DIFFERENT HUMAN IN ONE WORLD in English Short Stories by Musica books and stories PDF | DIFFERENT HUMAN IN ONE WORLD

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The story:-
Intro: Humans care,take part of your life,help others.Is this true?
No,But some people are.Some humans are like animals who hunts their prey down(not in a good way)or even worse.They are dark and selfish ,evil.

ONTO THE STORY: The heroine of our story is Veronica,She is a kind hearted girl .She is a 20 year oldstudent.She thinks she is living on earth .Not on a country.Like she doesn't care about the religion,caste,gender, colour of the skin,she helps anyone in danger.She doesn't like people who are seeing others caste ,religion, gender, country and talking to them.She thinks everyone are humans we should not put ourselves on a different categories based on our country.She wants everyone to be unique and happy by not fighting for countries.She doesn't like hate.She wants everyone to be together in a world.
One day Veronica was driving to go to an library.On the way she saw everyone not following the traffic rules.She saw a person getting hit by a car .The car driver hit the person with his car and drove off.The person was dieing .Veronica went to help the person straight away.But she saw others not helping instead they were taking pictures, videos and selfies off and with the dieing person.Veronica was shook by the reality of the world.Veronica helped the person by admitting the person to the hospital.When Veronica was going to see the receptionist and pay for the person she admitted in the hospital.On the way she heard a doctor speaking "The person who is admitted on room 206 is going to die anyway". Veronica was shook because the person in 206 was the person she admitted so, she started eavesdropping on the conversation. The other doctor said "Hmm.Lets take all the Necessary organs of his and tell his relatives we couldn't save him".The other doctor in the room said"But if we try we could save him".The doctor who spoke first said "No,We can get more money".The doctor who spoke the second said "and start a business out of this maybe".The third doctor in that room said " Isn't this a murder?".The other doctors said "No it isn't but think of the money we can get".After hearing all this Veronica couldn't believe her own ears she thought for her self " How can the person we think the second God the doctors itself take our own life".Veronica tried to save the patient she had admitted but she couldn't.She told the receptionist about this ..and said she will pay the money for it but she will admit the person in another hospital but the receptionist said the world is unfair.So it does happen.And kicked Veronica out of the hospital.Veronica made a video out of it and posted it on the internet so everyone can be aware of it She also said "I know I don't have proof for this but this is the sad story of the world right now,People pollute everything around them as well as their humanity". Veronica was murdered by an Hitman.
Not every story has an happy ending.
But this story happens continuously.It never ends.If you think you can end it.You can.You don't need to be Veronica to do this or you don't need to be an leader .you can be yourself.You can stop it from happening.You can save the earth our world.I didn't say in this story that you should become Veronica or act like her.Veronica is just an example.Your the real person.You can be a hero or an heroine oneday just like our Veronica.