FAILURE, IT NEVER ENDS UNLESS... - 2 in English Motivational Stories by Devanshi Kanani books and stories PDF | FAILURE, IT NEVER ENDS UNLESS... - 2

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In last part, we discussed failure, now it's time to get to know about success!!

success and failure are the different side of same coin. so whenever you are getting failure you should be ready to welcome success and vice versa.

everyone have their own definition for failure as well as success, whats yours?

If I ask, what is success for you? Some of you say that, “it is just
a dream comes a true moment. Some say, the most awaited
moment of my life. Few of you say, I am still working on it” while
others say, I deserve it”. Many of you consider it as a chance of
popularity and so, on. Everyone has their own perception of
success. How do you consider success?
Same as the failure, lets us Google the term. Google dictionary
explains success as the fact that you have achieved what you want;
doing well and becoming famous, rich etc. Or, the thing that
you achieve; something that become very popular. Cambridge
Dictionary says Success is the achieving of the results wanted
or hoped for. Wikipedia says Success is the state or condition of
meeting a defined range of expectations. It may be viewed as the
contrary of failure. The criteria for success depend on context
and may be relative to a particular observer or belief system. One
person might consider a success what another person considers
a failure.

Now, I hope you have some clear ideas about what is success and
what is failure. Before going ahead, I want you to put down your
thoughts; your perception; your understanding of success and
failure. I request you to be honest with your answer. Pour your
heart out!!!
Here are, some hints for you. Ask these questions to you before
1) In what areas of life do you already feel like a failure?
2) In what areas of life do you already feel like a success?
3) What role do money, friend and happiness play in
4) What role do money, friend and happiness play in
5) How object integrity, honesty, values, love and

to all the readers its my humble request to pour your love into the comment section. i would love to here from you all!!

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Failure is indeed!! What matters more is balancing between failure and success .
The book FAILURE : IT NEVER ENDS UNLESS....!! Is all about dissection of your failure. FAILING always leads you to the door of success . Just you are a step away from your success.

This book will guide you to move towards succes. Succes is not anything that you get overnight. You have to devote yourself .

This book is the perfect guide for your failure and succes . You just have to maintain balance between that.

Here is the link to buy your copy

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Your reviews means a lot to me .

FAIURE : It never ends unless...!!!

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