AFTER YOU, COME THOU - 33 in English Fiction Stories by Mario Jose books and stories PDF | AFTER YOU, COME THOU - 33

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Balou had nothing but to swallow his pride and go with Antonio Péccora to the refugee of Villa de Leyva, where both sneaked in. ‘What for? Perhaps Antonio Péccora had gone crazy?’Balou wondered to himself. The Caltanissetta-born mafioso had given his word of honor to the M.O.S.S.A.D., the ‘Sicilian Mafia-friendly’ Israeli secret service, about taking charge of the repatriation of Yezid´s corpse to his native country. Undetected by Colombian aeronautical authorities, on April 2nd of two thousand eighteen a flight took off from the jungle in southern-east Colombia and landed in Tel-a-Viv twenty hours later. Two passengers joined the trip: Antonio Péccora and the coffin with the undercover Hebrew agent inside. Reuven Rivlin, Israel´s first minister, received Antonio Péccora at a secondary (and rarely used) airport with the honors befitting a head of state. René Sargón stayed in Colombia nevertheless: ‘I would have loved to be part of the crew’he said to the Sicilian in regret before boarding.     

Until the present day, Marina Cuéllar is desperately trying to locate the whereabouts of her missing uncle Haroldo, achieving no tangible results so far.

The video of Valentina Sargon collapsed in Ian Sommerhalder´s arms has been a sensation and rapidly went viral in social networks: Valentina´s Instagram followers shot from eighteen thousand up to one hundred and twenty thousand in a jiffy. Show business experts went so far as to claim that the joint interview given by the Colombian model and the American actor to TV Caracol in order to clear up the facts, has been a decisive factor in her being chosen to represent the province of Alazán, capital Nugaró, in the national beauty contest that took place in Cartagena de Indias on November eleventh two thousand eighteen, where she was awarded with the third place as first princess out of twenty-three eligible candidates.  

Although the showbiz believed to have gotten to the bottom, they overlooked a detail: far before the video went viral, Venancio Pombo had already submitted the application for the participation of Valentina in the beauty contest. On the other hand, the TV Caracol joint interview unintentionally contributed to Ian Sommerhalder saving his neck, for the American actor was at the edge of divorce after his wife Nikki watched the popular video.  

On April thirteenth two thousand eighteen, which is Adolfo Sammartino´s fiftieth anniversary of birth, the library of Nugaró received a shipment containing forty copies of ‘Universal Travelling Assistant’ plus an audiobook for the visually impaired reader who enjoyed scandals.  After sending invitations to avid readers of the library and getting sufficient confirmations of attendance from them, Marvi Esperanza hosted the literary event and launched the book in the absence of the author, having a remarkable success in sales. Funds were raised for the Animal Welfare Association of Nugaró. Even though she was reluctant at first, Valentina Sargón Gutiérrez agreed on Marvi Esperanza´s request and introduced the absent Argentine writer to the audience, giving prominence to his blessed madness and worldwide highly-considered moral qualities. Standing before the public being well aware she would tell them the first white lie in her life, Valentina devoted to praise the plot and first-class level of Universal Travelling Assistant. Simultaneous to the literary event, the Loser Titan was elsewhere, getting to the finish line of the 34th Wizz Budapest half-marathon, the sport phase of his tribute to Valentina, recording a time of one hour and fifty-four minutes in 21K.    

The Loser Titan never cashed those five hundred euros Houdet had promised him to pay within a fortnight. The Argentine family of Adolfo Sammartino maintains that the size of the uncollected debt of fees had triggered his crisis and further mental disorder, deriving in his missing status. An intensive search of Balou is still being conducted by the S.I.D.E. (the Argentine secret agency) in collaboration with the sure-fire winner Titan, under the assistance of Interpol and the CIA. Unless someone decides to contact the Sicilian Mafia, the search will prove to be fruitless. The D.N.I., the M.O.S.S.A.D. and the Sargón family have kept themselves out of the search.     

As he was standing in front of the temple of Hathor in Dendera, Balou heard a sound coming from the aisle, his ears were bathed by the soft melody. And suddenly he recalled Neftis two thousand and seven hundred years ago, playing Happy Way on the sistrum for her husband Set, during the funeral of Amenofis, her father-in-law.