Benifits of Sprouts Part II in English Health by Dr. Bhairavsinh Raol books and stories PDF | Benifits of Sprouts Part II

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Benifits of Sprouts Part II

Benefits of moong sprouts:
The mung bean (Vigna radiata), alternatively known as the green gram is a plant species in the legume family.The mung bean is mainly cultivated in East, Southeast and South Asia. It is used as an ingredient in both savoury and sweet dishes.
Sprouted green gram, sometimes called mung or moong beans, is an excellent source of low-fat protein and fibre. It is also rich in digestive enzymes, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. Homemade sprouts are much fresher and tastier than the ones you can buy in a store.

For example, on sprouting, the protein content of moong increases by 30%, i.e., 100 gm of unsprouted moong contains 24.9 gm protein, but on sprouting it increases to 32 gm. The inactive enzymes present in the seeds also become active after sprouting, thereby enabling easier digestion and absorption.
Sprouted beans contain fewer calories and more free amino acids and antioxidants than unsprouted ones. What's more, sprouting reduces levels of phytic acid, which is an antinutrient. Antinutrients can reduce the absorption of minerals like zinc, magnesium and calcium .
Mung beans produce an edible sprout that's crisp and described as nutty tasting. These sprouts are substantial enough to stand-up to stir-frying, but they're often used raw in salads and on sandwiches. Mung bean sprouts are low in calories, have fiber and B vitamins, and deliver a boost of vitamins C and K

Mung beans are a type of pulse, which means they are an edible seed of the legume plant family. Similarly to all pulses, mung beans are nutritionally balanced. They contain vitamins, minerals, and beneficial enzymes, which makes them an excellent part of a healthful diet.
Nutritional value of Mung beans:
Mung beans are recognized for their high nutritive value. Mung beans contain about 55%-65% carbohydrate (equal to 630 g/kg dry weight) and are rich in protein, fat, vitamins and minerals. It is composed of about 20%-50% protein of total dry weight, among which globulin (60%) and albumin (25%) are the primary storage proteins. Mung bean is considered to be a substantive source of dietary proteins. The proteolytic cleavage of these proteins are even higher during sprouting. Mung bean carbohydrates are easily digestible, which causes less flatulence in human compared to other forms of legumes. Both seeds and sprouts of mung bean produce lower calories compared to other cereals, which makes it more attractive to obese and diabetic individuals.

Benifits of sprouted mung:
•Improves Digestion.
•Prevents Anaemia.
•Helps in Weight Control.
•Good for Cardiovascular Health.
•Good source of several nutrients.
•They are protein boosters
•May lower blood sugar levels.
•Improves Eyesight.
•Moong sprouts is a nutri-dense sprout. It's a good sources of several nutrients like B-vitamins, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus etc.

Mung beans (Vigna radiata) are small, green beans that belong to the legume family.
They have been cultivated since ancient times. While native to India, mung beans later spread to China and various parts of Southeast Asia.Mung beans are a type of pulse, which means they are an edible seed of the legume plant family. Similarly to all pulses, mung beans are nutritionally balanced. They contain vitamins, minerals, and beneficial enzymes, which makes them an excellent part of a healthful diet

These beans have a slightly sweet taste and are sold fresh, as sprouts or as dried beans. They aren’t as popular in the US but can be purchased from most health food stores.
Mung beans are versatile and easy to add to your diet
Mung beans are incredibly versatile and typically eaten in salads, soups and stir-fry.
They’re high in nutrients and believed to aid many ailments.The beans are often boiled or steamed, while sprouts are commonly enjoyed either raw or cooked in stir-fry meals.Mung beans produce an edible sprout that's crisp and described as nutty tasting. These sprouts are substantial enough to stand-up to stir-frying, but they're often used raw in salads and on sandwiches.
Nutritional value per 100 gm of raw Sprouts of mature seeds of moong:
Carbohydrates. 5.9 gm
Sugars 4.13 gm,
Dietary fiber. 1.8 gm
Fat 0.18 gm
Protein. 3.04 gm

Thiamine B1. 0.084 mg
Riboflavin B2. 0.124 mg
Niacin. B3. 0.749 mg
acid B5. V 0.38 mg
Vitamin B6. 0.088 mg
Folate B9 0.61 mcg
Vitamin C. 13.2 mg
Vitamin E. 0.1 mg
Vitamin K. 33 mcg
Calcium. 13.0 mg
Iron. 0.91 mg
Magnesium. 21.0 mg
Manganese. 0.188 mg
Phosphorous. 54.0 mg
Potassium. 149.0 mg

Here are health benefits of sprouted mung beans.

(1) Packed With Healthy Nutrients:
100 grams of mung sprouts hold 3.04 g or 5% of recommended daily values(%DV) of protein.
Mung beans are high in important vitamins like Vitamin B1,B2,B3,B5,B6,B9 Vitamin C,E and K as well as minerals like Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Manganese, Phosphorous, Potassium and Zinc, also plant based proteins and dietary fiber. Sprouted beans contain fewer calories ,( 30 K cal)and more free amino acids and antioxidants than unsprouted ones.Mung bean sprouts are low in calories, have dietary fiber1.8gm% and B vitamins, and vitamins C ,E and K.

(2) High Antioxidant levels may reduce risk of chronic disease:
Mung beans are a good source of antioxidants, which may reduce your risk of chronic diseases, such as heart disease, diabetes and certain cancers. However, more human-based research is needed before making health recommendations.

(3) Antioxidants Vitexin and Isovitexin may prevent Heart Stroke:
Mung beans contain antioxidants such as Vitexin and Isovitexin that may protect against free radical damage that occurs during heat stroke.

(4) Good for cardiovascular health:May lower “Bad” LDL Cholesterol levels, reducing Heart Disease risk.
Animal studies have shown that mung bean antioxidants may lower “bad” LDL cholesterol, while human studies have linked with higher legume consumption to lower LDL cholesterol levels.

(5) Rich in minerals: Rich in mini like Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Manganese, Phosphorous, Potassium and Zinc and Dietary Fiber,
Mung beans are a good source of potassium, magnesium and fiber, which have been linked to lower blood pressure(BP) levels in adults with and without high blood pressure.Moreover, they are also very good sources of potassium.100 gm hold, 21 mg or 3% of DI values. Potassium is present inside cell and body fluids, which counters pressing effects of sodium on the heart and thereby decreases blood pressure.
Furthermore, they are incredible sources several essential minerals. 100 g of sprouts hold relatively good levels of copper, iron, manganese, phosphorus, selenium, calcium and zinc.

(6) Fiber and Resistant Starch in Mung Beans may improve digestive health:
Mung beans contain soluble fiber and resistant starch, which can promote digestive
health. The carbs in mung beans are also less likely to cause flatulence than
those of other legumes.

(7) Sprouts of moong beans may lower blood sugar levels:
Mung beans are high in fiber and protein and contain antioxidants that may lower
blood sugar levels and help insulin work more effectively.Thus helps in controlling diabetes mellitus.

(8) Sprouts helps in body weight control. May promote Weight Loss by suppressing hunger and raising level of fullness hormones.
Mungb eans are high in dietary fiber and protein, which can help curb hunger by lowering levels of hunger hormones, such as ghrelin, and raising fullness hormones, such
as peptide YY, GLP-1 and cholecystokinin.

(9) Folate(Vitamin B6) in Mung Beans Can support a healthy pregnancy.
Mung beans are high in folate, iron and protein, all of which women need more of
during pregnancy. Avoid raw mung bean sprouts when you’re pregnant, as they may
contain harmful bacteria.It is better to eat boiled or cooked moong sprouts.

(10) Reduces antinutrients: What's more, sprouting reduces levels of phytic acid, which is an antinutrient. Antinutrients can reduce the absorption of minerals like zinc, magnesium and calcium .Sprouts are totally free from glycosides and anti-nutrient compounds unlike raw mung beans.

(11) Mung beans sprouts are very nutritiously and are low-calorie foods: Mung sprouts carry just 30 Kcal/100 gm in contrast with 347 Kcal/100 gm of seeds. Their calorie-value can be compared to that of leafy-greens like spinach.

(12) Sprouted mung beans may prevent premature ageing.These are fiber and protein-rich, low-fat and cholesterol-free food.There was study it's findings suggest that green moong bean sprouts have significantly attenuated ageing-induced amnesia in mice.

(13) Sprouts carry large proportions of dietary fiber(1.8 gm%) for their size. Dietary fiber works as bulk laxative which binds to cancer-causing chemicals in the colon and helps in quick elimination of these toxic substances from the gut and thus protects colon mucosa from cancers.Dietary fiber helps in reducing blood LDL cholesterol levels through blocking reabsorption of cholesterol-binding bile acids in the colon.

(14) Mung beans sprouts digest easily and free from gluten. As gluten-free food alternatives, the sprouts are well received in gluten-allergy and celiac disease patients.

(15) Prevent neural tube defect in babies:Whole as well as sprouts carry good amounts of B-complex vitamins, especially folates(, thiamin, pyridoxine, pantothenic acid, riboflavin and niacin. Most of these vitamins works as co-factors for the enzymes in carbohydrate, protein and fat metabolism.
Germination of moong seeds enhances folates level in the sprouted mung beans. Folate(Vitamin B 9), together with vitamin B-12, is one of the essential co-factors for DNA synthesis and cell division. Adequate folate in the diet around conception and during the pregnancy may help prevent neural-tube defects in the babies.

(16) Builds up immunity; While dry mung beans hold 4.8 mg or 8% of DV of vitamin-C, sprouts carry several folds(13.2 mg) more of this vitamin.Vitamin-C is a water-soluble antioxidant which helps in boosting immunity, and fight against the oxygen-induced free radicals in the human body.

(17) Boosts blood circulation and prevents blood clotting: Mung bean sprouts are a good source of vitamin K, with 1 cup of raw sprouts containing 33 micrograms, which means men get 28 percent of their recommended daily intake, while women gain 37 %DV. Vitamin K is essential for the process of blood clotting.

(18) Improves eyesight: Sprouted green gram, also known as mung beans or moong, is a rich source of fibre and is fat-free. Due to high fibre content, they are filling and extremely healthy. Some of the sprouted green gram benefits include improving eyesight, enhancing bone and heart health as well as enhancing the immune system.

(19) Prevents anaemia: Sprouts is one of super food that can prevent anemia. The low levels of red blood cells bring a low-level of concentration, and hence there is a feeling of increased fatigue. Stomach disorders and conditions such as nausea can be controlled, if there is adequate iron level in the Moong Sprouts cotain0.91 gm% of Iron.

Method for Sprouting mung beans:
(1) Clening: First of all clean the mung beans to remove any impurities or debris.
(2) Washing:Wash one cup of mung beans properly under full flow of clean water.
(3) Soaking:Take a clean stainless container/deep bowl and soak one cup of beans in 2-3 cups of boiled and cooled water for 6 hours.Cover with lid . For example soak from 8 am to 2 noon.
(4) Sprouting: Drain off water from container.Tie soaked beans in muslin cloth and allow to sprout in closed container covered with lid for 18 hours.Duration of Sprouting; For example 2 noon of previous day to 8 pm of next day.
(5) Drying:Remove bean sprouts and allow to dry at room temperature.
Use Sprouts either raw or after boiling or cooking.

Information compiled by: Dr. Bhairavsinh Raol