Killer Queen in English Women Focused by Musica books and stories PDF | Killer Queen

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Killer Queen

Killer Queen:-

Hello,My name is Amara,I am 25..I was born in Russia.I had a terrific past.I was traumatized.You see, My mom died when she was giving birth to me.My dad hated me. He said I killed my mom.He started drinking,Playing in the casino.He married Lexi.She was the worst step mom.She made me do all the chores,She also drank vine.She bought different men inside the house while my dad was away,busy playing in the casino.One day,My dad lost all his money by playing the casino.He still played with a debt.He had to pay them one lack.The casino players told to my dad,if you don't pay the money back we will kill you.They said that While I was in the bedroom ,I heard it.My dad got only 2 days left.After 2days they came back.They saw me.They threatened my dad for the money but then my dad had no money.My dad begged them ,they said fine.If you don't pay give a night with your daughter.My dad agreed.I had tears in my eyes.I said then to leave me alone.They dragged me into an room and....Raped me.They were cruel.But my dad was more evil than him.How could he do this to his own daughter?.Not one day but everyday they raped me.I was hurt physically and mentally.My dad even brought in different men inside the house and have them money ,so they could rape the age of 18.I moved out by getting a scholarship at a college ,There was a hostel.I wanted to study but get my revenge.So I became a killer .I killed everyone who raped me.I killed anyone who was raping a girl.I studied hard and became a doctor.But nobody knows how the rapists are all dieing.I killed every rapist as I could.On the news they call me Killer queen.I was wearing a mask.So nobody knew, who I was.In some news I was a heroine.In other news I was a villain.I killed my father.One day I met this guy named Brad.He was handsome.He is a police officer.We got to know each other very well.He was so sweet.I started falling for him.I started going out with him and One day ,he proposed to me.Saying"marry me killer Queen?".I was shook.I thought he didn't know.I asked me how he knew?He said"You usually leave some evidence behind.I hide it for you"I asked you want to marry me after you knew I killed someone? He said"yes,Because you didn't kill someone who is innocent ,you killed someone who is a rapist"he also added"You saved lives".I said"It isn't a crime?"He said "No."I was happy he understood me."I said "I would love to marry you".He added"You are killing rapist with hate,but you killed me with your heart,you are a killer Queen".I laughed.I am married ,I have two kids.I still kill rapists.I love my family.
The End
By this story I didn't mean that you should go on a killing spree to kill rapists.By this story I meant ,There is a killer Queen in every single women's heart so don't think to rape a girl ever.Girls are not dolls for you to play.Don t commit crime or it might backfire to you.Remember if you're bad God will send Karma.If you're good god will love you and you will longer. Thank you. If you like this story please like, share,and comment on it. If I made any mistakes please tell me in the comments.