THE TIME DEPRITIATION a day of 24 minuts in Gujarati Science by Nirav Vanshavalya books and stories PDF | THE TIME DEPRITIATION a day of 24 minuts

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THE TIME DEPRITIATION a day of 24 minuts

era friquant per era a solaars are depritiating and in that turm time is also getting its smalls era per era. i mean we haves some smaller solaars in comperitive of that full size. and eraing l it would be more smaller then presant.and time will be too.

longers of days and nights or some shorts are depend to solaars full size or depritiateds.
we all know this thing.
how much solaars are been of thair full size or near to be a new born,days and night will be also in that way most longer.
one confusion is also come made that in millions of milles distansing they solaars not getting surfaces to each others,then how they can get depritiation!!
answer could be that of some black holes and some polluting planets are been of bigger than hole solar systems and they can magnet any planet in just evan they in millions miles of distance.

but all most may be they black holes and polluting planets are living out of this range distance
and they magnet solaars only how much they give depritiation
by vibrations by their extreem gravites.
by this vibrations more then eraing after(after ages) solaars are come get lost of their old size.
some how some space dusts may come in surfacing of solaars and they become unfull some whrer.or some asteroids falls can be disturb theri full size.

there is one principal is also made and this principal is of univrecal quota
yes,which abouting we a infinet,that univerce is actuluy bounded.after that fancings what is there that is researchable,but truth is that univerce is limited.
and as per this quota principal every destiny carring priscribed quantity in it and its time limit too.time is also not out of this principal .every destiny has to spend a priscribed time limit for To be more then it.
if univerce is not limited then over destiny matirial will look still on and on in the kind of havy wastage.
but unicarce is limited and its quatas are dbout.
any way, we were talking about time depritiation.and how time become smaller then its past ,lets take a look at it.
every polution is living in only gastic kind.and after its saturated upper moves it comes bake to the down.and it gives high prature to the earth.this rutin we can take for every gases ar gastic kinds.but pollution is most speedyof they all in comming down.and it gives most higher prature to the earth. and earth become wide in quantity of that prature that much.
this prosiger is going in every solaars and they all become some abnormal.
it matters to diameater that all planets including earth,they all living in tearm all time rounds and revolves.
so it made very natural that they all become deprisiated.and beyond they time also comes smaller then its past.

its a great job of natur ofcourse we are in earth of small time ,but not at all in earth of un similars of days and nights.i mean we haves similar devided days and nights

thank you very much

nirav vanshavalya.