A Meeting with Death - Hindu Mythological Story in English Mythological Stories by Ved Vyas books and stories PDF | A Meeting with Death - Hindu Mythological Story

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A Meeting with Death - Hindu Mythological Story

A Father's Love


Betal put forward another puzzle to Vikram. A woman called Leelavati married a thief. After marriage the man decided to quit stealing. However, when they had a son, the man found he had no money to support his family and went back to stealing. After his death, Leelavati married a businessman.

The businessman loved his family and raised the child well. Just when the boy took charge of the business, his parents died.

While performing their last rites in the river, three hands came out claiming the offering. The boy recognised his mother's voice and offered prayers to her, but he couldn't make out which pair of hand was his father's. At this point he recalled his mother once mentioning his real father.

Betal stopped the story here and asked which father was finally given the offering.

"The businessman," replied Vikram. "Because he had showered his love and reared the child, while the thief had only given him birth." Again, Betal flew away.




A Meeting with Death
Once there was a boy called Nachiketa. One day, his father performed a Yajna. He donated cows to the Brahmins. Nachiketa knew it was customary to offer dear things as a sacrifice to the gods. He asked his father, "Whom will you give me to?" Disturbed by his question, his father angrily replied, "I give you to Yama, the god of death."

Nachiketa went to Yama's kingdom. He waited three days without food. When Yama returned, he was pleased with Nachiketa's devotion and granted him three wishes. Nachiketa asked for his father to be pleased with him. For his father to be pleased with him. For his second wish, Nachiketa asked to go to heaven. Yama agreed. Finally, Nachiketa wanted to know the secret of life and death. Yama hesitated, but looking at his determination he granted his last wish too.




Ajay and Malti
A young man named Ajay, once went to his in-law s' house to bring his wife, Malti. He insisted on leaving with Malti on a wednesday. The in-laws tried to stop him saying that Mercury is not favourable for girls on a wednesday but Ajay did not listen to their advice and took Malti with him.

On their way, Malti felt thirsty and asked him to bring water. While he was gone, Lord Mercury took the form of Ajay and came to Malti with water. Malti took him to be her husband. When Ajay arrived he was surprised to see his wife talking to another man who looked just like him. He asked Malti to come with him. Malti was very confused as to who was her real husband. The two men began fighting.

Hearing the noise, a soldier came to them. The soldier took them to the king to settle the matter. The king was also puzzled and ordered that they be locked up in separate cells in the prison while the guards kept a watch. In prison, Ajay remembered his in-law's words and felt sorry that he had not respected Mercury. He was very disturbed and all night he did not sleep and prayed for forgiveness. Lord Mercury heard this and forgave him. In the morning the guards told the king that one of the men was restless and could not sleep at night. The king came to the conclusion that he was the real husband and sent Malti with him.





Ajamil Turns a New Leaf

Ajamil was the son of a devout devotee of Vishnu. But , unlike his holy father, Ajamil was lazy and wasted his time in sinful activities.

One day, his father sent him to the nearby forest to pluck flowers. There a beautiful tribal woman, accompanied by her lover, saw the handsome Ajamil and fell in love with him. She approached him and expressed her wish to be his wife. Ajamil who was equally charmed by her beauty also agreed to marry her and soon they were married.

Ajmil returned home with his bride. Shocked, his father rejected hersaying that she had sinned. A heated argument followed between Ajamil and his father after which he threw the old man on the ground and asked him to leave the house. Many years passed and Ajamil's sins only increased day by day. He drank heavily and gambled in bad company.

Ajamil's wife bore him ten sons. The youngest, called Narayana was the most loved of them all.

Ajamil slowly became poor in health and took to his bed. Frail and ailing, he saw Yama's two messengers by his bedside. Startled, he shouted his son Narayan's name. Vishnu who is called Narayana heard the plea and responded.

He immediately sent his men to tell Yamraj to delay Ajamil's death. Yamraj agreed.

Meanwhile Ajamil thanked Vishnu for saving his life and drowned himself in prayers. He gave up all corrupt activities and became a pious man.

Seeing Ajamil change his bad ways, Vishnu blessed him.