Pulchritudinous - The Arrogant lady - 1 in English Women Focused by S Sinha books and stories PDF | Pulchritudinous - The Arrogant lady - 1

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Pulchritudinous - The Arrogant lady - 1

Part 1

( A beautiful girl Rekha  is too proud and arrogant. She thinks she can win anybody just because of  her beauty. )

Ramlal was running a share trading business in the city. He had his own company with a handful of employees or better to say brokers. He was a renowned person in his profession. Those people who wanted to invest in stocks used to consult him and usually were benefited. Ramlal himself was addicted to investments in stocks and he never hesitated in selling one or other properties to buy stocks he found beneficial. Besides, he possessed a good personality and was quite handsome too.

Ramlal had his lone child Rekha. Rekha too was one of the  extremely beautiful girls in the city and had recently won Miss Town contest. Rekha had just joined the City college. She was known for her beauty since high school itself  dozens of boys were her fans. But she rarely answered boys' gestures or comments. She was too proud of her beauty and brushed off friendships of boys who were poor or had  ugly and had ordinary looks. She liked the company of only a couple of handsome and rich boys with whom she used to chat in the college cafeteria. Rekha used to spend hundreds of Rupees daily on her cosmetics to further reinforce her look and beauty.

Rekha was not good in studies, she somehow managed to get just passing marks. There was a boy in her class named Rohit. Rohit had a black complexion and few smallpox scars on his face. Sometimes some of her friends suggested to take help from Rohit to improve her marks. Rohit was a very simple boy from an ordinary middle class family. He was truly a real gentleman, always ready to help others to his best. But Rekha bluntly said “ How can you think I will go to Kalia for help. Impossible, he looks like a beast.”  Rohit was also aware of Rekha’s view towards him but he laughed and  seemed to ignore. But the truth was that he too was not untouched with Rekha’s beauty and liked to watch her sometimes. At the same time he was well aware of her arrogance so he thought it’s better to keep distance from her than to be insulted.

Sumeet was another rich and smart boy in her class. Both were attracted to each other. Soon  they fell in love too. She used to accompany him on long drives and going to costly restaurants with him. Both were thinking of getting married after graduation. Parents of both Rekha and Sumeet were not against their marriage.

Rohit’s dad was an honest  government officer. Rohit’s look and complexion were similar to his father. But Rohit was in possession of a sweet voice, perfect for being a good playback singer. He was learning vocals from a renowned music teacher in the city. He used to perform at college functions and sometimes also in other programmes organized in the city on some festive eves. Besides that Rohit used to write his own poems and sing them occasionally.  On the other hand Rekha had a hoarse voice and sometimes she used to stammer at a particular letter. But her richness and beauty used to overweigh  her weakness. Rekha had practically no acting or singing skills but she managed to bag  some roles on the basis of her beauty and money power. On one of the occasions she was asked to perform with Rohit. She bluntly refused saying “ How can you put a bud in a crow's beak or beauty and the beast pitched together. “

Rohit came to know about it. He was hurt to hear but then laughed at her mean thoughts and said to himself - time will teach her a lesson and her Karma will follow her.

Rekha used to tell her friends that she would marry only a rich and handsome guy. Her man should l be like a prince and after marriage with her prince she would rule the town like a queen. But she was unaware of her destiny. There is a well known saying - man proposes and God disposes. And this was going to happen with Rekha and her family too. Rekha was in her final year of graduation. The world was facing economic problems and there was a global meltdown. In such a global slowdown period the entire stock market turned from bull to bear. Rekha’s father too was severely affected. His dreams were shattered and his empire and successful business vanished in a short time.He could not foresee the coming bear market and  suffered a huge unbearable loss in the stock market. Practically he lost all of his immoveable assets and liquid cash. Fortunately he had some savings and a small house left with him.

Rekha’s glory also started fading away. Her complexion and beauty did not matter much now. Her boyfriend Sumeet also started ignoring her. Her richness and extravaganja gone, Rekha’s beauty alone was not enough to attract Sumeet anymore.They had a breakup. On the other hand  it was not only difficult but rather impossible for her father to find a prince of her dreams for marriage. Somehow he managed to marry her daughter with an ordinary boy Prem. She could not even complete her graduation. Prem was by no means anywhere near to the Prince of her thoughts. He was a graduate with flying colours but failed to find any good job. He was an ordinary driver in a company. Prem  was in danger of losing even that job any time due to prevailing slodown. Misfortune did not stop there. Rekha’s dad fell sick. He had hypertension due to the bad times he was facing. One day he suddenly died of a massive heart attack. Now Rekha was facing a bitter experience of life. Those rosy dreams had already vanished.

In the meantime Prem was laid off by the company due to ongoing slowdown. But Rekha was not prepared to accept her loss and still was hoping to win some place in the slow economy on the basis of her beauty. She was ready to compromise and encash her beauty and was waiting for an opportunity to grab. Prem soon found another job in another company. He was the personal driver of Rohit.Due to Prem's loyalty and sincerity Rohit trusted him much and treated him like his personal assistant also. Rekha was unaware of the fact that her husband was Rohit’s driver. By this time Rohit had already established himself as a  playback singer, lyricist and story writer. Besides he had his own company and frequently used to launch his own albums. His albums were equally popular and were always in the list of hits in the country. Rohit had everything now - wealth and glory of a successful man but still he was too sober and always ready to help needy ones as far as possible.

One day Rekha was waiting for a bus at a bus stand. She saw her ex boyfriend Sumeet going in an open  car with a beautiful girl. As he  came nearer to her he slowed down his car and Rekha thought she was getting lift. But Sumeet simply waved his one hand and raced away. She felt deeply insulted. She was furious also and now she was more determined to exploit her beauty. She felt after all this beauty will also fade away and I must exploit it now for gains.

Within the next few days Rekha saw Prem driving a car and Rohit sitting in the rear seat. When Prem was back at home at night she asked “ I saw you driving Rohit’s car today.”

“ Yes I am his driver.”  Prem said

“ I want to see him soon. You have to help my meeting with Prem. “

“ But why ? Do you know him ?  “

“ Prem, Rohit is my  classmate. “

“ He might have many classmates, why should you meet them or should he meet you. “

“ Don’t just argue. Take me to him and you will see how he would be ready to meet me.”

“ But why are you insisting on meeting with him? He is too busy a man and does not like to meet everybody. “


