You're my favorite rhythm... - 8 in English Love Stories by Pramila books and stories PDF | You're my favorite rhythm... - 8

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You're my favorite rhythm... - 8

A song can bring immense joy or deep pain and leave you within minutes... What if that song was a person in your life ?

Maybe you want to listen to that song at least once a day...

what If the lyrics of that song resonate with your life ?

What would your life be like if one day that song completely disappeared from your life ?


"She cannot become me if she has my name, but it seems that you have given her my place. You decide for yourself who is important to you, me or her ?" Shree shouted at AJ and left without looking back.

It was clear from her face that she was not joking.

Anand had never imagined that this day, which had started so happily, would end in sadness.

Sighing, Anand sat down on the couch, David noticed but remained silent as if he didn't notice. Because David knew very well that even if he spoke a word now, his life would be in danger.

Anand was looking at David and it was clear from his look that he was angry...

David : Why are you looking at me like this ? Even if I don't tell her today, someday when she finds out, she is going to fight with you.

AJ : Why did you do this even you know about her possessiveness ? Did know what she said ?

David : Possessiveness ? This is not Possessiveness, this called as devil mind. I know very well what she said to you" it seems that you have given her my place. You decide for yourself who is important to you, me or her ? " am I right ?

David laughed out loudly... he ran to Anand and knelt in front of him and held his hands,

David : Anand... now i am going to ask you a favor that you must not refuse.

AJ : Don't irritate me... What do you want now ?

David : Shree madam is important to you. No matter what you do, you will never give up on her. So...

AJ : So...

David : Anyway you have to forget about that angel so if you give me the ID of that angel it would be helpful. At least my life will be better. Please... please...

His mind : Give him her contact number. At least he can enjoy with her without any restrictions. Anyway at last you are going to force me to forget her. So David is right.

His heart : But bro... Don't you think about me at least once ? If you try to forget her, I will hit you at night with her memories. Be careful....

AJ : Who told you like that ?

David : I know, this is not the first time and she is not a first girl. so you will surely forget her.

AJ : Haha... Every problem has a second solution. When we use that second way no one goes out of our lives.

David : So which way are you going to use ?

AJ : you are a child David, you will not understand I tell you all this. Watch what I do and find out.

Anand left the place without saying anything about what he was going to do.

" I don't know what you're going to do but I've done what I had to do. I know very well that she is not suitable for you and definitely not the girl who will make your life beautiful. I can't stand watching her hurt you every time. She has more venom in her body than a snake, I don't know why you can't understand this. But i know one thing, The day you realize this is going to be very painful for you. " These were David's words after confirming that Anand was gone.


AJ : Hey girl... Did you call me, I was a bit busy so couldn't take your call.

Ananya : it's okay i understand.

AJ : Shree, Do you have any problem why your voice is not as usual ?

Ananya : How can you know my condition by my voice ? My dad also finds out the way I talk.

AJ : That is why he is your lovable father. First tell me what is your problem.

Ananya : Actually... I told you about my foreign project, didn't I ? Now I feel like I can't.

AJ : Why do you think you can't ?

Ananya : Because there are many seasoned seniors in line fighting for this project. But the boss handed it over to me and no one was willing to cooperate with me. Everyone is trying to oppose me.

Anand interrupted her.

AJ : Hey girl, You know what comes to mind when I think of competition ?

Ananya : How can i know, I think it might be your training or an award ceremony.

AJ : Nothing like that. It is the "Peace" that comes to my mind every time.

Ananya : Peace ?

AJ : I went to America to attend my first concert.

Ananya : I know , That's where you got the "Magical hands" award. Right ?

AJ : Yeah... Actually I went there a day ago. When I woke up in the morning, I heard many sounds around me. Everyone is busy with their practice to win the competition. But after the day of the first round the sounds around me decreased and now the number of instruments around me is just 10 or 12. By the end of the second round, those musical instruments will be reduced to just 5 in number. After the final round I got the award and everyone congratulated me and gave me a party. When I went to my room after all the shows, there was nothing but silence. The sounds of the musical instruments which had been heard till then were subdued.

Ananya : Did you find peace after that ?

AJ : It was really a quiet night. The sounds that I was hearing around me are the same sounds that are being heard around you today and one day they will be gone. You don't have to prove yourself to anyone but to yourself. Did you understand ?

Ananya : Hmm. People who don't have money run after money, they thinking that money will give them peace but they don't know it, people who have money is actually run after peace.

After saying this she started laughing...

Shanvi suddenly entered the place. When Ananya saw Shanvi, she quickly took off phone.

Shanvi : Who are you talking to ?

Ananya : Shan.... its.... it's my neighboring boy Ramesh.

Shanvi : Did he not go to school ? Okay... Boss asks if the file is ready or not.

Ananya : It's right there, take it.

Shanvi : Finish your work quickly and go home early, okay ?

Ananya : Yeah.... shan.... i do.

After making sure Shanvi was gone she put the phone back to her ears.

Ananya : Hello... are you in line ?

AJ : To whom are you now talking Anand or Ramesh ?

Ananya : Sorry Sorry.... I know very well that you don't like liars so please forgive me this time. Please... please...

AJ : Don't repeat this. Now tell me the truth why did you lie to her ?

Ananya : Actually.... She doesn't believe you are an Anand Joshva. She always said it was a fake account and I should block it, bla bla bla.

AJ : What ? Haha 😄 Crazy.... Do you believe ? What will you do if I am not the real Anand Joshva ?

Ananya : Yes... i believe. I know the voice of my favorite singer very well. Even though you are not Anand Joshva, you are truly a best and nice friend to me. I think this friendship will stay with me forever. Am i right ?

AJ : I Promise you. Hey.... i have an idea.

His mind : Amidst so many people who associate with you for your money and fame, you want to give up the one who tells you that your friendship is enough even though you have nothing.

His heart : David is right. She is truly an angel 🥺.

AJ : I think it is very important to meet you now... shall we ?


Are they really going to meet ?

Will time let go of what we think so easily ?

You have to wait to find it out...