Storeys of Stories - 2 in English Human Science by CHHATRA PAL VERMA books and stories PDF | Storeys of Stories - 2

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Storeys of Stories - 2

5- Bribe:

Everybody knows that the boss Mr. A is a great administrator to the core who dislikes late coming and dishonesty to the extent.

Most of his subordinates in the office hate him because of his nature. The subordinates feel that because of his nature neither he takes bribe nor he allows us.

‘Good Morning sir, MR. B wished, while entering the chamber of Mr. A.

Good Morning MR. B. How are you? It seems as if you are in a hurry? Where are you planning to go this winter as usual?

Sir, I am planning to go on a trip to the south this year but first I have to collect woollen suits from the laundry.

OK. OK. dear listen, my vehicle is under repair or else I would have accompanied you as all my woollen clothes

are also in the laundry. Would you please bring them?

Sir it will be my pleasure to do so. Kindly give me the receipt of the bill. I will bring your clothes also from the laundry.

Thanks Mr. B. Take this bill and two thousand rupees and help me in bringing my clothes from the laundry. The change you can return thereafter.

No sir, you only give me the voucher and keep the money with you. Sir this is the first time when you have obliged me in doing something for my boss like you. I will be grateful for doing something for my boss.

The boss kept the money back in his purse.

Hello. Who is that side? I am Mr. This side.

Sir. Sir good morning sir. This is C this side sir.

Are you going to attend the party for the marriage anniversary of Mr. D?

Sir, there is no way to avoid this party as Mr. D is also my boss.

Sir, I have already sent my leave application to you for the very purpose.

No problem Mr. C, treat your leave is sanctioned. However, you shall have to help me a bit. Since a delegation is visiting this office, it will not be possible for me to attend the party. Kindly purchase a gift of about five thousand rupees from my side to be gifted to Mr. D from my side and also tell Mr. D why I could not attend his party. I Will pay for the gift when you attend the office the next day.

Sir, kindly don’t make me ashamed, money does not matter when it comes to serving my boss. I will hand over the gift from your side as ordered by you and will also tell Mr. D the reason for not attending the party by you, Mr. C exclaimed. However, Mr. C murmured abusing Mr. A for the cunningness shown by Mr. A Mr. C was pretty certain that these five thousand rupees he would never get back.

Hello Mr. E I am given to understand that you are blessed with a high-quality aesthetic sense, Mr. F was telling me that the curtains at your bungalow are of great quality despite being too cheap. Mr. F was also telling me that these curtains are not available in our city, Mr. A praised Mr. E, a rare thing the boss seldom does to any of his employees.

Sir, I know nothing about decoration of home. My wife bought these curtains from her father’s city when she visited her father. However, if you want the same kind of curtains, I will ask my wife to bring when she visits her father next time, Mr. E elated with the praise showered on him by his boss.

OK, first you take the cost of the curtains from me whenever Mrs. E visits her father and ask her to bring me two dozen curtains of the same quality and design, Mr. A, the boss instructed Mr. E.

Sir, it will be my pleasure to arrange the curtains for my boss, but kindly don't make me ashamed by offering the cost of the curtains.

Mr. E felt obliged in serving his honest boss.

Hello secretary! Send Mr. F in my chamber, Mr. A ordered.

Morning sir, you called me sir?

Yes Mr. F, please sit down.

Thank you, sir.

Mr. “F”! Have you sent a leave application for sanctioning giving the reason for leave as Nepal visits? Mr. A enquired.

Yes sir, my brother in law is a woollen factory owner there in Nepal, and he has called me there.

Well, it means you are going there to enjoy the company of your sister in laws? Mr. A jokes.

No sir, my brother in law is celebrating his 25th marriage anniversary that’s why he has invited me and my family.

Mr. F was appalled thinking that he was listening to the joking pattern of his boss.

OK, go and enjoy. Your leave is sanctioned. Mr. A, laughed.

Thank you, sir. Mr. F was feeling obliged.

Mr. F Nepal is known for woollen clothes. Could you bring some good quality woollen clothes for me from there?

Why not sir? It will be my pleasure to do something for my boss.

Mr. F was overwhelmed.

OK, then take these five thousand rupees and this slip in which measurement of my family members and numbers of items are quoted.

OK, Sir give me this slip only and keep the money with you.

Mr. F requested his boss.

No, no Mr. F you know that I don’t like to embarrass my subordinates. Keep the money and yes bring four good quality woollen blankets also. If extra money is to be spent, please do it and I will pay you when you come back from Nepal and join the duty. Mr. A the boss, forced Mr. F to accept the money.

While leaving the chamber Mr. F pouted thinking that this bagger is too clever, by giving five thousand he wants the material of twenty thousand and I Know that the rest of the amount I am not going to get back in this life.

‘Good morning sir, you called me?  Mr. G asked Mr. A, his boss.

Yes Mr. G. there is something urgent which will trouble you. Said the boss.

Sir kindly tell me what mistake I committed? Mr. G enquired eagerly.

Mr. G you haven’t committed any mistake but a crime. You seem to be a cunning person Mr. G. the boss roared.

Sir, please tell me my crime or else I will faint. Mr. G was almost fainted.

Yes, I will surely tell you your crime. First you tell me how much money you took as a bribe from the contractor Mr. X in awarding the contract of road construction? The eyes of the boss were glowing.

Sir, it’s not right. I haven’t taken a single penny as bribe from Mr. X the contractor| Sir you know well that the said contract was awarded to Mr. X while working under you and only you have passed the said tender. Your good self also knows that I can’t betray you sir.  G uttered mutely.

This is the only thing to be seen Mr. G. The amount you have digested in awarding the said contract is not less than fifty lacs. See this paper which is a written proof of your crime. The boss said coldly.

Sir, almost ten years have passed to that contract, even the road so constructed is defaced till now. Right now, I am not recalling any such bribes. Mr. G gave a false explanation.

Now this was the turn of the boss hence the boss said in the scolding tone that no criminal remembers such incidents. However, you are trying to teach me that this paper proof is false and fabricated. Remember the night when the contractor Mr. X and you were

enjoying the whisky in the auditorium of this office with the exchange of the bribe and contract papers but you forgot that the auditorium is

equipped with cc cameras and audio recorders. Mr. G! Am I right?

Sir, right now I am not sure but after scrutiny of my diaries I will be able to say anything in this regard. Mr. G explained.

OK, it means you are recording even such things in diaries regularly? The boss enquired.

Yes sir. This habit I borrowed from my father. Not only this, even I record the gifts and its cost which I give to others. Anyway sir! I am a poor person having a large family to run including four daughters to marry. Kindly save me. In future I will be more careful and honest, Mr. G requested the boss.

OK, bring the subject diary tomorrow and remember everything you told today is also recorded. Mr. A warned, Mr. G.

From the office, Mr. G went to tatter’s shop and bought a ten-year-old diary and at home he wrote something in it and slept soundly.

Next day Mr. G entered the boss's chamber directly instead of his own.

He humbly requested the boss to save him from this trouble, accepting that the boss was right as the details which the boss told yesterday are also recorded in the diary he maintained.

OK, give me the diary, the eyes of the boss glimpsed with the hope that he is going in the right direction in trapping Mr. G and to bargain.

After reading the subject page of the dairy, given by Mr. G the boss stands up from his revolving chair and took the hands of Mr. G in his hand and asked him to come to the coffee shop to share a cup of coffee stating that Mr. G you are very cowardly. I was just joking, my friend.

On the subject page of the said diary it was recorded “Today Mr. X met me in the office auditorium in the evening and offered me a cash bag of twenty lacs rupees for favouring him in allotting the contract of road construction as it was demanded by boss Mr. A with the instruction that fifteen lacs rupees are to be passed on to the boss which I did. Three lacs to be spent to entertain Mrs. A and the rest of the money I can keep for my personal use which I did.”


6- And she was elated:

Today Mr. Cooper was very much upset because his wife did not uphold his request of not going to her father’s home despite Mr. Cooper tells her that he has to visit a distant city in connection with his official meeting and nobody is at home to look after the pets.

There was nothing short of quarrelling but Mrs. Cooper had made up her mind to visit her ailing

father and did not pay any heed to the request of Mr. Cooper and left home for her father’s home.

Mr. Cooper completed his routine office work in a hurry, called coffee and then went to the sports room. Mr. Cooper was a well-known darts player and whenever he found time from his office work, he used to engage himself in a darts game either with his friends or alone. Today he also tried hands with the game in a different style. Instead of a circle on board he pasted the photo of his wife on the board in anguish and started throwing the darts on the photo just to relax himself but none of his dart was on the spot.

All the darts he threw missed the target. Meanwhile his mobile rang.

He picked the phone and saw that it was a call from his wife.

Yes, Mr. Cooper said roughly. Mrs. Cooper lovingly cooed ‘what are you doing darling?’

Missing you, was the short answer from

Mr. Cooper.

And Mrs. Cooper was elated.


7- And she wept:

For long I am seeing that you are avoiding me as if I am a lioness and will chew you if you talk to me. Mr. John once you see me with the meaning, you will find that I am no less beautiful than Cleopatra.

You will find that all of the staff of this office is eager to talk to me once only and you are neglecting me like anything. I know that I am senior to you but believe me that I am definitely younger than you.

Do you know why I am behaving adamantly with my colleagues? This is only because if I behave liberally each one of them will deem me his own property.

See, I am feeling insulted with your dull behaviour Mr. John.

No, no I will not listen to you. Tomorrow you are visiting my residence well before ten o'clock and we both are taking lunch together.

Believe me I cook more qualitative food than my beauty.

O god! I can’t believe my luck. So Mr. John, ultimately you have accepted my invitation. You can't imagine how glad I am to see you at my residence. I was not hoping that you would accept my invitation.

Come, come. Let us sit on the sofa. Uf! Mr. John, why are you so shy?

Come on, let us talk about our family and future.

How stupid I am. I haven’t asked you anything about your eating habits. What will you like to take? Something hot or cold?

At what time do you usually take lunch?

OK, I will arrange some light refreshment for the time being.

O shit! I forgot to ask you what drink you like. No, no please do not hesitate. Of Course, whisky is also available in the bar room.

You may know that Mr. Robin, my husband, is fond of partying regularly and therefore all short of liquor he is always having at home.

Mr. John! Don’t underestimate me, I am Mrs. Robin and I know well how to serve the near and dear ones. Though I seldom use liquor but never more than two pegs. Since you are visiting my house for the first time and Mr. Robin is not at home, I have to give company to you. Please leave the sofa as we will have to go

inside the bar room to have some drinks.

You are a male that’s why you are asking me not to weep, but tell me, was it a nice thing which has happened between us right now? Tell me if Mr. Robin does the same thing with any other lady, would I be able to tolerate it? I have betrayed Robin.

I know that you have taken a large amount of liquor but I would have avoided this.

I don't have any explanation for this mistake. How will I face Mr. Robin?

Please come and have lunch. No, no please I will not be able to take a single piece.