Target - 1 in English Thriller by Veena books and stories PDF | Target - 1

The Author
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Target - 1

Content of the story

Chapter One_ _ _ _ _ Introduction of Hero

Chapter Two_ _ _ _ _ The Heroine

Chapter Three_ _ _ _ Assumption & Truth

Chapter Four_ _ _ _ _ Targeted

(Note : Use of strong and abusive language. Killing and murder ahead.)


Chapter One : Introduction of Hero 

Where does a story start from? 

With the entry of the HERO. Yeah it must start from there but in our story it starts with villain.

At night, when a tanker full of electrical gadgets was going on the highway got abandoned between his way. The thief who stole that shipment was so happy, they opened the back door of the truck between their victory celebration. That was the moment he was waiting. The shower of bullet's started. Ashit Bakshi, a well-known businessman from Kolkata stepped out from that truck.

" Robindro, make sure that they are still alive so I can fetch my money from them." He instructed his loyal secretary who was standing behind him. 

Let's meet the villain of the story who is our hero co-incidentally.

Ashit Bakshi, businessman cum Drug lord of India resides in Kolkata city.

No one knows about his origin, but they have seen his rise. An orphan who rises from the soil of Kolkata. He started his business on a small scale. He used to sell drugs in the local market, regular fights, Alcohol and girls are local habits. But in some years he owns his hotel in the same city. It started from a single hotel in Kolkata to the chain he built all over India. In today's condition, he will own India in some time. How? Because he is interacting with drug sales outside India now. In his hardworking journey he met his loyal subordinates. 

Robindro Mukherjee, his secretary and most trusted man in the circle. Robindro is serving Ashit from the start of his journey.

Meet Karan, his Security Head. Karan is also attached to them from the start.  

Sunny Deb is the other partner and second half of the circle. Ashit is a serious and introvert kind of man, Sunny is the one who is the actual light of his life. Sunny is also an orphan who followed Ashit and became his partner in crime.

So these four people were standing in the truck with their man behind them. 

From the last 15 days two trucks of Ashit's electronic company had missed or we can say abducted from his way. Misplacing an entire truck with an electronic item full of pure cocaine is definitely a big deal. So Ashit pay's his special attention to it. Small thieves wouldn't repeat the same thing in 15 days, which means whoever took that truck is a big clan, not only some individuals. Even if they are from small clan, Ashit have to teach them lesson so other will never dare to try stealing what is his.

Sunny jumped out of the truck, " Debo......" He greeted the man who was kneeling in front of them as Karan forced him to do, pointing a gun on his head. 

Ashit stepped out of the truck, " I heard you divorced your wife because she told you about our affair in the past. Although I can't call it an affair as it was just for one night only." 

" You bastard." Debojeet said, still kneeling. Debojeet Rai, Ashit’s competitor from other clan. He always tried to pass Ashit, but never succeeded in his plan. After six month of successful marriage he throw his wife away a week ago. The news like this travelled very fast in mafia world.

Karan hit his head by back off his gun. " Mind your language in front of boss." He grunted in anger.

A wicked smirk took place on Ashit's face. " You really want to get me back by doing this."

" Yeah brother, the bastard did his wrong move in the right way. Hahahaha." Sunny's evil laugh coloured the atmosphere.

" Do you know your punishment?" Ashit knelt near Debo and showed his favourite semi-automatic gun in front. 

" I really loved her, Ashit. But even stole my love." Debo grinded his teeth.

" Hey bro, my man sent me this." Sunny came forward holding a tablet with a whats app message. It was the body of a woman, in her wedding gown fully coloured with blood and even half degraded. Means she must be died before 10 to 15 days.

" So you kill her. Good. But trust me your way is very brutal. I will send you to meet your lover easily." Ashit said while caressing his semi-automatic.

" Don't you have little emotion for a person who shares her bed with you? That also just before her marriage? You bastard." Debojeet barked on high pitch. 

Karan yanks his hair toward the back side. " Didn't I warn you to behave in front of boss ?" 

On Ashit's sign he let go of his hair, " Didn’t it hurt to kill the person you love? She even marries you and promise to share her life with you. Did you have the little emotion for her? You kill her without any feeling. I am a businessman. If you get a heart you have to give yours too. It's a very lossy deal. I would never do such a thing. I am a heartless person. I share a bed with people in return to give them money. No feeling & zero emotion. Do you know why you are kneeling in front of me?" On Ashit's question Debo glared at him. " You sold your heart to an unfaithful person. You even lose a loosey deal." 

" What a great loser we found today." Sunny expresses his sarcasm & others laugh.

" I know what I did. Whatever moment I spent with her was my best moment of life. I don't have any regrets. But I swear to my god that if even for a second I had worshiped him with  my heart, so please grant him a lover."  Debo said, pointing his finger toward Ashit. 

Ashit has no emotion on his face. Just like a stone.

" Fucker you are on your deathbed, still praying for your enemy. Should we give you a Nobel for pure heart before you die." Sunny said while kicking Debo on his face. 

Ashit didn't stop Sunny. " I will pray for him no matter what happens with me today. He will receive more pain than me. Love is the purest touch a person does to your heart. That very person who will touch it would take it out from your....." 

" Bammmm" Ashit raised his gun and directly made a hole in Debo's heart. " He talks too much. We have things to do." He signs Sunny and Robindro to follow him while Karan will do checking and disposing work for the murder. The group of well dressed and handsome man walked away from the crime scene like nothing has happened.