ONE DAY AS A HERO in English Thriller by JAI SURYA books and stories PDF | ONE DAY AS A HERO

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A man was searching a job for to run his family. But he didn't get any job in his native. So he decides to search for jobs in other states. So from goa, he gets a call sheet that he is appointed in their company. So with
the fulfillment of happiness, he went to goa. he was appointed and he was happy. He was also talking to his wife daily and sending his monthly salary to her. They had a son whose name was Madan he completed his hacking course and joined the Indian cyber crime department as a senior hacker. After 3 years there were no phone calls and monthly salary from his father. So, they gave a complaint to the police station. But after 2 months the police told them that his father passed away due to a heart attack and they closed the case.
But his son had a big doubt ❓. So my father passed away. So where is the dead body of my father? Police told me that your father's carcass has been missing so we are searching for it. So, he was having many mysteries about his father. So he started to search for his father. So first he went to goa and searched for his father's company but he had big shocked that there was no company like. So now he gets help from a deductive who likes mystery and thrilling cases. So now both are searching for his father. Now deductive asked Madan to investigate his mother. So they both went home to investigate. Deductive asked many questions about his father to his mother. She also answered the questions. Deductive asked what was the company name to his mother. she was thinking of it, and suddenly she went to her cupboard and took a form and gave it to the deductive. In that form, it was written that "SED company" so now the deductive and Madan went to goa again and searched for that company in this name. suddenly Madan told me that I also came to goa in search of this company but I don't its name. So deductive told ok. When they asked a famous gangster in goa. He told me that there is no company in this name but there is a group named in this name that I too worked for that group for 2 years. I know all about that group. This gangster is the friend of the deductive. Once deductive helped this gangster. Gangsters told that is a big unit it has 2 types of safety 1) many gangsters are there to protect the leaders 2) it's also protected by veggors who eat the body of humans.This gang is for human trafficking which means it kidnaps humans for various reasons 1) they use them as a slave 2) they sell human organs 3) they use people for drug shifting 4) even after their death the dead bodies are given to veggors. And some dead bodies are used to produce current yeah, our body contains 9 multiple 10 power 16 joules. They cut the human body and put it into a machine and convert it into power and they save it.

Madan believed that his father has been kidnapped.
The gangster told me this gang unit is in Kolkata.
So I and Madan moved to Kolkata.

We went to that place but it's protected by many gangsters with some weapons in their hands.
Madan told me that he doesn't like fighting and he doesn't like violence. So I went into that foyer with a timer bomb and I just fixed it in the entrance of the foyer and I just moved off. We thought being here will cause a problem for us. so we moved and there was a big sound in that place thousands of gangsters died. And this information went to the leaders so they appointed a meeting with veggors. And that meeting was just warning everyone to be alert for Everything. But deductive took madan to a place near that foyer. Where it's written dead body's cottage. madan asked why we came here deductive told everything for a reason and he took me to cabin number 34 he popped that cabin there was a head madan started crying 😭 and it was his father's head.Madan asked where is the body deductive replied with a sad tone it was given to veggors for their meal. Madan told me that police told me that your father died. but it was yards ago they stayed me. deductive told that no your father has now only died in a heart attack just a month ago. Madan asked did my father was kidnapped deductive replied that no. your father was working in the accounts department for the SED unit. Only the officer's head will be preserved for a month but their body will be given to the veggors. Deductive told me I was broken. I and the deductive went to that meeting place where the veggors are on the down floor of a room and the veggors leader and SED unit administrators are in the top room. Detective told me to stay out and he went to search for away to reach the top floor. But the pain did not want me to sit down. So I went inside all the veggors looked at me and one veggor ran towards me I catch it tightly and cut off the head of that veggor with my axe. And I fought with them and my target was not killing just to cut all of their head Madan killed everyone and the leader of the veggors came madan cut off his head. He cut his head into two and he sat on the staircase with his Axe. After hearing the sound deductive came and he saw only the body lying down there was no head and he saw madan setting on the staircase with an axe near his leg he saw many heads laid down. And both went to the top floor and saw 6 of them wearing a mask and setting in chairs. And they both fight against them there was a shock for them. 6 of the leaders were girls. but madan killed everyone by cutting their head.

There was a phone to the deductive and a voice spoke in the name of the boss.
Told that you have started it I will end it.!

They reached the place of the boss and met him he was surprised that how they found my place. U know me but you don't know
him madan senior cyber crime officer. After your phone madan tracked your location and broke your security and found your place. Bye. deductive told after he told bye. madan shot him in the forehead.

After everything, deductive told I will describe madan as one day as a hero.

Madan told yes my father made me a hero for a day. Now I am happy sir,
Thanks for your help.

Detective told me ok.
The detective again told that man becomes a hero when he as overcomes his problems.

Now you're a ONE DAY AS A HERO.!

Written by S.B Jaisurya.