Strange at My Door in English Detective stories by Artist Vishal Saxena books and stories PDF | Strange at My Door

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Strange at My Door

The flat opens into a small space past which there`s a bedroom to the left door stands open the room is empty but in disorder the bed unmade finally dolly is scared wheres manju di theres no drawing room to speak where a small passage on the right a bathroom and a kitchen and another bedroom its door half open. dolly pushes it wide open and stops dead in her tracks.
manju di is lying on the bed face down her red and white
nightdress awash in blood. the upper half of her body is on the bed and the lower half knees downward hanging from it. the room is in complete disarray.
Dolly starts to tremble. staggering out of the flat she drags herself up to her own second floor flat and grabs hold of her husband shekhar come downstairs.....manju di...
The nearly seventy year old shekhar descends to the first floor as fast as he can. he takes one look and realizes something. before they can inform the dead womans neighbours or next of kin he needs to make one other call. he turns to his weeping wife.
call her daughter. i`m calling the police station;
At kalighat thana the phone rings at 11:15 a.m . the duty officer answer listens and informs the officer-in-charge (OC). He in his turn makes two call: one to deputy commissioner (DC) South the other to the DC DETECTIVE DEPARTMENT (DD). he then get into his car braking instructions at the driver.
Nepal Bhattacharjee Street quickly
the DC south too sets off from his park street office and within minutes the DC DD`s car leaves Lal bazar.
bound for kalighat naturally.
The door isn`t supposed to be closed. Manju Di is supposed to open it and stand in the doorway, as she always does. why hasn`t she? is anyone else inside? Dolly hesitates, pause, rings the bell again. no answer. raising her voice a little, she calls out.
"Manju di?
five seconds go by. no response frome within. dolly calls again,
still louder.
" manju di.. it`s dolly. manju di?
what`s wrong here ? this isn`t how it goes .why isn`t manju di answering? she hasn`t been too well, could she have fainted or something? Or perhaps she gone to the bank to collect her pension? no, she did that four days ago. besides, the door would have been left locked, and it isn`t. on an impulse, the anxious dolly gently pushes at the door, which opens halfway the light touch it`s been left ajar. shaking off her hesitation she walks in.

during the summer of 2021 a special artical biography by artist vishal saxena was publising on the noida by times of india ``HIDDEN telent of artist vishal saxena and the participated in the programe were the leader of the Indian Art association Balraj khanna victoria and the keeper of the studio indian collection the artical on #19trainding artical page and this artical was hide on any side becose some member are not happy on this artical we shude change this artical owener name and type any other member name so this is mistake by Balraj khanna .
Full artical publish by during summer in 2021