You're my favorite rhythm... - 7 in English Love Stories by Pramila books and stories PDF | You're my favorite rhythm... - 7

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You're my favorite rhythm... - 7

We're all addict...
Some choose Drugs & Alcohol
Some choose Music & Love...

Life is beautiful, if you have someone who loves you and your music taste...


Talking to someone close to our heart is therapeutic. After getting that therapy, Anand was already in a half-flying mood. Ananya voice rang like music over and over in his ears.

Humans have a habit of not doing any work when they are at the peak of happiness or at the peak of sadness.

Already Anand is allergic to work. Now it became too difficult for him to focus on work.

But David was very responsible in his work. He planned all the daily tasks that Anand would have to do in the coming weeks.

Anand : David... David...

Even though Anand called more than twice, his voice did not seem to fall on David's ears. He picked up the pen that was next to him and threw it at David.

Anand : Are you listening to me or not ?

David : oh god... My ears are hearing fine. Tell me what you want.

Anand : David... What is your opinion about black color ?

David : Black ? Usually black affect our minds. It also boosting our confidence in appearance. If you want to impress someone at first sight, you can definitely choose black. Sometimes it producing feelings of emptiness.

Anand : Does black have the ability to make someone look beautiful ?

David : For me it's all in the way we see it. If we like someone we will find them beautiful no matter what color they wear. But black is a beautiful color anyway. That's why it's my favorite color.

Anand rolled over in bed and fixed his eyes on the pinturas negras ( Black painting by Francisco Goya which is the darkest artworks in the history of art ) hanging on the wall.

Anand : Why everyone likes black except me ?

David : So who is that person thinks like me ?

Anand : It's.... Francisco Goya...

David turned and looked at the painting behind him.

David : oh Did you talk about this painting ? My perception of black is completely different from Francisco. And boss.... It is not good to disturb my work because you have no work to do. If you feel bored then watch some movie, or go somewhere else, Otherwise go and chat with that girl. But please don't disturb me.

“ Which girl are you talking about ?” she entered with a question.

They both looked back. The game changer of this story was standing with a big smile on her face.

History will decide if you're a hero or a villain. Every hero needs a villain as to be a hero. Every story needs a game changer to change the trajectory of the story.

She was wearing a dress that showed the parts below her knee, Her hair was blowing in the air, She had put on enough make-up to make herself look beautiful. But real beauty is not in the physical appearance, but in the faces that smile at us when they see us. She will never know this because in her thoughts her beautiful face is a huge plus point for her.

She never had to worry about it because there was a reason behind it. Her arrival brings a smile to one's face ( while another turns his face away 😂 ).

Anand : Shree....

" We are definitely not talking about you ", David said quietly so that no one could hear.

Anand : When did you come back from London ?

She slowly walked over to him and hugged him, "I came to see you straight from the airport" she softly whispered in his ear.

Anand gently eased her off from him. She patted his hands away and hugged him again. " Anand, i miss you soo much ".

Anand : Me too...

Shree : No you are lying to me. When I was in London you didn't call me even once and didn't even send me a text. Even to the messages I sent, you replied after two or three days. You don't care about me at all.

" You are right, he was replying to someone else's messages so he didn't even have time to read yours " David thought he was speaking in a mind voice but unfortunately he spoke loudly.

Shree : Is what he says true ? Who were you talking to ?

Speaking in his mind voice or loud out, David had no problem. David and Shree are always like cat and rat. They never had a consensus. So Anand has to take responsibility for all the words spoken by David.

As usual, Anand should still manage. But Anand is very good at dealing with Shree. It is because of that talent that they are still friends.

We cannot say that the relationship between them is just friendship, because everyone who sees them will surely think that they are lovers.

They knew each other very well as their friendship continued over the years. Shree's father has been the producer of many films in which Anand has worked as a music director. In that sense, their friendship has also been bussiness oriented.

Although Anand did not reach this height with anyone's help, but it is an undeniable fact that shree's father also played a role in Anand's success.

And Shree's father is also a family friend of Anand. It can even be called paternal friendship.

Shree's father has a lot of affection for his daughter, he always saying that " the luck of my daughter birth is the reason why I got so much wealth ". He never refused anything that shree asked. Her father has raised her to not know what hardship is.

But over time it made her stubborn. If she thinks something is hers, she thinks that it should be hers only. She will go to any extent to get what she wants.

But the problem is, Now she thinks that it is hers and she can't give it to anyone is " Anand ".

She named her stubborn as " possessiveness ". David playfully uttered a few words, but it was only for Anand that it became a problem.

With no other option, Anand ended up telling her all the stories that had happened when shree was not in town.

Anand could tell these stories with a smile if he wanted to, but it only made her angry.

The extent of her anger was, "She cannot become me if she has my name, but it seems that you have given her my place. You decide for yourself who is important to you, me or her ?" She shouted at him and left without looking back.

It was clear from her face that she was not joking.


Now who is Anand going to choose ?

Someone who has been friends with him for years ?


A girl who was introduced a few months ago and has not even seen her by person ?