Benifits of Sprouts Part IV in English Health by Dr. Bhairavsinh Raol books and stories PDF | Benifits of Sprouts Part IV

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Benifits of Sprouts Part IV

Health benifits of Methi and its Sprouts:

Methi (Scientific name Trigonella foenum-graecum) is a plant known for its seeds, fresh leaves, and dried leaves. It is called fenugreek in English. Fenugreek is an annual plant in the family Fabaceae, with leaves consisting of three small obovate to oblong leaflets. It is cultivated worldwide as a semiarid crop. Its seeds and leaves are common ingredients in dishes from the Indian subcontinent and have been used as a culinary ingredient since ancient times. Its use as a food ingredient in small quantities is safe.
Fenugreek is native to the Mediterranean, Europe, and Asia.
Nutritional value of Fenugreek (Chana)per 100 gram:
Calories 32;Fat 6 gm; Cholesterol zero;Sodium 67 mg; Potassium 770 mg;Total carbohydrates 58 gm; Dietary fibers 25 gm(100%DV); Protein 23 gm(46% DV); Magnesium; Calcium;Iron; Vitamin B6; C; D ,etc.

Fenugreek or methi dana imparts many health benefits.

Benifits of Methi and its Sprouts:
(1) Cotrol blood sugar in diabetics:
Fenugreek is an herb prepared from the dried seeds of Trigonella foenum-graecum which is used for its antioxidant and glucose and cholesterol lowering effects.
Fenugreek has been used in traditional medicine for the treatment of diabetes. Fenugreek has been demonstrated to lower blood glucose in response to a glucose load while leaving the levels of serum insulin unaffected in rodents.
Fenugreek seems to slow sugar absorption in the stomach and stimulate insulin hormone. Both of these effects lower blood sugar in people with diabetes. Regular drinking of fenugreek water can help control your blood sugar levels and decrease the insulin resistance in your body. Methi water is a satiating drink – drinking methi water daily will help you keep your stomach fuller for a longer time.Large doses may cause a harmful drop in blood sugar.

(2) Reduces cholesterol and protects heart:
It's has soluble fibre which helps in reducing cholesterol especially LDL. Regular consumption of fenugreek seeds helps in lowering total cholesterol, LDL ( Low density lipid ,bad cholesterol) and triglyceride levels in the blood while increasing beneficial HDL(High density lipid), cholesterol levels. This is because these seeds contain steroidal saponins that slow down cholesterol absorption in the intestines.

(3) Weight loss:
It helps lose weight by suppressing appetite if taken soaked overnight on empty stomach in the morning.

(4) Improves renal function:
The administration of Fenugreek improves renal function also by significantly decreasing calcification ( stone formation) processes in the renal tissue, increasing the level of antioxidant protection, and reducing oxidative stress displays including lipid peroxidation inhibition.

(5) In treatment of NAFLD:
The anti-hyperglycemic and insulin-sensitizing effect of Fenugreek along with its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and hepatoprotective properties suggest that Fenugreek can be used to treat NAFLD.
Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease.NAFLD is the accumulation of liver fat in people who drink little or no alcohol.
The cause of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is unknown. Risk factors include obesity, gastric bypass surgery, high cholesterol and type 2 diabetes.
The well-known primary causes of NAFLD are obesity, type II diabetes, dyslipidemia, and insulin resistance. However, other less common conditions can cause a similar clinical and histologic picture, and should be considered in patients who present with NAFLD but do not have traditional risk factors.Fenugreek has not been implicated in causing liver injury.

(6) Benifits for been male and female: Fenugreek has several purported health benefits, especially for females—such as increasing breast milk production, relieving menstrual cramps, and improving sex drive.Fenugreek might also improve levels of testosterone in male and estrogen in female, helping to improve interest in sex drive in both male and female. Fenugreek increases estrogen.
The observation that the supplementation of FHE increased the estrogen and testosterone levels and significantly improved the quality of sexual functions and quality of life among participants who had issues at the baseline levels indicates the beneficial effect of FHE.Fenugreek might also improve levels of testosterone in male and estrogen in female, helping to improve interest in sex drive in both male and female.Both men and women use fenugreek to improve sexual interest.

(7) Fenugreek seeds are also used in the treatment of fever, vomiting, poor appetite.

(8) Home remady for knee pain and back pain:
Owing to its anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, fenugreek or Methi is a highly favorable home remedy for knee pain. It is particularly helpful for people suffering from arthritis pain.
Fenugreek is good for back pain.Fenugreek has long been used for pain relief in traditional systems of medicine. Researchers think that compounds called alkaloids in the herb help block sensory receptors that allow the brain to perceive pain.Regular consumption of methi (fenugreek), jeera (cumin) and dhaniya (coriander) can help beat arthritis. Methi helps in controlling degenerative disorders.

(9) For treatment of asthma:
Methi is anti-inflammatory
Fenugreek seeds contain anti-inflammatory compounds like flavonoid antioxidants, which may help reduce symptoms of certain inflammatory conditions like asthma.

(10) Methi reduces blood pressure:
Fenugreek seeds, also known as methi seeds are an effective ingredient for lowering high blood pressure due to their high potassium and dietary fiber content.

(11) Fenugreek is good for blood circulation:
Inclusion of fenugreek in the diet significantly decreased LPO (Lipid peroxidase) with simultaneous enhancement of circulating antioxidants.It is reported that fenugreek exert its chemo-preventive effect by decreasing circulatory LPO(Lipid peroxidase) and enhancing antioxidant levels.

(12) Fenugreek seeds increase testosterone level in men: The researchers have concluded that fenugreek supplementation was a safe and effective treatment for reducing symptoms of possible androgen deficiency, improves sexual function and increases serum testosterone in healthy middle-aged to older men.Both men and women use fenugreek to improve sexual interest.

(13) Improves metabolism: The process of soaking makes the methi soft, supple.

(14) Methi powder is used as poultice:
A poultice is a medical dressing or is a soft, moist mass of natural materials that you put on your body and keep in place with a cloth to try to reduce soreness or inflammation.

(15) Methi improves hair growth:
Fenugreek increases hair growth.Fenugreek seeds are a rich source of iron and protein — two essential nutrients for hair growth . They also contain a unique composition of plant compounds, including flavonoids and saponins. These compounds are presumed to induce hair growth due to their anti-inflammatory and antifungal effects.

Do not consume more than a teaspoon(5 gram) of seeds every day.
"If the consumption is teamed with yogic practice, then soaked or sprouted fenugreek seeds can be consumed for consecutive 21 days, otherwise you can consume it for three months - not more than a teaspoon in a day," concluded Yogi Anoop.

Fenugreek having antidiabetic, anti-inflammatory, hypocholesterolemic, anti-toxic, chemo- protective, anti-cancer, antimicrobial, antiparasitic, lactation stimulant and antioxidant property have been shown in research article.

Methi (Fenugreek) Sprouts:
The benefits of Methi seeds listed above are also exhibited methi Sprouts.
The fenugreek Sprouts are sprouts grown from Fenugreek seed.
Fenugreek sprouts has been very useful bioactive compound used as nutraceutical.
Add the sprouts to salad or eat them alone.
An excellent source of potassium the methi sprouts monitor the sodium levels, balance the blood pressure, lower cholesterol, and effectively control the fat depositions in blood; thereby reducing risks of heart attack.

If you're eating the sprouts to aid weight loss, it's best to eat them first thing into the morning on an empty stomach. It's also an option to add them to a salad if you don't want to eat them alone.

Then have sprouts raw with black pepper or salt or in salads. Aids in weight loss and rich in antioxidants. Due to process of germination, the nutritional value increases in methi sprouts.

Fenugreek sprouts have a delicious taste of curry. The spicy flavor is strongest when the seeds have only just sprouted. At that sprout state the flavors are so powerful that you will smell of curry yourself.
You need to soak methi seeds in water overnight and repeat the process for 5 days to get the methi sprouts.
Repeat the process for 5 days to let the seeds fully sprout with tiny green leaves spurting out.
Note: It is important to wash the seeds every day. Store the sprouted methi seeds in an airtight container. They should stay good for up to a week
For most people, the taste of them is too bitter to be consumed on their own, the way some other sprouts might be. Instead, they will use them in mixes and dishes where the bitterness can become a complimentary highlight to an overall taste.
Fenugreek sprouts and weight loss:
Some studies suggest fenugreek can aid weight loss by suppressing appetite, increasing satiety, and decreasing calorie intake.

The side effects of methi and its sprouts:
•Potential side effects of fenugreek include diarrhea, nausea, and other digestive tract symptoms and rarely, dizziness and headaches. •Fenugreek can cause allergic reactions in some people.
•You should not use fenugreek if you take diabetes medication because it could lead to very low blood sugar (hypoglycemia ). •Fenugreek can lower potassium levels in the blood. People taking medications that reduce blood potassium, including "water pills" (diuretics ) should not take fenugreek.

•It could be unsafe for children According to Bangalore-based Nutritionist Dr. Anju Sood, "Fenugreek tea may cause diarrhea in children. Therefore, it is not advisable to give fenugreek especially the seeds to Rd toddlers and young kids.
• Large doses may cause a harmful drop in blood sugar
•Consuming too many fenugreek sprouts in one sitting can cause diarrhea, gas and bloating, headaches, and an odor like maple syrup in the urine.

Information compiled by:
Dr. Bhairavsinh Raol