Mother and Old Woman in English Classic Stories by JUGAL KISHORE SHARMA books and stories PDF | Mothe and Old Women

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Mothe and Old Women

Old Women




नास्ति मातृसमा छाया नास्ति मातृसमा गतिः।
नास्ति मातृसमं त्राणं नास्ति मातृसमा प्रपा।।

The interpretation of the nature of the mother is the eternal step of the everlasting living being from eternity; it is amazing, true, eternal, and eternal, even after living beyond unbridled expansion on thinking on intense thoughts! In every time, country and time situation, in the walls of different languages ​​or even beyond the inexplicable shared heritage has been contemplated and written, perhaps it is the feelings and sometimes the heart is the heart. Let the flame also awaken in the depths of those who have tried to live by engraved on the papers. The painter has made it by reaching millions of permanent efforts in his own way, and the relationship is worshiped by the devotees. But mother is mother. The important thing is that whoever has tried to understand the way in which its nature has always been reflected in his thoughts, has been seen, there is probably a similar anecdote, it is common.

         I have tried to write it in my own way which is unfinished, perhaps you all feel it by connecting with your childhood, you will like it and will also affect your thinking, the matter is something like this and some old too-----------.


आदाय मांसमखिलं स्तनवर्जमंगे
मां मुञ्च वागुरिक याहि कुरु प्रसादम्।
अद्यापि शष्पकवलग्रहणानभिज्ञः
मद्वर्त्मचञ्चलदृशः शिशवो मदीयाः।।


In childhood, when we run from the streets to the school and come back in the same way, it is a small mischief, the sight of the rhythm of the school billowing steps while going on foot for fun was common. But if you leave school, then you hit the stones with each other, then even the dogs are not well, where they got the same direct target, the girls were directly attacked as soon as they reached the school in the morning and returned home with the same discipline in the afternoon. But some such father becomes angry after becoming hummus, then he gets a needle in mother's hand, stitches broken buttons or torn half-paints or gets the clothes washed immediately. There has never been a decrease in the continuity of the mother, always fresh food in winter, summer, rain. Tiffen has made its own calculations on the return, fed it with the same right, today to feed the children, that too at home and in the world's biggest crisis in the day. So it comes three times. But Mamta is also a great detachment and austerity, which is threaded only by spontaneous extraterrestrial vitality. Continuous but alive, life-long feeling of decoration on every other level, immediately fresh afternoon, that is, why it is often the case in life that if you know everything but where you can not go, then it is not written at all. Is this included in his duty or is our birth right? ………… But the schedule must have made the mother, or the mother is following the schedule, or the blessing of the above permanently! Is that also without fluff? Overall, the mind never even woken up, even the confidence of feeling woke up, what a beautiful salvate was found in general, hardly found and was hidden in the lap.

Home from school was only more than two kilometers, about half an hour in return, but often reached the school on time, the last sound of the bell is always taking us only four to six steps in school, sometimes we are out and sometimes it After, but we return to our own will, Khurdiya, we spend more time going home. Five six back and forth classmates, government school mates, some of strong stature and some of my close friends who stayed on a lean pedestal, leaving a lane in the middle of the road, a big house of old lady, in which there is a big enmity adjacent to the wall inside the house. I did not know when I was seen in the bush or shared among friends, but berry did not swim well and took it in the routine. In the afternoon, everything used to be such a house in the middle, our eyes were on his feet, which, at least in a year, whatever, hate is definitely, the light of the gate, the gait, the sound of the wall and the power of the ears. There was a rush on the sound, the old mother used to try that whatever plum is scattered on the side of the road inside the house or outside the wall, I should not give it to anyone, I should try to eat it. Let the children run away, we sisters, brothers and companions continued to harass him in this way till the fourth, fifth and sixth grade, and as soon as he got the opportunity, in the afternoon, for half an hour and 15 minutes, definitely looked at the tree of hatred, this also lasted for about three years. Mai, no matter how many 20 steps she comes, more than twenty, one has to choose hatred, whether this or that or this from the wall; All this is strange and wonderful, it is, no matter what level one has to go to, slowly pelting stones from other bushes and some will make noise in the street if they fall. Even a dense bush sometimes catches the stone inside itself, it also holds it, so the next time the stone moves, it may come back on itself. Some falling inside the house would come towards us, picking up the falling and the bag was picked up very quickly. Whatever was found in the beat, whatever was found in it, put it in the clothes with mud-stained hands, often in this messy mess, the dress would be bad, dirty, but it was common to break, break the button,

But by taking the same dress and pockets full of bulges in it, many times the shoes get crumpled while running, many times the shoes get out of big victory and honey taste, continued that for a long time we also tried to ask the house owner There should be reconciliation, but she used to understand that the mother is the mother, now we understand why she used to stop us from doing this, did not let the stone die. Sooner or later the cleaning of reaching the physique of a straw alone is this entire yaksha question, now it is natural to anger at the devil's mark of the children on the responsibility of the father. Artifacts engraved in a random drawing room, perhaps only a child of two or three years old can tell what is the meaning and also the reason for these satanic problems for me. But there is a difference between today and tomorrow also, what is the difference? Maybe my mother had vowed to make me worthy that my son will become a doctor, my name will be illuminated, my life will also be saved.

  Mother got the shoes fixed every day and sometimes the needle thread stitching in the clothes remained with her. Every one that too neatly, the food, the dress, the books, the books, the workmanship, everything is wonderful, even for me, but all that is remembered now, what is the use, not the slightest bit of torn that ten hands to bring the new ready, without the need to bring the item For, but perhaps for the child, Hanuman was given a garland of Mother Sita, who could only break it with stones and find only the name of Rama. But on the question of its time, at that time, there was no concern about the enthusiasm and vitality of life in the eyes or the amount of appearances, possibly nothing more than the very limited availability of resources to choose all. That barry is also amazing. Even if stones were thrown, many times they used to get stuck inside it, then in the afternoon the bird would fly and listen to some modern music. Sometimes the neighbor or the neighbor also kept on talking, if someone comes out from here, then he should not fall down Don't know when it might fall on you and still the thorns used to be stuck in the feet in the hands, but the berry is very tasty and those who forcefully meet in such afternoon fights and mischief. It's all over by the time you reach home - that's the best part of the world, which got itself through so-called hard work. It is believed that whether there was such an understanding or not, it is just the stagnation of the mind and the disorientation. But there was never any love. Mother never interrupted, but where did the old mother leave behind: One day she had come home to reprimand! I am quietly engaged in my studies like a very clever cot, but waiting for the answer of my mother's voice like a gun. Well mother listened to the whole thing with ease, only this I bring you tea, bring a glass of water, then tea, the way the old lady came to slam her feet, but in return only calm, sure and very comfortable become my mother Came out Mother persuaded him a lot, my understanding woke up, sometimes life is simple, simple and conduct is like a banyan tree, it definitely takes a century to become a sprout and a shady shelter, persuaded him that four six thoughtless He also assured to keep the children away and to explain to me and to watch continuously. But I came to know that the mother has finally convinced the old ladies for me. Maybe it is part of mother's nature or mother's motherhood in a little old age. Well, it doesn't matter to me that he has found our house. We are four children, who are the most badass of all. This raga always felt that while knowing that he had gone one and a half kilometers away from us, how did he know. While we too the lion was roaming around the house. So she got acquainted with my mother and saw her for about 10-15 days. She used to find dolls sitting near my mother and was complaining, mother is mother, mother said brother, now there are children, you will stop this. If you take it, you are going along with it. The matter has been turned around and you don't even pay attention to them and why should they be the matter, but he had to say that the thorns and leaves of the trees that I throw stones at these bushes are scattered throughout the house, so I stay alone, I am older. If there is a problem, I am not the only one, I will bring berry to you and give it to you, but minimize all this fuss. Throwing stones quickly, it is not possible to collect everything in a short time. But where did the child become accessible to the child, but at the old age rate, in fifteen to twenty days, the mother would definitely reach a bowl of hatred, perhaps the friendship with the mother happened. Don't throw stones, I have a big problem in cleaning. To say that child's mind is fickle; Well my tune is just for fun. Dil Ki Jaane Phul, your time is gone.

                Very strange on the cycle of time, the mother's passion in life came in handy, constant meditation in studies, and the concern of the king's son made him get MBBS done.

                The address was told, I also read and wrote to a doctor in the same city near the same Mai's house in the government hospital. One day the wood was in my hand, and the old woman who came there was ill. So I recognized them, I told them how the mother's health is dependent on the people of the neighborhood. I live alone, children sometimes come and go away, this big house is the memory of life in it. There are many stories in it. Perhaps the contemplation of the mind has simply been depicted, 15 years is not even a long time. When things shake the mind, then like HD TV, the exact scene comes to the eyes. Land is property, it is the reason for the biggest suffering in the world. Just get the message done. Now I said in front of everyone that in my childhood, I used to use stones in their house, used to break hatred, she ran to kill me, used to run after complaining to my mother also, many times I have also brought sweet plums at home. But if we never come out of our habits, then the actions of the children In that we have committed miscreants from the Himalayas itself. Now if we look back at that point of life, it seems very funny to look at what was the era, it was good, bad, okay sir, told Mata ji that whenever you are in trouble and any health related ever If you are ill, inform me, I will see you coming and going. But now it has become a routine for ten to fifteen days that I definitely have to go, which is a favor.

At that time, the mother said in the same way that the elders should not be harassed, nor should they hurt their hearts. Their mind cries, their mind is also abused. Well understood half-incompletely, the way of learning slowly, when the train went on the track of seriousness of life, then all the bad feelings, lack of good feelings, work behavior, the satisfaction got settled in the mind. Perhaps the mother never lacked, in the absence of values, she was elated, taught a lot, she never even showed up in books.

मातृपितृकृताभ्यासो गुणितामेति बालकः।
न गर्भच्युतिमात्रेण पुत्रो भवति पण्डितः।।

Whenever he got a chance, the humble wife, children and mother, along with the old mother, took everyone to the house with them, went alone, saw the mother lying in the cot, two or four people were sitting in the neighborhood, they felt that the doctor was here. They also came for some seating arrangement for me that I saw that the old lady of about a year would not be there any more, told her many things about the arrangement of tea and water, she used to throw stones in this way, even today the stones will be stuck in the bushes. I also gave medicine to the people in my eyes and explained some of them to the people around me. At that time it used to tell me, now it is their car and now this old tree may never fall, but I always have to make complete arrangements for medicine and treatment on it. Got admitted to PG and I had to leave the hospital to study. Another unknown city studied for twenty-four hours and stayed in the hospital. Duty Routine in a Machine-Mechanized Life.

सर्वतीर्थमयी माता सर्वदेवमयः पिता
मातरं पितरं तस्मात् सर्वयत्नेन पूजयेत्।


                Trying to keep the eyes calm, but whose emphasis is on the mind, it is difficult to lift the cup on the mind of drinking tea, only the message on the mobile has become a news message from the house. The same strong hand on the stone of childhood, what power should you throw with fun, or do not have the courage to close the book, tea today seemed to be the enemy in everyone, the mobile stopped there, maybe the screen has become off. Sorry, the message was not managed, it was printed on the mind and while searching for the innocent, the mind was filled with tears, breaking the circle of the glasses, there was darkness only seeing it without feeling............. ……….


न धावति जनाकीर्ण नारण्यमुपशान्तधीः ।

यथा तथा यत्र तत्र सम एवावतिष्ठते ॥

कधर्मःकच वा कामः क चार्थः क विवेकिता।

कद्वैतंक च वाद्वैतं खमहिनि स्थितस्य मे॥ 


Jugal kishore Sharma  Bikaner  334001