MAD X ...DREAM - 3 in English Thriller by JAI SURYA books and stories PDF | MAD X ...DREAM - 3

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MAD X ...DREAM - 3

When I became so serious about this bomb blast and I took action on it. With the help of Mr. Rana head of the department. He is in charge of this case.
So what we decided was just to stop this but again there were a bomb blast and gun firing at people. So the states were Kerala, Tamilnadu, Andhra, and Mumbai.
Now we have to take action.
So we allotted a soldier in Delhi street to find the terrorist who was attacking the public.
And we allotted more than 500 soldiers and police in every public place. So now we got some terrorists. Who came to attack Delhi street were arrested by the Indian soldiers.
They were 10 of them.
We came to know they were not part of this gang. They are just workers whose instructions are coming they will work on it.
So we asked how do you get that instruction from that gang? They told us by msg. So we asked to show them. It was a msg-type. So now we need the help of Indian cybercrime said, Rana. I told wait I know a man who is the chief cybercrime hacker and tracker. He is madan. So now we call upon madan into this investigation. So he came and saw that msg-type. He was serving for it. Then he comes to that this was not through satellite sir. This msg from a server that is controlled by someone. So we told him to find the location of it. But he told me that it will take some time sir. After some time he came up with the location. It was on the Gujarat border next state was Rajasthan.
So now we reached the location with our squad.
And there was no one in that place. There was a machine in a room. Madan told me that this machine is the server point. After some time madan told me sir this is just server no 1 and it's also connected with another server. Finding the location of server 02 will be so difficult sir. I asked what can we do. He told now we can just stop the output, sir. I asked what do u mean by output. He told us that we can just stop the instructions from going out from this server. I told ok then if you can stop it. He stopped the activation of server 01.
This message was reached that the main gang behind this.
So now we took server 1 with us.
That gang became so angry because we stopped their instructions.
So now their just taking the war against us.
They were more than 15 who came to our camp and fired on us. We were safe inside but suddenly I recognized that jenni was not there. So I ran out of that safe place. I saw our soldiers and terrorist were gun firing. I saw a girl who was been fallen. That was jenni she was injured in her left arm by a bullet. She was also injured in her head.
My eyes started to cry.
I took her to the hospital which was near the camp. she thanked me for everything that I did for her. She told me that I am at the last minute. U proposed to me in the cafe but my reply was a smile. That smile is acceptance.
I was crying and I can't control my anger inside. She just gave a smile and entered the ICU.
After some hours.

The doctor came out of the ICU.
He told me we have tried our best

