The Intermixed lives... in English Fiction Stories by Siya books and stories PDF | The Intermixed lives...

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The Intermixed lives...

There comes a day when we finds something precious 'cause of our good deeds. So the same situatin is with our little hero's of this story..

Author's pov
There she's waiting for her to come. She sighs on seeing her. Krishtia took a long breathe and started by her words "Did you waited for long?" Swistina answered at her weird question "Yah... So long that my teeth started to fall and my hair had been longing for a dye." Krishtia then started laughing and mocked her "Then I should have arrived a moment later to see you lying on the bed." Swistina eyed her "You are just dirt ,stupid." Krishtia replied "No, you are the one."

Both of them were having a small conversation and then they went to the Holiday Park. There we meet one more interesting character, Khloe. She was a girl with very patience and calmness. Swistina, Krishtia and Khloe were bestfriends from a year. Now at the present they were in high school.

In the Holiday Park, there was an old small house where lived an old woman. The three friends went to the woman. They saw her removing the webs created by enormous spiders. Swistina greeted her "Good evening, Granny." The three got the woman's attention. She came down from the tool and smiled at them. She asked them "Have you all arrived?" Khloe replied "Yes, Granny." She continued her words out "How much you care about me. You helped in the time I sincerely needed it. You are helping me from a year, so, in return I do have something for you three." Krishtia asked curiously "What's that Granny?" The old woman asked them to follow her. She went into the basement leading them. Swistina,Krishtia and Khloe had explored the whole house, but they never had been there. The basement was covered by a weird silence and darkness.

Only the thing they can hear was the rattling of their own footsteps. Though it was dark the woman could walk exactly in the right way. It was strange. After few moments they reached in front of a small door just as same as the size of window. The woman asked them to follow her. She went in by crawling and so the three did. Now, it was not that dark. Only two oil lamps were flickering. The room was barely filled. In the centre there was a table where kept a small wooden box. The woman held the box in her hands. Swistina asked "What's this Granny?" At the same time krishtia asked "And why is it in place like this?" The third question raised by Khloe was "Is it really that precious that you kept it hidden?" The woman smiled and said "I will tell you everything you are curious. But for now, follow my lead." She opened the box. In it there were three candies. Swistina in a baffled way said "It's just candies." The woman asked them to have it. The three friends consumed it. The woman said "Now, let us move out, and then i will answer all of your questions one by one. In the small veranda, the woman said "These candies are more precious than that of gold. So, they were kept hidden, here. These aren't the candies which you always consume, but a special one." Khloe asked "What's the consequences of consuming it?" She got a reply "These candies are connected to each other. You can talk to each other without actually speaking up."

Krishtia asked "How?" The woman continued with her words "Let me give you a practical to make you understand." She then asked them to call each other's name and talk to each other in their hearts. And actually it worked. They could talk to each other in a mute way.Now, they knew what's been happening with them. The woman said that they could talk from a long distance or from any corner of the earth. The three didn't asked her that how she had pills 'cause of their excitement. They left the house.

Now, ever they want to talk they can talk to each other silently and at any time. The next day, Swistina got up and wished her friends good morning by a far diatant communication. They too reciprocated. They came to school. During the class they were talking to each other without making any sound. The teacher, Mr. Victor questioned them "Are you three fine?" Swistina asked "Yes sir, but why are you asking this question?" The teacher replied "Why aren't you disturbing the class today?"

What will they do now after gaining a so call supernatural power? Will they utilise it or make up their way to a wrong path using the powers?