The reunion of Alok and Nisha-Part 23 in English Love Stories by Nithyashree V books and stories PDF | The reunion of Alok and Nisha-Part 23

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The reunion of Alok and Nisha-Part 23

"Dr.Alok!", exclaimed Nisha, as she read out the same in white font over the light blue screen of her mobile. She took the phone and grinned at her family. "Mom! I cannot believe that it's my guy. He has never called me late...not even during our college!....", commented she, blushing at her mother. "That's because you are lovers now!!!", clarified Alok beta, smiling at her. She received his call and ran, pushing the reddish pink curtains behind her as she chuckled along.

"Oh!", cheered Raftaar as Nisha locked herself in the bedroom. "Aunty, look at your daughter", added he. He faced Sandhya and Alok beta, observing, "She forgot all of us after her Alok saar entered her heart." "Exactly! No vacancy for any of us!", acknowledged Sandhya, nodding along. Alok beta shrugged at them. He concluded, "Uncle, naani, come on! Mamma and Alok sir are finally together. What more do we need? Let's party over their happiness and our relief!" He opened the packet of potato chips and offered them.

As they began hogging, Sandhya smiled and compared, "Alok beta, even Dr.Alok used to love chips back in college. How come you are so similar to your foster-to-be father?" Young Alok chuckled. He put his hands around his granny, looked up, and sighed. "Maybe the two families are destined to be together. Fate often brings in coincidences by putting two similar souls under the same roof. Let's pray for the good!", answered Raftaar. He patted Alok beta, giggling, "Your names match, nature match and see, now even beloveds match! Your beloved mother Nisha is Dr.Alok's beloved lover! It's the plot of the great heavens!"

While the three hugged with tears of happiness, Dr.Alok, with his mobile on his right ear and walking into his house, threw his coat. "Catch it, Ramlal!", ordered he, shouting aloud with a wide grin. He rushed towards the stairs as if he were a young boy holding a bouquet to meet his 4 AM friend! Alok saar blushed as he nodded to himself and ascended. 

May it be a second, a minute, an hour, a day, a week, a month, a year, a couple of years, or even throughout one's life, relishing the most beautiful feeling on Earth-the love, it still matters.
While most couples are almost near the silver jubilee of their wedding anniversary, Alok and Nisha are just about to begin their love life!
Love at any age is love. Why not a middle-aged love story?!

"What are you doing?", yelled Sarla, pointing at the white bowl shattered into pieces on the ground. Alok's coat lay beside the wooden leg of the dining table on whose other side laid pieces of cut mango mounted with powders of red chili. Ramlal caught his ears and bowed. He shrank his eyes at Sarla who folded her hands and sighed. "You ruined sir's dessert. What will I answer him now?....", she went on. Ramlal stood back erect. He interrupted her, "Arey! Stop! I'm sorry...I will help you..."

"Mangoes in vain!", mourned Sarla, continuing, "An hour I spent buying mangoes and preparing the dish...Everything went waste! Life itself is waste!..." 

"But life is love!", intervened Ramlal. He turned Sarla's face to point at Dr.Alok who was then leaning on the balcony's wall upstairs.

"Aloo! Nisha medam!", chuckled Dr.Alok, blushing widely and looking at the chiming tall buildings in the neighborhood. He gazed at the dark sky. While his eyes turned light brown to accompany his weak golden dimples, "Alok saar!", exclaimed Nisha, at a slow pace as she closed her eyes and left her back free to fall backward on her bed. "What are you doing, saar?", asked she. 

"I don't know, medam", replied Alok, as Nisha grabbed her pillow wrapped with a red cover having white grids around the central black sphere housing a circle of yellow and red flowers. She hugged the cushion firmly and rested her head on it. As she massaged the floral designs of the cover, she looked around. Her earrings oscillated along as her eyes looked for any hidden camera in her room. "Hey, naughty boy! When did you climb the pipe and hide a camera in my house?", she enquired, raising her eyebrows and blushing.

"What!", chuckled Dr.Alok. He moved the basket a little away and sat down. He stretched his legs, citing, "Sexy! Medam, when the hero calls the heroine in the night, what will she be doing?"

Nisha sighed. "Of course, one will be dozing in the night unless she is nocturnal." She shook her head, correcting, "No no...I think she will be watching a movie or a thrilling episode of a series. That's more like the modern heroine! Haha!..." Dr.Alok chuckled and extended his palm forward. He shrugged at the brightest star while she completed, "No no nowadays techie women will be coding medical software..."

"Aye! Nisha medam, stop, please...This poor Alok guy will faint otherwise!", said Dr.Alok, at which Nisha laughed. She turned with her back facing the ceiling. "Sexy! All of your guesses are wrong."

"Oh!", said Nisha, scratching her head. "Heroine will be lying on the bed and romancing with the hero over the phone. How come you didn't know this, medam? I thought that I was weak in the matter of love. Looks like I need to teach you romance after lecturing my classes at Rishi University!", he mocked. When he laughed, she smiled and sighed, on the other side of their voice call. She reasoned, "Alok saar, how do you expect me to feel love without you by my side? That's why I couldn't answer it right."

"Hey..chill! I am sorry", said Alok, with tears in his eyes while Nisha too sobbed over the call. "Saar!", she called, looking up and swallowing her tears. "I'm always here, Nisha medam...Go on!", said he, wiping the drop of tear that rolled down his right cheek. "Happy birthday!", she wished, at which he chuckled and shrugged. 

"It's not my birthday today, medam..!", said he, resting his right hand on the balcony's rails. "It's a new relationship- a new journey of our love-its birthday today. My mom said that your birthday is not the day you were welcomed by mother Earth. Instead, it's the day you start spending lovely moments finally with the love of your life. So, happy birthday to us, saar!", Nisha elaborated. "Sexy! Nois concept, medam...Wish you the same, medam! Happy birthday, Nisha medam!", said Alok.

"Hmmmmmmmm!", continued Alok, shouting a long and loud sigh at the receiver, as his lips widened further and further. "Aww! I love this long sigh of yours, saar. It's so damn cute!", complimented Nisha, sitting on the bed and looking at herself in the dressing mirror opposite. She leaned back on her cot's backrest. "Saar!", she called, at which he repeated, "Yes, medam! I'm here by my love's side...Speak your heart out to this heart of yours!"

She laughed, commenting, "Someone is getting filmy!" They burst out a round or two of laughter, in chorus. She recollected and highlighted, "Saar, this sigh of yours...I dunno why but I love it very much...It sounds so cute. You used to do this during college too, remember?...." He purposely sighed even louder at his phone's screen. She chuckled, bringing her mobile even closer to her left ear. She blushed, as he went on and on without a pause. "Saar, enough!", said she, laughing along. He increased his pitch further at which she shook her head and rested her hand on the stomach. "Stop! It's getting funny now...You sound like a fire alarm!", teased she.

"Sexy! My girlfriend is a weird witch", he said, smiling to himself, at which she shrank her eyes and coughed back. While she remained silent for the next two seconds, he managed, "No no medam, I meant...".

"Do witches fall in love? ", she questioned. He shook his head and caught his ear while she pointed at herself in the mirror. "Do I look like someone flying on the brooms? Urgh!", argued she, smiling secretly. She placed her finger on the lip and shook it. "Let him suffer in love...Shoo!", she thought. "Medam, sorry, sorryyyyyy!", he squealed. She took her phone away and chuckled.

On the other hand, Sarla and Ramlal blushed to hear Alok's long sighs, downstairs. They picked up the mango pieces together, from below the table. "Oh my goodness! I didn't know that our professor boss would go so romantic in love", commented Sarla. "Ouch!", she cried, as her head dashed Ramlal's. They laughed at each other as they crossed the frontiers of the side stretcher. 

"Lovers are so powerful, right?", asked Ramlal, rubbing her head. She nodded, supporting, "Miserable worlds around us too magically turn happy." Ramlal concluded, "Love is no less than a miracle." They smiled at Dr.Alok emerging outside his balcony. He was busy letting his fingers on the wooden rails on the corridor.

"Hmmmmm!", sighed Nisha, in an attempt to mimic Alok. "You too do it well, medam!", Alok encouraged her. They chuckled together. "So, you faked that you were yet living with Payal? Good that she left you." She moved her hand hither and thither in an inclined fashion as if she were in the midst of a desert where she closed her eyes halfway, driving the flying dust. She completed, "I would have kicked her out otherwise!"

"I should have ditched the donkey long ago. How can a human love a donkey? I pity myself for my wrong decisions...", opined he.

"Saar, let it go. Let's not talk about devils at late night. I am damn scared!", she interrupted him. "Ooo! Shall I come there, medam? Don't worry I will protect you from vampires....", comforted he. "Eyyy, sexy saar! I won't get trapped in your arms that soon!", she blushed, teasing him, as he threw a mild burst of laughter along. 

"By the way, I need to tell you something, saar", dragged Nisha. "What happened, medam? What's the matter?", Alok enquired.

What does Nisha have in store for Dr.Alok?

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