May be we are just meant to be - 1 in English Love Stories by Nandini books and stories PDF | May be we are just meant to be - 1

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May be we are just meant to be - 1

Nandini Kulkarni

Episode 1: That’s how we met

These story revolves around two person name Ethane and Christy. Both of them living in same city in Colorado in Denver state of USA. They both were living in same neighbourhood. Christy is a simple girl who lives with her dad Johnson who is a police officer in that city. from past two years they both were living in Colorado. Christy is a simple university student. Christy and her dad both are happy in their life.

Ethane is a smart boy who loves to play football and the main player of his university football team. He lives with his mom and dad with next neighbourhood to Christy. Both of them happy in their life but still unknown about each other. Even both of them are in same university and in same year but in different class. They both are just busy in their life.

One day, coincidently both were in same bus but busy in their phones and after about twenty minutes later the bus all tyre got puncher. All the passenger in the were confused that happen including ethane and Christy. Later, everyone get off from the bus but Christy was thinking that how can all the tyre of the bus puncher at the same time then she notice that there are screw inside all the tyre which means that it’s a some kind of trap. She then tell everyone about it but no one be live her even ethane was confused about it ; after a few mins later four thief came there with knife for robbery. Bus driver hit two thief with handle and everyone started running away but one thief captured Christy bag and Ethane saved her from that. Later, when they were about to run one thief was going to hit ethane with rod but Christy save him and both manages to escape from that place. They both just arrived near to the university and they thanked each other for the help. And then conversion between the two starts; but wait, here unfortunately some university students saw both of them holding hands and took photos of them without knowing to them and started spreading in the university that they both are dating each other without knowing the actual fact. They both introduce themselves to each other and they got to know that they are studying in same university. And at the end of the conversation they both again thank each other.

All the things sometimes not goes well and here the problem arise from the picture of both of them. Christy enter her classroom and one of her friend ask her that ‘’are you dating the most popular guy of the university’’?. Christy replied’’ are you out of your head what are you talking about ? You know that I don’t be live in dating, love and all that nonsense stuff’’. Her friend replied but “ethane is not a nonsense stuff dear, he is the most good looking, smart and handsome guy.” Then her friend shows the picture of Ethane and Christy holding hands together. And Christy got shocked seeing that picture.

Ethane was getting ready for the football practice and later when he was about to enter the ground one of his friend said him “well ethane the girl is good looking”. but ethane got confused what he is talking. Later other friends of ethane said that well ethane may be if she is good looking but she is the most boring and not a dating type girl. Ethane still is in confusion; then he asked his best friend Mark that what the hell is going on; then his friend shows the picture. He also got shocked.

Both of them knows the actual reality but these nonsense humour just arise the problem for both of them.