Childish in English Children Stories by Musica books and stories PDF | Childish

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Spend some time:-
A man in his 30's ,His wife and a daughter (10 year old).his daughter's name is Angel.Her father came from his work so tired,irritated.his daughter came to him and said "Daddy, do you love me?"her father said"Look ,it's not the right time to ask me this kind of questions".His daughter "then when is the right time to ask you daddy?"His dad got irritated by his daughter's words and started shouting at her.his daughter goes to her room and comes back with some money in her hand and asks her dad "Daddy ,I will give you all my money if you love me and spend some time with me."her father had tears in his eyes."Angel,you don't have to honey,yes I do love you."
Angel said to her father"daddy,I know you make money for me ,but if you do,why don't you spend some time with me?"Her father said"It's because of work dear."Angel asked "If I go to work at my age ,will you be there?"her father said"Maybe not or maybe yes".Angel"If you're not there,You wouldn't spend time with me either."Her father said"I don't know honey".His daughter said"Then when will you spend time with me ?"Her father said"Your right.I should spend some time with you but who will work?"his daughter Angel said"Daddy,If I go to work,you won't work but that time I will be busy".Her father said"I work for you I make money for you ,I will spend time with you"Angel smiled and showed her drawing of her,Her father and her mother.
Always spend time with your family even if you have a little bit of time,you always work for them ,why not spend and spare some time with your loved ones.Remember when you die your family and friends will suffer.not your boss.he can replace you easily but you can't be replaced to your family.
Cover yourself:-
Oneday Angel wore a very revealing dress.her mother saw it and took her into her lap and said "hello my dear angel"Angel said "hello mom",her mother said "gold and diamonds are covered under the sannd ,mud with different different layers, aren't they?",Angel said"yes mom."Her mother said "Then why shouldn't you?"Angel said"But I am not gold or a diamond".Her mother laughed and said"Your body is more than just a gold,your more than a diamond to all of us"Angel said"Am I?"her mother said "Yes Angel,You are,So ,you should be covered to"Angel said"ok mom ",Angel quickly went and changed her dress and came back.Angel said"I changed mom" Her mother said you are always an angel ".
Yes,to everyone who read this ,Not only Angels body is gold and she is a diamond, everyone's is ,So we all should be covered too.
The end
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When we learn by adults we obey ,when an under age or young person advices we don't learn or listen, because you think they are children and they're thoughts will be childish,it's not true.A child with wise mind can cure your problems which will fade away.Dont underestimate anyone by their age .
Thank you