THE MANJU GHOSHAL MURDER MYSTERY - 2 in English Crime Stories by Artist Vishal Saxena books and stories PDF | THE MANJU GHOSHAL MURDER MYSTERY - 2

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Past of story Next to the bed on which the body is lying is a steel cupboard which is locked, but the keyhole bears several
The room where the body is found also accommodate a medium sized dining table,on which are two teacups, one made of steel, the other of porcelain. Both contain remnants of tea , and a larger cup, it's handle broken, lies on the floor.
One of the cupe has to be manju's so what about the other two? One murderer, or two?
An inspection of the bathroom and kitchen produces nothing unusual. There some cutlery in the kitchen sink, and the shelves hold the standard crockery, cutlery and various jars as middle class kitchen shelves usually do. A basket of vegetables lies to one side. Forensic experts go through every millimetres of the flat, and find fingerprint in two places the steel cupboard and the two cups on the dining table. The list of confiscated objects include blood samples from the bed, the bloodstained bed sheet and pillows cover a bloodied blue bag the cups with the fingerprint, the third cup and it's broken handle.
By now the corpse disposal van of the DD has arrived. Manju's inert body is brought downstairs with Nepal Bhattacharya street overflowing with onlookers and the police have a trying time loading the corpse into the van. As the DC DD and DC south make their way out , they are confronted by a few dozen boom mics belonging to the city's electronic media.
Any idea about the case of murder?
Is the suspect a known fact?
Does the murder of an elderly lady in broad daylight indicate the police failure to ensure the security of our citizens?
What do the forensic experts say?
Is the commissioner coming?
The question are relentless, one cutting across the other. Calmly, the DC DD say, the investigation has just begun. We'll try and solve the case as quickly as we can. We'll be exploring every possibility.
The DC south adds, this is an isolated incidents . while extremely unfortunate, we think it would be oversimplifying matter to say that it indicate a general failure on the police part to ensure the safety of the citizens s.'
This is enough to launch an avalanche of live feed with camera man so and so this is so and so from Kalighat.
You just heard how the DC south avoided responsibility by describing the brutal murder of an elderly lady as just an isolated incidents. However, local residents are clearly terrified about the security of the city's elderly. A murder this close to Kalighat thana raises questions about the role of the police too. How scared are the local? Let's find out .....'re from the neighborhood...a savage murder like this, in broad daylight....'''
The media have a job to do , so do the police. As senior officers and forensic experts inspect the flat , the commissioner of police cp hears the initial reports on the phone, and communicates his decision on the spot. The DD will handle the case, and young homicide Branch sub_inspector Malay kumar Dutta is entrusted with the investigation. ✴️
By Artist vishal saxena