You're my favorite rhythm... - 9 in English Love Stories by Pramila books and stories PDF | You're my favorite rhythm... - 9

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You're my favorite rhythm... - 9

There are thousands of languages ​​in this world but a little smile can speak them all....

Don't forget to smile every time you see a new face....


Announcement :
Now that the plane is about to land, everyone is requested to take their seats and fasten their seat belts....

None of the announcements that were playing there disturbed David's sleep and he slept peacefully holding Anand's hands and leaning on his shoulder.

There is nothing wrong with David, It's Anand who has woken up the sleeping man and brought him on the plane without even telling him where was going.

There's a reason for that, if he call him when David is conscious, he'll ask where you're going, what's the purpose bla bla bla...
And Anand can't lie to him, if Anand tell him the truth he won't come.... That's why he had to be brought when David was half asleep.

Anand : David, wake up man, we are going to start our new journey in this new land.

David could not even open his eyes fully.

David : What are we going to do on the weekends getting up so early ? Maybe if I had a girlfriend I would go out with her. A weekend in the life of singles is just for sleeping.

Anand : Wouldn't your weekends be sweeter if you could get her contact number ?

David : Are you really going to give me her number ? Just a minute...

David find his phone and ready to jot down her number.

David : Tell me now...

Anand was looking at David like " you don't even dream that I will give you her mobile number ".

David understood the meaning of Anand's vision and closed his eyes again realizing that even in his dream what he thought was not going to happen.

Announcement : Ladies and gentlemen, Blue airlines welcomes you to the city of pearls, for your safety and safety of those around you, please remain seated with your seat belts fastened and keep the aisles clear until we are parked at the gate.

David : what ? " City of pearls " why are we here ?

Anand : We are here to visit a close friend of mine.

David : Don't try to hide anything from me, I don't know who is that friend you have here.

Anand : C'mon David... I will explain everything to you on the way, come let's go...


One would be happy to have a day off after six hectic days of work.

The sun rays entered through the window and was trying to wake her up but she was pulling the blanket and wrapping it. Even though the rays of the sun were saddened by her actions, but the blanket that was hugging her was at the peak of happiness.

That call came deliberately to spoil its happiness. Without even opening her eyes, she groped for the mobile on the table. She swiped the call without seeing who it was.

Ananya : Helloooo....

Anand : Hey sleepy dog... You haven't woken up yet ?

Ananya : What am I going to do getting up so early ? A weekend in the life of singles is just for sleeping.

Anand was little irritated when she spoke like David.

Anand : You sleepy face... If I had been there instead of your father, I would have woken you up with a peck on your head instead of petting you.

Ananya : You have to cover a thousand miles to do that.

Anand : I've already crossed...

Ananya : What ? It's not even April so why are you trying to fool me.

Anand : if you have any doubts, check my current location darling...

Not believing his word, she cut the call and asked Google for help, and Google said he was 104 kilometers away from you.

" WHAT ??? " She shouted a little louder.

Tik tik...

" First get up and get ready and then decide where to meet " massage from him.

It took her a while to realize that what was happening

" Has he really come to see me ? "

" oh nooooo.... " She jumped up from the bed.

" This color is too bright, this is too pale, it's look like a old cloth, this look soo grand.... no no no... None of these... I don't even have a nice dress to wear "

Dresses in her cupboard : Am i joke to you ?

" Can i refuse by saying i can't come ? No, don't say it directly, it may hurt him, let's say ' I have some work in the office so I can't come ' "

Her brain : He knows very well that, even on normal days you don't go to work regularly, will he believe you if you say you have work on Sunday ?

Ananya : You're right...

Her brain : What ? Do you agree with me ?😳

Her heart : Not every time bro...

She called her father several times to ask for help, but he did not pick up her calls.

After thinking for a long time whether to go or not, she called him to tell him her decision.

Ringing 📞📞....

Ananya : Hello....

Anand : Hey Shree.... Your town is really beautiful. I wish to fully enjoy its beauty. I want to meet you before that. Sorry Sorry... actually I'm so excited... so why did you call me now, Shree ?

She did not have the heart to refuse the man who spoke so enthusiastically.

Ananya : Hmm...Actually... I just called to know where you are so that I can come there.

Anand : My exact location is...

His brain : Hey Anand just a minute man... Is it good to ask her to come here ? Because David is here too. If she comes here they will meet. David already likes her a lot and now what will happen if they meet.

Ananya : AJ... are you in line ? Hello...

Anand : Yeah Yeah.... It's very crowded here and it would be nice if I could find a quiet place where it's not too crowded. So you better tell me a good place and I will come there.

Ananya : Ok I will send you the location of the place.

Anand : Then... How is your friend Shanvi ? Is she going to come with you ?

Ananya to herself : Oh god Shree, How did you forget Shanvi ? That's a good idea.

Ananya : Yep... she is also coming with me.

Anand : Haha... It will be a lot of fun when she knows the truth... That's good... then... see you soon.

He hang up the call....


Will Shanvi find out the truth?

What will be her reaction when she finds out the truth ?

Are David and Ananya going to meet ?
If they meet then what will be their relationship in this story ?

Ananya's father already doesn't like Anand. What will be his reaction if he knows that they are going to meet ?

You will definitely have to wait to find out....