but it seems that she will snatch my son. Actually, I don't like her. Before she stand against me, I want that Advent get married. Now I'm looking for a match for him. And I think you are perfect for him. I really like you for him." Lisa finished her talk. Anna, who was attently listening her, she got marvel when she suggested her. "But how me.. I mean.. he don't like.. he'll not agree." "And if he'll?" Lisa was fully confident that she'll persaude her son. "No I don't think so. Please don't ask him. What he'll think about me. He'll think that I said you to recommend me. Please aunt, don't ask him, please. " She was requesting. She had been sacred by Advent's behaviour. "Relax Anna, why he'll think about you like that? Many girls came here but I didn't plead for anyone and he knows it well." Lisa tried to make her satisfy. "Okay, you take your time and think about my words. But now, stay calm and enjoy this cake."
She had been continuously thinking since she reached. There was a conflict between her heart and mind. She didn't understand whether she should be happy or not. She wanted Advent and it seemed like a wish was coming true, but Indeed, she was afraid. After trying so hard, when she couldn't get rid from her thoughts, she asked Helsey to meet her and after very short time they were together at coffee shop. "You know Anna, I came here after a long time. I really missed this coffee." Helsey met her after many days, she was so happy. "Helsey, I didn't call you for enjoyment. I have a serious topic to discuss with you. Anna tried to take her attention. "Ohhh! Okay okay, let's carry on." "Advent's mom proposed me for Advent." Told Anna. "What!.. You're joking." Helsey looked at her in shocking way as if she couldn't believe what she heard. "I'm serious Helsey. Have I ever pranked you on this topic?" "If you're really veracious, then you should be jubilant." Helsey was actually so excited. She heartly liked her friend and really wanted to see her happier. "Should I?" Anna was still confused. "Of course Anna. That's exactly what you wanted. And now when it's time to get it you are still anxious." Helsey couldn't understand the reason of her anxiety. "But his mother said this, not him. Do you think that he'll agree? Aunt says that she'll insist him, but." "But?" "Helsey I want that he accepts me willingly, if he wants to, not like this, I mean, forcibly." And what do you think, will he? Like Advent Kingston, the son of richest business man." Helsey looked into her eyes. "I don't know." Anna got tense. "Anna it is better to accept him irrespective with the circumstances, instead of shedding tears for the whole life." Helsey tried to explain her. "No I think it's better to shed tears instead of losing respect in someone eye." If you don't listen to anyone then why Would you ask? Do whatever you want." Helsey nagged her. "I'm so sorry Helsey. Actually I can't understand what should I do. I'm so reluctant." Anna felt that she said something wrong. "It's okay, just chill at this time and enjoy this lattee."
"Sir, I got a wonderful news from Melissa." Crezzila said while entering the bureau. Everybody paid attention towards her. "Melissa told that Akacia and Advent were not just friends, Akacia was in love with Advent." "So?" Frederics asked. "Sir, there is also another girl and she's Anna. This Anna also loves Advent madly." Crezz further told. "And what's about Advent?" "He was somehow interested in Akacia." "Ohhh! Anna loves Advent and Advent was interested in Akacia, it's mean Anna can be her assassinator." Markus predicted. "Right sir, may be she killed her to make a way for herself." Nicole added. "May be or may not, it's not right to say anything about this. Also we don't have any proof against her." Markus said. "First of all we have to look for that unknown robber." "Sir, we tried hard, but his disciples are not ready to open their mouths." "May be they are right. They don't know about him in detail. But you don't worry, they both will help us to catch him." Markus chuckled softly. "But how sir?" Nicole couldn't understand him. "I have a plan. Just wait and watch."
"Hello friend!" Flurie entered with smiley face. "Hey dude, when you came back?" Maxwell served him drink. "Thank you.. well today, where is Advent?" Flurie asked when he didn't see him there. "He didn't come today." Maxwell replied. "Don't you think Flurie that we are breaking down?" Maxwell said deliberately. "What do you mean?" Flurie asked while lying on carpet. "There is nothing special in our friendship like we had before. Akacia is no more. Anna also remains wither all the time due to Advent. She meets at very least. And this Advent, he didn't come for two days. Do we were like this before. Remember when we used to sit and had parties till late night." Maxwell explained in simple way. "Don't start overthinking. Else you'll be old very soon." Flurie mocked on him. He was looking worry about something. He really didn't care about what he was saying.
Advent was getting bored. He grimaced on his mother's request. "So that's why she came to you." He rudely said. "She didn't. I invited her and also I proposed. She didn't say anything. Rather she forbade me to ask you." Lisa explained. "Okay, if she forbade you then why are you insisting?" "Cause I want that you tie a knot with her. She is so cute, kind hearted and innocent as well. I really like her for you. "But mom, she is out of mind, sometimes, I feel that she is mad. She acts childish." "Well, she is innocent not stupid. And also she is just doing in your love. She'll be alright when you'll treat her with love. Before blaming her, you should change your behaviour." "But Mom we're not compatible with each other." Advent had never refused his mother's decisions but he was trying to shelve her. "You'll, my son. When you'll marry her, will stay together, then you'll." She was his mother. She was not from them who return back. There was no way to escape. "Okay, then do whatever you want." He had no choice except to come round. "That's like my son." Lisa was so excited.
Today was 31st December night. Everybody had reached at party. They were waiting for 12:00 midnight to celebrate new year. There was a huge crowd of people. He was gazing here and there, unduly. He has changed his plan because his disciples were caught and he knew that Police must knew about it and they would come there for him so he was treating like a normal person. Also, he hadn't masked his face. He knew that no one know about him but he was panic because it was under jeopardy. It was so hard to filch in the absence of police and so many other people. He had contemplated to leave the country on next day. He took a deep breath and make himself able to face the hurdles. While he was reminding him about the plan, his mobile rang. "Hello!" He picked up the call. "Boss, can you recognize me? He was one of his disciples. "You.. you were caught by the police." He was surprised. "Yes boss, but we managed to get rid from them. But boss, they know our plan. Now we have to look for other choice." He was responded. "I knew it, I knew that you must had told them, so l changed my mind. Now I've a new plan." He told. "Boss where are you? If you're there in the party, then get out from there. Police have a trap for you." They said. "You tell me me where're you? I'll come there." He said. And after 20 minutes, he reached there. Now he had covered his face with a face mask. "ldiots, you had given your claught. Was it necessary to reveal the plan?" He scolded them. "We were constrained boss."
"They were constrained like every criminal." While they were arguing, they heard a voice.
Police had surrounded them. There was no way to escape. "Cheaters, you ensnared me." He addressed with them. "We ensnared you, they didn't. They foolish don't even know what happened with them." Said inspector Markus. "Ahh, Don't need to have burden on your mind, we tell you how. They are thinking that they managed to escape but, Actually, we let them escape. We gave them this opportunity because we knew that you must have changed your plan. So it was useless to catch you in the party. And we also knew that after escaping, they'll meet you. So it will be easy for us to find you. That's why we made this plan. We were actually seeing them running and then we followed them. And now as you know, we succeed.
Now put off this veil." Markus was pleasant on his success. "Nelson, remove his mask." And as he ordered, Nelson removed the mask from his face but they shocked for a
moment. "Flurie... It's mean you was real master mind."
"Why you did so? You left one crime and adopted the other one. Before you used to take drugs and now you started robbery." They had taken him to the bureau. "It was my compulsion sir. My all friends belong to rich families. When I saw them enjoying parties, having precious accessories, I wished I could have all of that. I tried hard to control myself but I couldn't." He had l nothing to do except to cry. "Sir, on the same day when Akacia was assassinated, there held a robbery. Her home's safe locker was empty. May be he did this and also he killed Akacia." Nicole reminded them. "No sir I didn't kill her. Please believe me, I didn't, I swear." "Nicole, ask Dr. Firgusin to match his fingerprints to them that we found on the murder's weapon. Everything will be clear and meanwhile, Frederics, throw him into the prison."
"What did you come to know, Dr. Firgusin?" Markus questioned their forensic doctor who was matching Flurie's fingerprints. "We found a match." Doctor told. His eyes flashed. "Yeah, his fingerprints match with one of those unknown fingerprints. "Good, Frederics bring him back." "Now what will you say? It has proved that you are a murderer." Markus asked. "No sir I'm not a murderer. I'm a burglar but I didn't kill anyone." He was testifying. "Your fingerprints are marked on the weapon by which she was killed. It means that you've touched it and also it proves that you were there. If you wouldn't then we would never find your fingerprints on that weapon." Markus roared.
"Sir I'll tell you everything. Yeah l was there and also I touched that knife but I didn't kill her. Sir, I went there for dacoity. Actually, 3 days back from her murder, I went to her home with her. She had to put something in safe. As I was her friend, she trusted me so she entered code without hiding. I could clearly see it. After seeing such expensive jewelry, I coveted to get it. Then I made a plan to filch that." "Then?" Crezz asked. "I went there on the that day, Watchman was on the duty but he was sleeping. I jumped into the lawn and entered the home. Akacia was sleeping. I injected her drugs just for precautions. It was not so dangerous that it could take her life. It was just able to make her unconscious. And after that I filched the jewelry. It took me 7 to 9 minutes. And then when I was ready to leave out from there, I heard a sound, as something rattled. I moved towards that sound keeping myself hidden. When I reached the place, outside the kitchen, I peep inside the the kitchen. I saw someone attacking someone else. I'm sure, she was a girl because she had long hairs, long and brown. I could only see her back. But I had a blunder, by mistake, the torch slipped from my hand and dropped on the floor. She listened that sound and got know about someone absence, so she ran away. I followed her, there was one more person waiting at the door for her. Due to darkness, I couldn't see his face but I think he would be a boy and they both ran away. When I entered the kitchen I found Akacia on the floor. Knife was still sticked into her ponch with a lot of blood shedding through it. I pulled off the knife. But before I took her to hospital, I felt someone was coming towards kitchen, may be any servant because her mother was not at home at that time. I wanted to save her life sir, but I thought I would be stuck in that case so l preferred to fled from there. I don't know what happened then. I came to know that she had died when her mother told Advent, on his birthday." He told all the story. "Why we trust you? You're making stories by yourself." Said Nelson. "No l'm truly saying. Sir, I'll be punished because I'm a convict. Now why I'll make excuses? And also | didn't acquired anything. The looted box had dropped into ditch in hastening. I tried but didn't find it." He elicited everything. "Then why you didn't tell us before?" Markus asked. "I was frightened. I thought you wouldn't believe me. And I'll be hanged up due to her assassination." "Well you didn't kill her but you tried a theft from her home. You were his friend, didn't you feel
ashame, doing such cheap thing." It was Frederics.
"I'd been greedy, sir.
But l've something. Maybe it will help you to find assassinator. Sir, when I ran from her house, I found a chain on the grass. It can belongs to assassinator. Maybe it was dropped when She was escaping. I thought I would sell it, so I picked it up." Said he. "Nelson, take that chain from him and inquire about it, from where it was purchased and who purchased. Inspector Markus ordered him.
At last, the day reached for which she had been waiting for a year. She had accepted the proposal. Today, she was gonna marry to whom she loved heartly. The hall was embellished with stunning flowers and lights. It was shining with it's all glory. Everybody was there. The corridor was fully covered with red roses. They entered with full of integrity. Lisa and Helsey were so excited but Advent wasn't looking happy. "Be happy Miss Anna, I'll must take my revenge." He thought. Maxwell was singing a song. Meanwhile, everyone surprised, when inspector Markus with other soliders entered the hall. "Oh don't worry, we've just come to participate in ceremony. You didn't invite us but we thought that we shouldn't miss it." He said with a smile. Anna was puzzled. "At last, you succeed for which you killed your best friend." Crezz taunted at her. "What do you mean? What do you wanna say?" She couldn't understand the situation. "You know Miss Anna what we're saying. How relaxed you're after doing such crime." "What crime? Who's murder? I really don't know what are you asking about." "You murdered Akacia." "No I didn't. Why would I?" "Because you had a reason, you loved Advent and she did also." "But it doesn't mean I killed her." She tried to prove herself innocent. "Yes you did, we also have a proof. FIurie is caught. He went there for robbery, he saw a girl with long brown hairs and you have long brown hairs. Also he found this chain from the crime scene. Have you seen it before." Crezz showed her the gold chain. "Yeah, it's mine. But how it was there". "Because you were there, you killed Akacia. All evidences are going against you." Now Markus shouted. Anna was speechless. What she would say? She was coagulated. Crezz had put her handcuffs.
There remained a deep silence after they went. Lisa and Helsey were under shock. "What were you saying ? She is innocent, a nice girl. Now you've seen." Advent who was silently seeing this drama, at last, he spoked and rushed out from there. Everybody was whispering about them. The excitement has converted into mourning.
"I heard that Anna has surrendered. Maxwell said as if he didn't believe. Helsey was worried about her friend and wanted to defend her. She came towards Maxwell because she knew that Max was only who trusted Anna. "It's right." Helsey answered. "But I can't believe on it. How could Anna, No no she can't do it?" Maxwell mumbled. "Yeah, she didn't." Helsey said looking into his eyes. "And why are you sure?" Maxwell asked.
"She told me this. Police made some inquiry after taking her to the bureau. They matched her fingerprints with evidence but didn't find match. They still had suspicion about her because as told by Flurie, there were two persons who came there to kill Akacia. She could be one of them because they found her chain from there. And also might she had wore gloves. But they couldn't punish her because they
hadn't any solid proof. So they freed her."
Maxwell was listening her very carefully.
"It's all right, but then why she surrendered?" Maxwell was curious. "Just
to save Advent." What!" "Yeah, it's true.
Last night when she returned to home, she
called me. I have the recording." Helsey said
and played that recording.
"Hello! Helsey, where are you? Are you alone?
"Anna.. Yes I'm. Where are you and how are
"I'm fine, I'm at home. Helsey police has
freed me but they are still doubtful. But not
only me Advent is also their suspect."
"Advent..but why him? What he did?"
"Flurie lied that he was in the garage, he
paid velkan for witness. He was there in the
crime scene for robbery, due to him, police
inquired about our locations. Mine, Advent's
and yours. My cellphone was off that night and you were found in the office. But Advent's location has been traced outside the Akacia's house before 1 hour to the crime and then his signal lost."
"Oh my gosh! It's mean Advent killed her."
"No Helsey, he might go there for any other
purpose, but I know him, he can't be a murderer."
"He didn't trust you but you're trusting him."
"I don't know what I'm doing but l've
intented. I'll surrender.
"What! Have you gone mad. Don't blabber."
"Yeah I'm mad. And if I'm not, then I'll be soon. Now advent will stuck in this case and then many others will. This drama seems totally endless. Let me end this. The police is thinking that we've together done it. I'll go there and tell them that I, with my any friend killed her. And then I pushed my friend also into acid in my lab because I didn't want to leave any proof. But for whom I did it, he refused to accept me. Now I've no option except to surrender because I want to die. And actually I wanna die. I'll tell them that I asked advent to come there but couldn't talk to him because Flurie had seen me. By this, they'll punish me and Advent will be safe."
"Are you serious Anna. Nothing will be
alright by doing this. Don't be so foolish."
"This case is messing day by day. Not sure
how many other innocents will ensnare in it,
as me and Advent. Let's finish it. I've aimed. I'll not change my mind. And also Advent
doesn't trust me nor he likes me. I've lost
hope. I don't wanna live anymore."
Helsey has closed the recording.
"Oh No! What we'll do know?" Maxwell already trusted her. But now he was 100 percent sure. "Let's think about it." And then they both lost in the deep thoughts.
He had been thinking about her since he
came from there. He was so stressed. "I have to do something." But what he could? He really didn't know. After thinking the whole night, an idea came into his mind. He had to make a scheme and then work on that notion.
"Sir, sir please protect me. Someone will kill me." She entered the station speedly. She was out of breath. "Melissa, what happened?" Crezz pulled the chair towards her and served her water. "Relax Melissa, no one can harm you. Calm down and tell us who wants to kill you?" Inspector asked. "I don't know him. But someone has been texting me since 3 days. He is menacing that he'll kill me. You can see." She showed them that messages. "Sir, he also mentioned Maxwell, Advent and Helsey" Nicole read the messages. "Yes sir, he said that he'll kill me first then he'll kill Advent, Maxwell and Helsey. Sir I think he has problem with all of us. He said, I'll kill you, your friends, and everyone related to you and them." "Don't worry, no one can harrass you. We'll find him. And until inspector Nicole will stay with you for your safety. Now you go to your home. Don't need to worry." Nicole took her from there. "Sir, it's mean Advent, Maxwell, Helsey, they all are under siege." Crezz said. "Say them to stay in their homes and don't go anywhere until we allow." Markus said her to inform them.
"This case has taken another turn. I was also confused due to Anna. I mean after such a hard effort, why she surrendered. There is more to it than meets the eye." He was suffering perplexity. "But she has surrendered herself and she has been sustained to death by the court." Crezz inform him. "Crezz, Ask Frederics to inquire about the number from which Melissa was texted." He ordered. She went off saying "okay".

"Sir this number is registered with the name
of Advent." Everybody was shocked.
"Advent.. he was sending those menacing
texts." "But his name was also mentioned.
Why would he wrote his own?" Crezz consciously said. "So that we don't doubt on him. Try to trace him." Said the inspector.
"Hands up! There's no way to escape." They had traced him. "I'm not trying to escape. Even if I wanted so you would never find
me." He was still relaxed and calm. There was no anxiety on his face. "What do you
mean? Why did you send those messages?" Markus shouted at him. "Because I knew that Anna is deplorable. She didn't kill anyone. It was necessary to expose the real convict. There is someone who tried to ensnare us, me and Anna. And I know who is responsible for this and who is real criminal." "You got stuck so that's why you're calumniating on others." "No ľm not calumniating. ľm truly saying. Just trust me once, if you're in search of real delinquent. If I'Il be proved wrong then you can arrest me. I'll stay with you until. I'll tell you everything after that." He confidently said.
"Okay, then tell us who is?" They agreed with him. "I've a plan sir, You just have to be in lurk in victim's house tonight, keeping yourself hidden. You'll see by yourself."
She was going to bed when her mobile rang. "Who the hell at this time." She picked up the phone in angsr. "Hello!" She said while yawning and picked up the glass of water. "I came to know that you killed my daughter." The voice she heard from the other side. "What?" The glass slipped from her hand and boke down into pieces. "I've a proof against you. I'll handle this to the police next morning." And the call was disconnected. She was perspired from head to foot.
It might 2 O'Clock when she heard the footsteps. There was complete darkness in the room.
When she entered, she found her sleeping in the bed. She got close to her. She took off the knife from satchel and got ready to attack but the antagonistic hold her wrist strongly. She struggled hard but she had taken the knife from her hand.
Suddenly, All lights turned on. She looked around. Police has bounded her. "Melissa Brandon, so you were behind this game. It's like, child in the armpit and chaos in the city." They took her to the bureau.
"Now tell us why did you kill your only best friend?" "For the retribution of my mom's death and to achieve what I deserved." "What does that mean?"
After my father's death, my mom had started illegal activities. Akacia's father proposed her. He married her but it was kept hidden. I was in 10th standard when he also passed away. He estated too much property. My mom was legally heiress in it. But when she went to Akacia's mom, she refused to accept it. She mocked at her that she was doing just for inheritance. I had no money to persue my education because my second father was affording my all expenses. Mom decided to go to the court. But she died in an accident. How did I managed to survive after her, no one can understand. Akacia and her mom didn't know me so l tried to get her close. I thought that when I'll kill Akacia, her mom will be under depression because she has no one else except her. By this I'll be succeed in taking revenge and also l'll be only heiress."
"Then how did you kill her? Also we didn't find your fingerprints on murder weapon."
I did it after a complete planning. I knew about Flurie's planning of dacoity. So I planned to kill her on the same time.I involved my boyfriend in it. He brought that knife, I've wore gloves. I Invited Advent so that when you'll investigate, you thought him peculiar. I stole Anna's chain and threw it willingly so that when you'll find it, you'll consider her as a killer. I wanted to ensnare
them and after closing the case l'll gonna
prove myself as heiress in the court."
"And what's about your partner?
"I killed him too."
"I know I rejected you. But why did you ensnared Anna? What she did?" It was
"Because she had a reason for it." She responded.
"You made a good plan, but you forgot thy
consequence. You'll be astonished that it was Advent who was sending you those messages, just to expose you. When he told us that you are real delinquent then we made a plan. Akacia's mother didn't find any proof against you, it was just a trap. We knew that if you assassinated Akacia then you'll definitely come to assassinate her mother too, so that she wouldn't prove yourself. And that was our officer, Nicole whom you attacked instead of Akacia's mother. Everything happened according to our expectations. Now make your plans in the lock up. You'll be sustained to hang soon. Nicole, take her away and bring Anna." Said the inspector.
Now he was addressed with Advent. "How did you get to know that she is the real assassinator?"
"I've heard the conversation between Helsey and Max. They were discussing
about Anna. She was not a convict but she surrendered to save me because I was also
your suspect at that time. I had a great regret on it and I wanted to radeem myself. On that day, I went to a coffee shop in office break. Meanwhile a waiter handled
me an envelope. "I have something very
important to discuss with you, please reach
to this location, ",was written on it. The address was a coffee shop that is in front of Akacia's home, but I didn't notice that. I went their and bided but no one came towards me then I returned back to office.I ignored because I thought that maybe he wanted to handle it to someone else but erroneously, he gave me. But when I heard that recording, I understood that he\she wanted to entrap me and Anna, so I planned to substantiate."
3 days back
He was there in the cafeteria, where the waiter handled him the envelope. But he was told that he had left the job. It's seemed very arduous task but after toiling he found him. "You gave me someone's invitation on 21st December, who asked you? Advent asked. "I'll never tell you that." He frowned. "If you'll not l'll report in police
against you. Because for whom you succor he\she is a criminal." Advent showed strictness in his temperament. "But I didn't know that. I just conveyed her message." It's mean she's girl." "Yes", he told. "Who is she? "I don't know her, I've never seen her
nor I know about her name. She texted me to do it and for this she paid me." He told. "How did she paid?" Advent asked. "I received a parcel at home." "Damn it, but you must have that SMS." "Yes, I've." He took that contact. But he didn't know who was it.
"Now it's your turn." He typed and sent. "I'll kill you, your family and friends. And everyone related to you." He sent later. Then he sent few more menacing texts to her. He knew that she'll be frightened and go to police station for help. He used to visit outside the police station keeping himself hidden that no one could see him. At last he succeeded when he saw Melissa getting in, in hustle. "Melissa" he was amazed. He remembered when he rejected her proposal. He understood the whole game.
"You know that it was illegal, to harrass someone. But as you helped us to catch the real culprit so you'll not punished. And well done you really did a great job." "Thank you Sir."
He came out. Anna was looking at him angrily. "Won't you say Thanks", he smiled wickedly. "Why you did so? you could stuck." She angrily said. "And what you did? You're really insane." He took a deep breath. Then he kept silent for few moments and then gently said, "Can only you sacrifice for me, can't I?" She tacitly stood there. "You know l always misunderstood you, but l've realized that how much I pestered you. I confess. I'm really very sorry." He requested. "Yeah, I was displeased but after your this act, I left the resentment. It's okay now." She heartly said.
"It's mean you'll be.." He asked looking in
her eyes. "What?" She curiously said.
"Anna Kingston."
First she couldn't believe on her ears but she chuckled when she looked at her face. She didn't say anything but Advent had found the answer in her smile.

The end.